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Posts posted by buffalobloodfloridahome

  1. Lamar Jackson reminds me way too much of RG3 the comparisons are endless. Heisman Trophy, good arm, athletic and for while he tricked us into thinking RG3 was going to change the position of QB for the better and make pocket passers a thing of the past. Right up until defenses figured him out and just started pounding him to the ground until his skinny frame couldn't take it anymore. I liked RG3 seemed like a good dude and he got left in that one game too long when clearly he was severely injured. I am just worried that Lamar will come in and do the exact same thing is that irrational? Tyrod is another story being behind in the 4th quarter with him at QB I knew we had already lost the game he had no comeback ability or the it factor. 

    I love Rosen as a solid pocket passer that can make all the throws at every level of the defense and is capable of calling plays and audibles and is accurate which is a huge factor for me. He works his butt off and is a perfectionist the fact that he is outspoken on his beliefs doesn't bother me one bit. 

  2. Maybe we should try throwing the ball in a position that doesn't leave him vulnerable and exposed so he doesn't get hurt all the time. An accurate QB can make all the difference. If he stays healthy and we put a Rosen or Darnold back there he could absolutely have a monster year. Separation is not the way he plays the game and even if he is cloaked his size makes him a matchup nightmare. I would love to throw to that guy jump ball after jump ball and let him go up and get it.

  3. I have felt since the signing of McCarron it is completely obvious they want a drop back passer. Most of the time you don't want to completely change the game plan with your backup in case of injury. You generally want backup QBs who run the same style of offense. Having Peterman and McCarron says to me that it will be Rosen, Darnold, Allen, Rudolph and maybe Mayfield. No Lamar Jackson I think they have had their fill of running QBs and it took us to a point. 

  4. I just don't think our current FO has any interest in a mobile QB. They seem to be gearing more towards pocket passers. Acquiring McCarron and having Peterman on the roster which both have decent athleticism for QB's says allot about the direction we are heading. Rosen, Darnold, Allen all fit even Rudolph fits the description. I think it  is very unlikely we go that direction. Anybody who says I haven't seen him play and he is way underrated, I have watched him play and seen him run like a gazelle and has a cannon arm fun to watch wasn't overly impressed with his accuracy.

  5. It is really funny that people are now worried about political stances. He is a football player not a senator or house of rep.. Not even shooting for mayor at this point. Yeah he becomes the face of the franchise and obviously you don't want allot of controversy. I have heard many interviews with coaches and former players that see that fire inside of Rosen that only a select few possess ( Brady, Manning, Rodgers, Brees). He is very intelligent and is a perfectionist which bodes well at the next level. Yeah I know allot of Buffalo is overly conservative. I guarantee if he hoists the Lombardi trophy for the Bills you won't care if he voted for the Green Party.

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  6. Rudolph is a system qb with hugely inflated numbers from a system that rarely anyone becomes successful in the NFL with. He has an ok arm decent accuracy nice touch on his deep balls, yet he is way less accomplished than Rosen who had a crappy team around him and shows incredible accuracy and vision as well as pocket presence and is an intellectual. I personally wouldn't draft Rudolph in the first round he is second or third rd talent probably a career backup.

  7. 19 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

    Folks, take note. This is what's wrong with Society


    This kind of question and this line of thinking is everything that is wrong with the world we live in today.  The snowflakes should be upset and the population of this world that actually has an IQ in the triple digits should also be offended. Why can't a woman of elderly status work security? Should she have to work security? I can't answer that. Can you? Further why should you have to tell somebody like Michael Bennett or anybody else to keep themselves in line?


    Further, if you have ever been to a place like this they often rely on these older folks just to keep the calm and watch out for the field. They're not there to do a police beat down like this douchebag deserves, but let's bet he will claim he got one just like in Vegas. They're there to keep things organized. They're not sitting there dealing with hellions or folks trying to cause a ruckus. There there simply to maintain a little bit of order and act more as an usher than security. 


