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Posts posted by SaviorPeterman

  1. 1 minute ago, Scott7975 said:

    McD was playing 4d chess to purposely draw the game against the Jags.


    I'm still not very high on McD, mostly because he doesn't seem very bright and has made a series of questionable coaching decisions in recent weeks (i.e. going back to TT as the starter, overtime punt against Indy, etc)


    But hard not to embrace 'The Process' now after he got lucky with the Ravens losing and Bills making the playoffs. Hopefully it doesn't get to his head though because this matchup with St. Doug looms LARGE.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mark Vader said:

    I'm still wondering why Savior Back-up hasn't been here doing back flips and hand springs ever since the drought ended.


    For a BIG Bills fan, he sure is very timid and quiet when we win.


    I'm right here Mark. Was out of pocket over the weekend and didn't really have quality internet access to post but luckily watched all the events unfold including 'The Throw' from Andy Dalton.

    Just now, teef said:

    i'd be cautious of this.  your sources have a massive tendency to be wrong.  


    Not really, they are pretty spot on about everything including benching TT for NP even if it didn't pay off at the time..


    Either way this Gaine's job unless he declines.

  3. 1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    Hey Savior...remember saying this?

    Well, we beat the team that you said was a lock for the playoffs.  So why does it matter if it took both games to stopping them after on onside kick?


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    I still think Miami is a lock for a WC will finish 2nd to the Pats in the division which means they'll likely get the #5 seed.


    So essentially the Bills will be competing with a handful of other teams for the final spot, likely the Jets, Raiders, Chargers and Titans/Jags. This is of course assuming the season don't go completely off the rails in the next few week and still think that's very probably given the upcoming schedule against teams on a whole other level compared to the Jets that easily beat this team.


    You're right it doesn't, my point though is it's not like we beat a bunch of playoff teams down the stretch. Also I was right about the Bills struggling after the 5-2 start, they did finish 4-5 in their final 9.


    Miami certainly disappointed this season after many experts (including myself) thought they were a SB contender. But goes to show that even in a down season, Gase had this team playing hard and both games against them could have easily went in Miami's favor with a little luck.


    Look for Miami to bounce back strong next season and possibly win the division should Brady and the Pats ever falter.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    dude. you're so far gone.... 4-2 over the last 6 weeks. you are going all the way back to freaking week 8 just to try and prove a dumb point.... they started hot. they lost 3 in a row middle of the season and then bounced back to snatch the playoffs with a late surge. that's literally nothing close to backing in. 


    while we're on the pure luck train why don't we claim big bens last game drive to beat the ravens 4 weeks ago was also the only reason we are in. or maybe a loss they suffered back in September..... point being, if the Dalton play happens 3 weeks ago nobody is peddling that dumb narrative. look at the season as a whole. we did more than they did to get in over the course of 17 weeks. bottomline..... and finishing a season 4-2 after the benching of their qb is ANYTHING BUT BACKING IN. I don't know where you come up with this crap....


    pretty soon your gonna be arguing next gen stats will prove somehow the fins can still sneak into the wildcard and blathering on about how good their coaching is.


    If you want to disregard the 5-2 start and ignore 3 game losing streak and use the 4-2 logic sure, but who did the 4 wins come against?


    Miami x 2 (and both games game down to stopping them after an onside kick, including last week against Dolphins 3rd string QB).

    Indy (it took a reversed 2 point conversion and overtime to beat another horrible team)

    KC (quality win for sure but they were in the midst of a 4 game losing streak when we beat them)


    Bottom line though I'm not arguing the fact we made the playoffs, it's obviously a great thing. But take away what was essentially a hail mary pass by Andy Dalton and we having a much different conversation right now. But you can't say the BIlls earned this because it was out of their hands in week 17 even with the win against the Dolphins.

  5. 24 minutes ago, John from Hemet said:

    This is entirely possible


    I am not saying that I expect Tyrod to stay....frankly given the actions of the team (trading away even more talented players like Marcel and Sammy) this could very well be the plan.


    Regardless of my own views on NP, TT and the Bills QB situation, I've felt for a while that this regime simply doesn't want TT. Hence the reason he was benched against the Chargers and probably would have stayed there if not for NP's debut being such an epic disaster and forcing McD's hand to go back to TT.


    But things can always change and TT engineering a deep playoff run would be one of them. Because quite frankly I think we all know this defense isn't good enough to carry this team very far in the postseason. Might be good enough to squeak by St Doug and Blake Bortles but we have zero chance against the Pats and Steelers unless we magically find a passing game.

  6. 3 minutes ago, John from Hemet said:

    I think we need to have a balanced attack (which includes TT doing this thing running for first downs and making plays) and our D has to be rock solid in order to have a chance to win.


    I honestly think we can win this game even if McCoy and the running game isn't a factor, probably the better matchup instead of going to KC again and trying to win another game there in the postseason.


    Just hope we have somewhat of an aggressive gameplan early because if you jump on the Jags and force Bortles to play from behind they are much more beatable than vice versa.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    finishing the season 4-2 after the 3 game meltdown that took us to 5-5 with wins AT arrowhead, in OT in the snow game and then SWEEPING YOUR FINS is anything but backing into the playoffs. that's called stepping up and doing what you need to do. at the end of the day the bills did enough throughout the season and the ravens didn't. bottom line. doesn't matter if it happened the last play of the game or midseason. 


    they got help but they most definitely did not back into the posteason. not even close.


    We most certainly backed in. This team went 4-5 in their final 9 games including an ugly 3 game losing streak and 2 lopsided Pats losses in which the offense scored a combined 12 points.


