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Maguire's Beer

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Posts posted by Maguire's Beer

  1. Yes, the Bills lost and that's never a good thing...


    BUT you've gotta like what you saw from the team today.


    1. Trent is the QB of the future. Absolutely sick spirals today and you could tell he was upset after the INTs which is always a good thing. A decade from now we'll all be asking if Trent can win "one for the thumb". Also, we have a bold quarterback who isn't afraid to throw deep. That's how you get yourself intercepted but it's also how you gain many many yards.


    2. James Reed. I don't know where we found this kid, but he's going to be a playmaker. Great reception in the end zone, hopefully more to come.


    3. 6 sacks of the quarterback today. That's quite a few and sacks go a long way toward scoring points and field position.


    4. Aaron Mayhem Mayben was all over the field. This guy fell to 11? wow!


    5. Dolphins scored points with their running game, but Henney? We made this seasoned vet look like a rookie today.


    6. I bet Rob Brando is on the phone right now to trade for Miami's fullback Polite...this guy was a monster (and hopefully a future Bill)


    Those are the things that stood out to me. We lost the game, but will win the war! I can see an 11-5 season and the playoffs, starting with a big win against a very tough Browns team (upset special!)


    Don't forget Jauron's fire and passion, even as the game slipped away. That bodes well for the rest of the year.

  2. Seriously. We are the best fans in the league. Why does this happen? How? We are so bad and have been for so long. We don't deserve this. We deserve a good product, a playoff team. This is just pathetic. It's not fair.


    As our dads taught us, life's not fair. It sucks, but there you go.

  3. But it's not an exact comparison. Evans is never going to make tough catches over the middle, and Reed is never going to be a deep sideline threat.


    If forced to choose, I'd take Reed over Evans any day (based on work ethic and effort). But they complement each other nicely.


    Agreed. They have different roles. But it's more difficult to find people who can assume Evans' role -- that is, it's harder to find guys with serious wheels who can bust coverage and get a handle on long passes.

  4. Time to move on people. Do something more productive with your three hours every Sunday in the fall. RW is without na doubt the cheapest, most football illiterate owner ever. He continue to put his control, profit and ego ahead of winning. All the talented GMs and coaches we've had were fire or quit because RW is a meddling, miserale miser.


    So either pick a new team (Go Packers!!) or find another sport t cheer for. As long as this incoherent jerkoff runs this team and continues to tell us as WNYers were poor and can't support a team, he doesn't deserve our support. He's taken advantage of us as fans (I'm a season ticker holder) and us as taxpayer to turn his $25,000 investment into a multi million (hundreds of millions) windfall while complain the entire time that he can't make a go of it here. F him and his wife and daughter. Pack your gear and move this team because if this is the team you're going to field while you maximize its value to increase the sale price for your daughter so she can sell it to the higher bidder, just leave now.


    RW's legacy is not an owner who kept a team here and some sort of Robin Hood, but a cheap SOB who did everything he could to maximize profit, including raping taxpayers and season ticker holders.


    Here's hoping for a resolution to the ownership ASAP so we as WNY can move on, with or without this team, but MOST importantly without this curmudgeon.


    Agreed with everything you say about RW, but we don't get to pick new teams unless (until?) the Bills move. Those are The Rules. This is our team, until death (and relocation is surely death of the team) do we part.


    But yeah, I just want to get the ownership issue and the future of the team resolved ASAP, so that I can go forward either as a Buffalo Bills fan with renewed hope, or as a fan of any team other than the LA/Toronto/London "Bills." Because this is killing me.

  5. Too true.


    I cringe when I think the Bills had a chance to add Mike Peterson this offseason (who is creating all sorts of havoc in Atlanta) and they low-balled him.


    And while Ralph will eventually have to can Jauron to appease the masses, he will NOT get rid of Brandon. Because Brandon has made him a lot of money. And we will not get better as a team until we have an accountable and capable GM.

  6. So true and yet so sad.


    The fans alone cannot keep this team here. Thinking fans can support this team enough to keep them here post-RW is folly.


    Profit margin is more important than on field success. If it wasn't true, DJ would have been fired in December.


    Hell, I hope we're wrong. I hope that the Jacobs family is ready to step up and keep the team in Buffalo. God knows, the fan base has made it a profitable place to play during a decade of despair and shame -- it's not a horrible business move to keep the team in WNY. But the odds are against us in finding a local buyer, and that means there's very little hope. Because I'd bet big money that this team won't even make the playoffs, much less win a Super Bowl (or even AFC Championship), as long as RW is alive.

  7. What makes this so existentially depressing is the knowledge that the team really can't get better till Ralph and his seemingly inescapable incompetence go to that Grosse Pointe in the sky -- but that once Rlaph dies, the team probably won't be Buffalo's anymore. So we're left savoring whatever crap they serve up as Bills' football -- because a 7-9 team, or even a 2-14 team, is better than no Buffalo Bills.


    In other words, "wait till next year" -- the eternal cry of the fan of a losing team -- doesn't really apply to Bills fans anymore. This franchise likely won't be a contender until it plays its games somewhere other than WNY.


    Gah. Time to get loaded.

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