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Posts posted by theranter

  1. Hardy – Har – Har…


    I had a friend called Har once, Boxcar Har we called him...


    I was watching camp highlights...It was a simple play, in a non-contact drill in June; meaningless I know.

    Nevertheless, a reciever ran a short down and in, and turned it upfield.

    Whoa-ho-ho-ho...that had to be Hardy, cuz he was fricken' huge. He looked like a peed-off mother pterodactyl swooping in, protecting a small egg in her powerful clutches.

    In other words, Hardy had the look....

    The look of a really scary NFL weapon...speed, power, athleticism and of course, great size.


    And I thought back two years ago, when we drafted him, what was the deal on him?

    Dangerous weapon with enough speed. Has power, athleticism and of course, great size. Grade - First round. I remember my chiropractor told me he’s seen him play Penn State twice and he was absolutely phenomenal. He hoped the Steelers would have drafted him.

    But it was not all good…he was listed as the player most likely to bust; due to off-field troubles and a lack of focus. So the Bills take a chance on him in the 2nd round anyway. Even though there is a run on big receivers failing in the NFL. So typically, for a Bills pick, he soon gets into more off-field trouble, runs few retarded routes, gets a serious injury, torn ACL; done!


    But a funny thing happened on the way to the waiver wire....


    He becomes a teammate of the infamous T.O. - Terrell Owens. Owens takes a shine to the kid, and offers to take him under his wing. Hardy accepts and becomes interested in what it takes in becoming a NFL star and trains with the Spartan-like Owens. He trains all year with the future hall of famer, but doesn’t see the field. He doesn’t see the field because he’s behind that very same H.O.F. on the depth chart. That, and we were idiots; not getting our young guys some valuable experience, but I digress. The next thing you hear is James Hardy (our James Hardy) gets nominated for the Ed Block Courage Award. The Ed Block Courage Awards honors those National Football League players who exemplify commitments to the principles of sportsmanship and courage. Recipients are selected by their teammates for team effort, as well as individual performance.The Ed Block Courage Award recipient symbolizes professionalism, great strength and dedication. He is also a community role model.


    It was a simple play, in a non-contact drill in June; I know, but my moneys on Hardy to become breakout player of the year, 2010.



  2. Ding Ding Ding! Great answer....so many of us Bills fans get cought up with the player/flavor of the month. Last year, all the folks saying Langston Walker...then Bell then this guy or this 5th round draft pick is gonna make our O-Line great.....yeah....right. But the coach says...and his pre-draft bio says.....high-motor, never takes a play off....lives in the weight room, eat breathes and.....you get the idea. Don't believe the hype! Our O-line is the definition of a work in progress......and probably an early work. :lol:



    What do you mean? We're stacking players on players....Bell; 8 starts -status: injured, Wang; rookie -status injured, Meredith; 1,2? dunno -status: healthy I guess...


    Edwards is gunna play like Tom Brady this year! look out afc east!



  3. For injuries to heathen defensive backs and heretic running backs across the NFL.

    And may the Almighty smote the germ carrying Ravens and fallen Saints in particularith.

    For they haveth the left tackles your forsaken ones seek.

    For lord knows, no fans has ever been forsaken like Bills' fans;

    unless theyeth be the fans of Brown's, who sufferith equally.

    But I digresseth…

    For Lord knows, our beloved Buffalo Bills’ secondary is indeed mighty and deep.

    And our holy running backs three, knowith there is but one ball to take to the holy land.

    Let us pray,

    Lord, break the unbeliever Willis McGahee's good leg

    Praise be to God

    Holy One, cast a pox upon Jabari Greerith

    May the Lord be vengeful

    God, make Ozzie Newsome desireth Whitner of Donte

    and make Mickey Loomis not be able to live without Lynch of Marshawn

    And what the heckith, maketh Holy Joe Flacco available to us for a fifth round pickith, for it is writtenith, if you pray, pray bigith.

    We ask this, because we never have wonith yon super bowl,

    Ever Oh Lord

    May the Lord be with us,

    And our Buffalo Bills




  4. Great clip. Thanks for sharing. While Byrd's run support is suspect, he has tremendous ball skills.



    He played wit a torn labrum the hole year (I believe). His predraft "word" was that he loves contact. he may be sensational this year!



  5. The fact of the matter is if Wood isn't healthy, and they can't aquire a left tackle, the odds heavily favo that the line will be scary...Wood is a MAJOR lynchpin, with Wood and some luck, we might look like a professional football team (as oppossed to last year...now c'mon, we were in fact embarassing most of the time, admit it...) Now if our best guys from last year are healthy and we get a new left tackle of some renown, they might be downright dangerous. Especially with our RB's & an offensive coordinator known for his ability to maximize his available talents.


    PS- it just occurred to me that in Dallas he had those strong superbowl players that oppossed change, but here he has a team hoping he can save them....big difference when implenting systems.