    But, folks let it be obvious. This is what's wrong with this world when you ask this question especially at this point

    I worked security for 2 years at Raymond James for the Bucs. I had to break up multiple fights with drunk fans and stand for long periods of time and only made a dollar more than minimum wage. The cops that work those games usually don't pay attention and leave most of the work for the security. The third time I took a punch I left and didn't even collect a check and said screw this. There is a difference between an usher and security more than likely she was an usher. Screw Bennett for always acting like a scum bag he seems to always be in the spot light for the wrong reasons. No a 66 year old paraplegic should not be security but often times security wear the exact same outfits and even work for the same company as the ushers. I had to help throw out people sometimes 5 a game for poor behavior. I will say Bucs fans are the worst fan base in the country.

  8. I still think with some work and preparation as well as a new OC  which we have some creativity and a lil luck Peterman will probably look fantastic in Preseason similarly to last year and make people wonder if McCarron is any better I see allot of similarities between the two QB's. He showed some potential and had some really bad luck and no time against SD. In the snow game he did the best he could and had allot to do with us winning in the end. Throwing him to the wolves against the Jags with the game on the line and he had to make a play it just didn't work out. The Jury is still out. 

  9. Allen is a reach at 2 unless they are seeing something I didn't in him. If they are going the he is the next coming of Carson Wentz route. I watched Carson dominate in the lower division didn't see the same player in Allen I think he is too raw. With the right tutor he probably could be great in a few years, how long can we ride McCarron though.

  10. 1 minute ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    The OL was terrible, just look at any time Peterman was on the field.  They got through the OL like a revolving door.  When teams committed to going after Taylor too (like the Jets game for instance) instead of trying to defend against his running threat, they easily got through the line.


    You leave out a CRITICAL part in your assessment, and that is how other teams accounted for Taylor running and using spies and not going after him as much as they could.  Not to mention, a big part of him holding the ball long as impacted by how often he had to run for his life as the DL was often in the backfield before he even completed the drop back. 


    Taylor has his own flaws about holding the ball, no denying that.  But you have grossly overlooked the D coordinator scheming to defend against him taking off.  When the DC decided to come at TT or when NP was in there, they got though with ease.  


    IMO our OL was not good at pass protection and has only degraded in the offseason.  I expect at least two offensive line draft picks in the first 6 picks if we dont spend all the picks to move up.  And personally we need it or whoever is back there this year is going to have a long season.  

    He and or Peterman did not know how to set their protections and he didn't ever audible out of plays making him vulnerable to aggressive defensive game planning could be on QB or OC not sure how that honestly worked.

  11. Good pocket QB's know how to buy time in the pocket and read the defenses and get the ball out on time. Not every play should be a school yard run around and try to find an open guy on the side of the field you were pushed into and either get sacked or throw the ball away. The few times that running around worked it looked cool and was rather entertaining. The rest of the time when you could see wide open receivers down the field getting frustrated because he was too slow on his progressions it cost us allot of games. I think for the most part he made our Oline look worse than it was and I know that right side guard and tackle are subpar to begin with.

  12. What's the cost of not trading up and trying to get our Franchise QB. We have been stuck with mediocrity or less for a long time now. We finally have the draft capital and a group of prospects that look promising to pick from. I for one am at the point where they need to take that step forward. Wetting our taste buds by backing into the playoffs last year just made me yearn for more. Lets go for broke and put it all on who our FO thinks can be our guy for the next 10 or so years.

  13. I have optimism that he understands patience and is letting everyone else show their hand early so he knows where he sits. He already showed patience in getting McCarron and letting everyone else overpay for mediocre talent. I think he is waiting until right before the draft and is gonna move into #1 or #2 and give us Bills fans what we all have been waiting for. McCarron was brought in as a veteran and a backup plan or a placeholder to compete with the rookie in camp. I have faith in this front office for the first time in a while they have shown to be more adaptive and forward thinking than their predecessors. 

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