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Posts posted by Billsfansinceday1

  1. I feel the same way, but hats off to TwoBillsDrive and this message board as even though it's not the same old BBMB that I was used to it's the best choice available of all the options I've tried.

    i agree with this. BBMB had its strengths and weaknesses, as does this board. It is good to see people here who were valued contributors there.


    FTR, the Buffalo Range is a disaster. Avoid it at all costs.

  2. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/193943-vague-titlesammy-watkins-puts-up-a-million-and-doesnt-show-fo/page-5


    This is just the latest example of the scum that is overtaking this site.


    And it's not newbies, per se.


    How much of this crap is going to be tolerated? I know it's an adult site for adult conversation. But that doesn't mean we need to keep reading the same jerk(s) spewing hatred, racism, bigotry and intolerance day in and day out.


    It used to be kept to PPP, but now it's on TSW, OTW and in the Shout Box.


    It's ridiculous.


    It's only a handful. And I know one of them has been here a long time and he has his nose deep in the asses of those who make the banning decisions.


    But, please. Come on. It's pathetic and it's disgusting. This isn't some white supremacist site. It's a Bills site and - for me, over the last 8 years - a site where people have great conversations about a multitude of topics, from would ya, to naughty teachers, to cooking and once in a while, football.


    I'm not a "snowflake," as the biggest offender likes to call people. I'm a person who respects differences in others.


    So I ask - why are JBoyst and others like him allowed to stay here after CONTINUOUS race-driven conversations???


    It's got to stop.

    He was a racist, bigoted !@#$ on the BBMB, and went crazy when he was drinking. I see his venom continues unabated on this board.

  3. I have no idea why they want to get these kids. Why would a University that is full subsidized by the US military be interested in a football program that puts kids in the NFL? I'm entirely OK with them making these kids complete their service requirement.


    That said, if they are recruiting them for their football team and not allowing them to enter the NFL, then they 10x as worse as the major college football programs who see their kids as a commodity in their business. If recruited explicitly for athletics, they should allow all current athletes to transfer without paying back any tuition or service requirement.

    These athletes have to complete all of their studies and military training, same as every other cadet. The education is tough enough already and then sports on top of that...these are some outstanding young Americans.

  4. As with most things, there are 2 sides to this discussion. On one side, there are clearly people with valid reasons for not attending a single game so a case by case assessment is called for. On the other side, we know there are those who are just out for a quick buck and have no love for their team and don't care about the real fans. I am happy to see them lose their season tickets.

  5. For what its worth (not much) I think his ceiling is A. Smith. Or he might be valuable as a long term backup maybe a notch above Fitz. Either result (especially the first) would be fantastic value for a fifth round pick. Or he might just bust of course, which is probably more likely. He is an intriguing prospect though and even as such I feel he was a good 5th round selection. Except for passing on Foster I like the Bills draft.

    Fair enough. Time will tell.

  6. Have you not been reading this board, the comparisons are being made in every freaking thread (Why we have multiple on him I have no idea)

    I have to admit I have not read every single post but would be very surprised if anybody is actually comparing him to Brady. A lot of the comments are similar and many people think he will be a good NFL QB but that's as far as it goes. Comparisons I have seen are to Dalton and Cousins but those are multiple tiers below Brady.

  7. People wan't better than Taylor. Him actually starting has nothing to do with fans currently saying we have the next Tom Brady on our hands.

    Nobody has said that, so please don't invent stuff and present it as truth. All I said was that Brady also got mediocre pre-draft grades...nothing more, nothing less.


    I do ​NOT​ expect Peterman to turn out anywhere near like Brady but think he will be better than some think.


    Please get your facts straight.

  8. A lot of the comments about Peterman sound vaguely familiar...some schmuck named Tom Brady ( I will bet he cheats):


    Tom Brady Positives: Good height to see the field. Very poised and composed. Smart and alert. Can read coverages. Good accuracy and touch. Produces in big spots and in big games. Has some Brian Griese in him and is a gamer. Generally plays within himself. Team leader.

    Negatives: Poor build. Very skinny and narrow. Ended the '99 season weighing 195 pounds and still looks like a rail at 211. Looks a little frail and lacks great physical stature and strength. Can get pushed down more easily than you'd like. Lacks mobility and ability to avoid the rush. Lacks a really strong arm. Can't drive the ball down the field and does not throw a really tight spiral. System-type player who can get exposed if he must ad-lib and do things on his own.

    Summary: Is not what you're looking for in terms of physical stature, strength, arm strength and mobility, but he has the intangibles and production and showed great Griese-like improvement as a senior. Could make it in the right system but will not be for everyone.

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