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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. AJ Brown (also from Ole Miss) in 2nd / 3rd > DK Metcalf in 1..... This has Vernon Gholston written all over it.. physical freak, ran and tested off the charts at combine, no lateral movement, not good in pros. Give me OL in first round. Or sign Darryl Williams.. trade down.. take TE/C/G (if C is available after trade down)
  2. Because the 9ers have a competant OC..... We have an awful OC. I realllly dislike Daboll
  3. Wait... waht? What did we analyze? You named players and the rounds they were drafted and called Russel Wilson a HOFer.... not really sure what you'er analyzing Anyway.... All you did there was prove you can with with D....Also, Vlad Duccasse is in the top 5 guards pass blocking wise this year.......
  4. We shouldnt be yet. its been 4 games.. thats why Theyve been here for a year and we made the play offs..... i get that it gets old.... but we may actually have a solid foundation here for the first time in a long time.
  5. No, the idea is that you draft well.. Find a few good players with good contracts in free agency that can contribute (Poyer, Hyde, etc) and spend the money to keep your own talent. (Allen, Milano, Tre, Dawkins, Edmunds, etc)
  6. Yes and no.. It's a team game my man. Matt Ryan is 2-4. Tannehil / Oswieler are 4-2.
  7. I watched the game yesterday.... The Broncos and Seahawks have both won SB's (im not saying we're them) in the last 5 years with defense.. so yes, defense does matter.... go show me more 43-40 games and come back to this board.... that wasn't football... that was a 4th quarter track meet.
  8. Coaching is what has me worried from an OC/ offensive coaching standpoint (similar to your thoughts) ... i think talent wise, this offseason will tell a lot about their ability to evaluate offensive talent.
  9. I'm very indifferent man. There's things I like.. things i dislike about this team... I'm just not overreacting and I'm giving this regime an off-season with cap to get THEIR guys.... then i'll judge. I'm honestly worried about McDermotts ability to select an OC more so than I am build a team.
  10. Ok...... We couldn't sign 3 of the 6....... Watkins is "very talented" but doesn't produce. Darby............ Woods in hindsight..... we should have kept.. I'll agree with that one.
  11. You named 6 players.. We couldn't afford 3 ... one is OK...? Did you expect us to be good this year?
  12. So Josh Allen 5 games in... 2-2 as a starter.. and he's got you worried? Yeah, Peterman is bad. That's established... We signed Derek Anderson so Peterman will probably never see the field again.
  13. Zay Jones has been quietly prettyyyyyy good this year.... I think hes #2 or 3 in the NFL in yardage separated from defenders per route.
  14. 1) We had a 60% roster turn over... No. 2.) He was getting rid of those that werent helping us win and had bad contracts 3) Hyde and Poyer were definitely signed by Beane LOL WHAT? 4.) Obiously theyre creating cap space 5.) You need cap space to sign your draft picks.
  15. Watkins has been non-existent this year an was DECENT last year.... We could not afford Preston Brown or Gilmore..... Darby is OK. He would not translate to wins... our DB's are not the issue.
  16. Exactly.... here's my thought... If you explain this to a person WITHOUT using a team name.. People would love to be in this situation. Seemingly top 3 secondary (with a second year CB that is most likely a future All-Pro) A 20 year old stud at MLB (and Milano growing into a nice player) A young DT that has played well above where he was drafted and has been very impressive A left tackle that is young and improving with every game A young first round QB (and this regime believes it's their guy) 80+ Million in cap space next year 10(i believe) draft picks
  17. No... its not an apologist thing.. its factual.... They did not dig themselves into it.. they are getting rid of useless talent and bad contracts. If you want to be uspet about the way they handle the QB situation... thats fine. LOL thank you.. I've been around forever man... just lurk a lot
  18. The Bills were not ienpt last year. Again, they had a lot of issues with the cap and there is only so much they can do man.
  19. When you look at our team/FO/ etc, etc... They came in with a pile of you know what as a team. They came off of Rex/ Whaley regime that strapped this team against the cap and left it talentless. They took that team to the play-offs with none of us expecting it (while completely gutting it in 1 year).... while trying to fix the cap issues. Say what you want about Beane and McDermott but those that refuse to see the cap as an issue of talent acquisition are simply not seeing the big picture..... money = ability to acquire high end talent and/ or system role players. Where did they spend the available money? Defense... and that defense (which is essentially all Beane and McDermott acquired players) is absolutely balling out. I think this coming off-season and draft are going to define this regime. They absolutely have to address the offense in every aspect. I do believe Daboll has called some absolutely atrocious games this year, yet we are still competing. I sincerely hope that his inability to call an effective NFL game does not hinder the growth of Josh Allen. Think about where we are as a team and the cornerstones we have.... Seemingly top 3 secondary (with a second year CB that is most likely a future All-Pro) A 20 year old stud at MLB (and Milano growing into a nice player) A young DT that has played well above where he was drafted and has been very impressive A left tackle that is young and improving with every game A young first round QB (and this regime believes it's their guy) 80+ Million in cap space next year 10(i believe) draft picks We have many many important pieces in place for a promising future..... I think we need to be patient and look for the growth of this team and players throughout the rest of this year. Just my .02....
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