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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. I thought you were talking about last season to hiring Schwartz with his coaches OC and stuff. I wanted Schwartz as well in a bad way
  2. Lynn wanted to be a HC and Kromer went to different place for more money. Sadly....
  3. Dennison hopefully corrects his play calls and things for week1. Doing rants and raves like I did for Greg Roman in past.....
  4. Ya I fully agree with you HappyDays. As well o-line pressure killed both QBS. Lot's of play calls were awful as well. Ya I really love that as well
  5. Saw two guys wide open Yates throws it to Ravens for almost int......
  6. Me to I think whole defense whole is good. But I think Ravens might be number 1 this year.
  7. Flags killed some of more yards, right side o-line. Horrible 1 yard pass playcalls as well and terrible playcalls..
  8. Nice playcall.................................................... ................................................................................
  9. Flags, lots of play calls and bills right side o-line has been bad....
  10. Ya I agree. One bad throw but again right side of o-line is killing everything.
  11. Along with Dennison awful play calls and right side of Bill's horrible o-line.
  12. That was a horrible play call...........................................................................................................................................
  13. Raven's has a great D. Bill's right side o-line is horrible. Of course flag....
  14. It's the right side o-line is downright nasty. Even blow up blocking dolls would be lots better lol.
  15. Bill's right side of o-line is down right horrible. Most of pressure if all coming from........ Dawkins, Vlad, Millus playing horrible...
  16. Dareus is great against the run. Bill's missing him solely on that spot.
  17. Rookie mistake by Peterman trying to make something outta nothing. This o-line is bad.
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