  6. Gotta love it that your speed rusher on the outside can be handled by a 200-lb rookie RB.


    you're right! I guess that shoots down any speculation...still, why wasn't he listed with the first group of LB's? Why wasn't there talk of how he looks at his new position?

    not good I think...not good....



  7. What evidence do you have that Troup would have not been selected until at least 40 picks later?



    Draft magazines, ESPN etc. that's the point of my post, Are the magazines etc. routinely wrong when they proclaim a big reach.


    I was a hoping a real draftnik might read this post and shed some light on the subject. I used to be pretty addicted, when the BILLS were good, but after all the horrible years, I lost interest. Not only that, I can't seem to remember the old days too well....(must be my Buffalo upbringig)


    Note: I give Brian Galliford at Buffalo Rumblings a lot of credit, it's kinda easy IMO to write daily about a well-run organization, but to write daily about the Bills and to try to be positive to boot, that's as hard as HELL!





  8. Absolutely!


    Once those big guys start going off the board, you have got to strike!


    Funny about Cam Thomas and guys like that, who drop down several rounds --- b b but my MOCK DRAFT said he was better than Troup! Auggghhh!!!



    Yeah but, we started the run and I can only think of two guys who proved them wrong. How about you?

  9. In order to rationalize our shocking 2nd round pick, Torell Troup, I thought it would be helpful if we could possibly come up with a list of 1st and 2nd rounders that went way higher than expected yet still succeeded in the NFL.

    I'll start it off...No one ever heard of Henry Jones until we drafted him, and he fulfilled his draft status. And I remember Polian took Dwight Freeny about ten picks higher than expected. I know Troup went about 40 picks higher than expected, but I'll still count Freeny. That's it, I'm done, any help?

  10. Do you Spiller-loving idiots not understand that you can't win in today's NFL without a top quarterback?


    You can have the best running back in the NFL, but without a good QB you CAN'T EVEN MAKE THE PLAYOFFS.


    Stop drinking the kool-aid and telling yourself that every move they Bills make is correct.


    Look at Chris Johnson in Tenesee, or Adrian Peterson in Minnesota two years ago with Tarvares - even the best RBs in the league can't bring some junk team with no QB to the playoffs.


    This pick just proves that the regime is just more of the same. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


    Be honest, if someone asked you a week ago to list the Bills top need positions, you would NOT have said RB. If you were asked what positions they need the LEAST help at, RB would be near the top of the list.


    Terrible pick by a terrible organization that is bound to be a cellar dweller until Ralph finally dies and the team is moved to another city.



    What possesses you to go on this website????????????? hatefilled words...hatefilled.....

  11. I would not call JP Losman a bust. I think the definition of bust is a highly publisized, top tier talent from college, with high expectations to succeed in the NFL, and JP, while talented to a point, should never have been drafted in anything higher than the 3rd or 4th round.


    Really if you think about it, we forced him to be considered a bust since we drafted him that high, and it was no surprise to anyone outside of WNY that he wasn't going to make it. If we didn't draft him at all, I wonder where he would have been selected, and by whom?



    JP was a bust. If you draft a player high and he fails, he's a bust. And, by the way, every mag I saw, had JP rated as a 1st rounder. Great guy, but, sadly, for all of us, a bust. I blame Donahoe for not trading up (with Jax, it woulda been easy) for jagermiesterberger...


    Go Bills!

  12. if i am GM, i am perfectly happy to wait to get the best available OT or Clausen at #9 without having to sell the ranch. if the best people can come up with to knock Clausen is their 2nd-hand reports of his questionable attitude, then i feel good about him as a franchise QB if he is their selection.




    I'm not against drafting Clausen, but he has questionable height and questionable arm-strength for two. There are never sure things in the draft.



  13. "When it comes time, if we think there’s two left tackles in the draft that can come in and make an immediate impact that can play from Day 1, that’s what we expect from a top-10 choice. But we don’t always get what we want. It’s like Christmas time. You don’t always get what you’re looking for.” Buddy Nix - I think he's telling us that there are only two left tackles that get a top 10 pick grade and that they will be long gone.




    “Absolutely (head coach Chan Gailey will have an impact),” he said. “I think what he’s saying is we need a guy. It’d be nice to have a guy that can create points for you, field position and create ways to score.” - Buddy Nix - Sounds like Spiller to me.


    A forewarning? Or just a bluff...we'll find out in one week....



  14. Maybin is a bust. He was horrible last year. 18 tackles, 0 sacks. Orakpo had 50 tackles and 11 sacks. This isn't even close.


    People love his "story" or his work ethic. None of that means anything if you have the frame of a WR. Maybe he can become a decent OLB. Anything's possible. But he'll never justify the #11 overall pick, and he'll never get out of Orakpo's shadow.




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