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Posts posted by Returntoglory

  1. 2 hours ago, mjt328 said:


    No you can't.

    But there are definitely red flags that make certain players riskier, such as age and previous injury history.


    Since Von Miller's first ACL tear was 10 years prior, it's probably not fair to count that against him.  But he was 33 years old at the time of his signing.  If there wasn't an increased risk of injury, there was at least some risk of him suffering from normal decline at pretty much at any point.


    Personally, I don't blame Brandon Beane for taking a swing.  After the 13 seconds game, he felt Miller was the missing piece to our Super Bowl run.  And there were points in 2022 that his move looked absolutely genius.  But I also understand the critics, because it was a free agent signing that absolutely came with major risks.  And at the end of the day, we ended up getting burned.  Miller was unable to finish the 2022 season, and it's fair to question if he will ever regain his form.


    Good points BUT Von was playing at a very high level prior to his injury. Was at a near Pro Bowl level at that. 



  2. Absolutely!

    I had ACL, MCL & LCL surgery years ago while in the USAF stationed in Germany. I was playing Ice Hockey at a high level and it took me almost two years to fully recover to the point that I had confidence to skate or play other sports.

    There is a HUGE mental aspect of ACL surgery and recovery. You are very cautious and at times, mentally hesitant when it comes to putting stress or making certain moves with the affected leg.

    When we signed Von, his play before the injury was what we were hoping for. 

    I feel once playoff time comes, he will be 80-90%.

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  3. 1 hour ago, mjt328 said:

    The Von Miller thing is just ugly from a bunch of different angles.


    Cap-wise, it makes Brandon Beane look bad for taking a huge financial risk on a player his age.  Maybe that's not fair to our GM.  But a mistake is a mistake, and it will likely cost us a younger and more productive player down the line (such as Leonard Floyd, AJ Epenesa or Greg Rousseau).


    Coaching-wise, it makes Sean McDermott look bad for continually putting him on the field.  He literally cannot move side to side or turn the corner, and just runs past the Quarterback on every single play.  This is something he MUST be seeing in practice.


    Despite this, I think fans would have a little more patience and sympathy if it wasn't for the assault charge now hanging over his head.  Many if not most fans would prefer he be cut from the team based on the current evidence.  But the dead-money hit on his contract would be so detrimental to the team, it's something we almost can't even consider.



    You cannot predict injuries!

  4. Growing up in the Falls in the 70's, I fondly remember going to the "Chicken Coop" and getting a bucket of 50 wings for $5.50!


    My Father-in-Law had a butcher shop downstate and remembers when they would toss the wings and tips in the trash back in the day.


    Those we're the days. 


    Today we make our own.


    Living in NC now, chicken is in abundance and priced fairly cheap.


    Medium sized I find best.


    We Air fry them (crispy) primarily with unsalted butter and Frank's. I add a few secret spices as well.


    I make a special lemon based sauce for the wife.  



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