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Maguire's Beer

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Posts posted by Maguire's Beer

  1. Actually, they're not stopping him. I think they've coached him into wussiness.


    Playing "not to lose" virtually ensures you will accomplish what you are trying to avoid.


    Quarterbacks can come to resemble their coaches. Brady is cool and ruthless, like Billy Boy. Sanchez is too stupid to be afraid, like Ryan. Edwards is more neurotic than Woody Allen, like Dickless.

  2. It really sums the guy's philosophy up. He keeps talking about how we tried to keep it close the whole game, that on 4th and 1 with 7 minutes left he punted because we had fought to keep it close, and couldn't risk going down three scores . . . he plays to keep it close. That's how he thinks. He never, never plays to win. Rare occurrences like the fake FG are the exceptions that prove the rule.


    He's gotta go. He's got a loser mentality, and it has permeated the entire squad -- especially Edwards. If you don't plan to win, you won't win.

  3. Yes, Jauron should be fired. Should've happened last January. But we will not have a real contender until there is accountability in the organization, and there cannot be accountability without a clear organizational hierarchy. We need a real GM, not a multi-headed **** hydra. And then the GM needs to hire a coach with cojones.

  4. With a week to prepare? I doubt it.


    Don't get me wrong...I'm not going to shed any tears about Schonert leaving. I think this'll be good for Edwards in the long run - it certainly can't be much worse. But why pull this monkey sh-- a week before the season starts???? It should have been done in February. Now...the new OC has to game plan with someone else's broke offensive scheme, and with no time to fix the serious problems with it.


    There are obvious advantages to dumping Schonert. There are bigger and more obvious advantages to not being total idiots about it.


    Exactly. This is what happens when there's no GM and no accountability.

  5. I was firmly in Trent's corner when he came on to replace JP. He looked so confident, in control, and yes, POISED. It didn't take long for him to earn the reputation of Captain Check down. He never showed the ability to throw a deep ball and trust his receiver to make the catch at a predetermined spot. He still hasn't shown that ability and has actually appeared to regress.


    Indeed he has. And that's on the coaching.

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