    Also we did not control our destiny in week 17 and was pure luck the Bengals converted a 4th and long and took it for a score against the Ravens.


    But again, it really don't matter how we got to the playoffs. At least the drought is finally over and things finally went this team's way. And regardless what happens against the Jags this regime won't have that hanging over their heads even if they fail to get back to the playoffs next year.

  8. Just now, horned dogs said:

    Do you really mean the Bills should go away from their strength (running the ball) and attack the Jags strength (pass defense). I completely disagree with this.


    If McCoy isn't close to 100% (and not sure how he will be) than yes we really don't have much choice against a ferocious defensive front that is going to stack the box and force TT to beat them.


    Can't simply hand the ball off to Tolbert and a guy we just signed off the street for 1 and 2 yard gains and expect to have much of a chance to win.

  9. I don't think there is any question McCoy will play in this game, but to have any chance of winning the gameplan needs to focused on the passing the ball which could be a recipe for disaster since the Jags will know that's coming and obviously not TT's strength vs. a Jags whose strength is the pass rush and pass defense.

  10. 3 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    And yes the 18 year curse was lifted.  


    The Bills won the tie-breakers and we're in the playoffs with the best possible first round opponent (something I predicted btw).


    The point is (and I keep repeating) is that this is pretty much the same records as 2014-2016, so quit thinking this coaching staff & HO turned water into wine.


    What it did do was create such low expectations that some consider it a miracle.


    What was miraculous was winning 6 games where the opposition had the ball at the end of the game with a chance to win & the Bills winning each and every time.  


    I am as excited as anyone that they are in the playoffs and planning my Sunday, but I am not getting ahead of myself and anointing this coaching staff as an all time great.


    However I am a fan and don't get stuck on the minutiae wrt to drafts, schemes and philosophy.


    It is quite simple for us fans.  If a team is 8-8 for 3 seasons in a row, you look at it and say 2 more wins and you're in the playoffs.  I look at the skill positions and how they are utilized (and yes was pissed at Watkins, the trade and not targeting him enough).  I thought better coaching and tweaks to properly utilize Taylor and we'd see a huge improvement.


    On the defensive side, it did not take much to see that they were undisciplined, took way too many penalties, and disorganized under Rex, which could be fixed easily to the point they would be competent.


    So as said I will be here and cheering Sunday & hopefully beyond & will leave shortly thereafter while you argue about the draft, personnel moves & free agency.


    I will return when Sammy signs and when a decision is made on Tyrod.


    Again would we fans be so excited if they went 8-8, or 8-7-1 (as McDermott tried vs. Indy) and no playoffs.  


    It is the Playoffs that has created this euphoria, not a record that matches those the prior 3 years......


    Flame away!!!!!




    I've been as down on this team as most pessimistic fans the last 17 years, but the bottom line is they made the playoffs and it really don't matter if they got lucky and backed in so to speak.


    To end 17 years of agony and frustration for the city of Buffalo and bills fans worldwide is not to be taken for granted even if this team gets clobbered in Jacksonville.



  11. 2014 hands down, in fact 2004 was much better than 2014 going further back.


    Regardless it is what it is and this team probably the drew the better matchup in terms of any chance of advancing to the 2nd round because I don't believe we would have much chance of winning in KC again a 2nd time this year and they are out of their funk they were in the first time we played them.

  12. It will if the Bills lose to them on Sunday and the other things they needed to happen to make the playoffs transpire. Talk about another epic failure.


    Either way, I don't believe this rivalry has the same luster it did during the Kelly and Marino days. But it could certainly heat up again in the coming years because the Dolphins should have a very good team for years to come with Gase/Tannenbaum. So if Beane/McD can match that success should be a lot of gritty battles for the division assuming the Patriots ever go away.

  13. If the Bengals are motivated and play like they did last week against the Lions they can win this game especially if they want to send Marvin Lewis out on a high note and prevent a hated division rival from getting into the postseason.


    Another stat in the Bills favor is that the Bengals have won something like 7 of the last 10 against the Ravens, however worth noting a lot of those wins came during the Bengals playoffs seasons since 2011.


    Regardless still think this is the only viable path for the bills to make the playoffs (Winning at Miami and having the Ravens lose). Because asking both the Chargers and Titans to lose home games simply isn't realistic especially with the Chargers going up against a bad Raiders team.

  14. 20 hours ago, Jerome007 said:

    He's probably hired to get inside info. He has had access to the playbook all year! 


    I didn't even know the Steelers let him go. Why did they do that so late in the year? Unusual to say the least


    That's what this move is all about, classic Hoodie 4D chess play.


    Obviously there is a reason why Harrison has been riding the bench and not played much this year for the Steelers. But this move ensures that the Hoodie and Patricia can truly get inside Mike Tomlin's head now and understand how the Steelers defense prepares for Brady and the Pats and what concerns them.

  15. I doubt we break the bank at the DT position in FA especially if given the Dareus situation.


    So at this point I'm guessing we use one of our 1st round picks on a DT (assuming there's one there worth taking) and then also sign a FA who isn't a big name and won't cost as much.


    Either way DT is probably the biggest hole on this team not factoring in the QB situation. Also need to address LB and DE as well.

  16. Chiefs are locked into the #4 spot so for us to face them that means we'd have to be #5 which means the Ravens, Chargers and Titans all lose at home.


    Either way the chance the Bills even making the playoffs as the #6 seed are slim to none at this point and if so we'd be facing St Doug and the Jags.

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