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Posts posted by theranter

  1. Key injury to any superstar player like the ones you mention would potentially cripple any team, including the Pats.


    Neither Springs nor Thomas will be missed.


    Like it or not ...... the Pats will keep winning because they have Brady and Belichick. The rest of the team is interchangeable.



    That's just crazy talk, football is a team game and the pats having lost a lot of talent, look beatable because of this. no doubt about it.



  2. I dunno what you are talking about with the low/high picks. Wood was a 1st rounder and byrd was a second rounder (all higher than the spot Troup was taken) and levritre was a second round pick. Those ARE high picks. And I don't know any teams that almost always hit on their high picks (I am guessing you mean top 3 rounds?)


    And if high picks are so important, why is troup's success more important than Spillar, who is a first rounder?


    Troup was a high 2nd rounder as well. I'm not sure were the cut-off line of what a high pick is, but a high 2nd id a high pick.


    Look at the Ravens and Colts for the best current GMing, but you're right, noone hits all the time. What I'm trying to say is that troup's play (because of the aforementioned reasoning) will be a good indicator, nothing more....I hope he isn't another McCargo...

    Spiller doesn't count because he was, by far, the safest pick in this year's draft, and maybe our staff took him for that reason.....

  3. Don't deflect, blame your error onto this board's posters. You know full well what is common usage here after your 91 posts. If something "screwy" happened, go back and edit - simple. You have the ability to modify the font and size of what you post.





    what error???!!!

  4. So, spillar, Carrington, Easley can be just awesome this year and troup can suck it up and the front office would still suck? I just don't see how the front office can be judged by one pick. They should be judged by the draft class as a whole.


    Last years draft looks REALLY good right now, even though maybin had a terrible rookie season and is a huge question mark. But with wood, levitre, and byrd, that draft class is lookin mighty good so far. Judging by just one pick sounds kinda silly.


    Historically, most primo talent evaluators, hit on high picks. I don't think that it's impossible for the braintrust to do well, I think Troup's play will be a good indicator of future success....

    And yes, last years draft class is looking very good, point taken!



  5. Well, these are the same people (Except Whaley) that picked Byrd in the 2nd round last year, so maybe that indicates somthin?


    And it wasn't a wierd pick. The main reason he wasn't rated high by the talking heads was because he came from a small school, and they get a lot less exposure. A lot of people thought terrance cody would be better, but in reality, troup was a safer pick because he was in better shape and didn't have the conditioning issues cody had.


    I think last year's draft was really where things changed and nix came aboard. I don't think their standing with the fans is going to depend on this one pick. Especially if a lot of those other picks workout really well. It depends on how the draft class does as a whole, not what one pick does. Last years draft class was pretty good, but maybin still sucked it up, which was kind of expected. But as a whole (byrd, wood, levitre) were great.


    Your point about byrd, levitre and wood is well taken, but historicly, most great talent gatherers, almost always hit on their high picks and catch a couple low-ones here and there.

    And as far as Troup goes...

    there are tons of small school players that were well known before the draft and were drafted highly. McCargo and Troup are not two of them....



  6. Just dont look at the stats too much, over 90% of 1st yr dlineman that last 8 yrs have had below avg #'s, plus being a NT he wont have big #'s anyway.


    oh, and mccargo and troup arent remotely close to being the same, aside from both being dlinemen.


    I'm well aware of young linemen's rookie woes....but you can see if they have skills or not (if you watch closely or if he gets shoved down the field often).



    and about my Mccargo/ Troup comparison....whaddaya mean?!! It doesn't really matter what positions they play! They were both drafted way higher than expected, they were both drafted very high overall, and they were both the second selection of their draft. But I do think the fact that they are both Defensive lineman adds to the familiararity of the 2 picks....

    Man you guys are a tough crowd....complaining about text size? nitpicky things,,,,maybe the poster has little computer knowledge and maybe somethin' screwy happend when he was cutting and pastin'; or somethin like that

    ...so picky...tsk...tsk...tsk



  7. I'm lost. And it is not just because for some reason you decided big text would make it sound better :mellow:.


    But I don't see why he has to play well for the whole team to be successful. He aint playing offense or special teams and he aint the only NT on the team. The NT postion is going to be rotational.


    The bills success doesn't lean all on troup. To be honest, for this whole team to be successful (make the playoffs) it would take a near miricle or some amazing coaching.


    But there is no way our success is going to be good or bad based on a 2nd rounder who hasn't even played a down yet. You have to actually be a franchise player to be THAT important.


    Because he's a high pick, and a wierd pick (i.e. we took him high when most rated him a forth rounder) His play, by years end, will be a good indicator of our braintrusts (modrak, nix and the guy from pitt) abilty to draft well....



  8. I was thinking about a fan post I read the other day, I can't remember what the title was or what it was supposed to be about.,but everyone started to talk about Torell Troup and the fact that he has to play well, for our defense to be successful. It struck me as odd because there was little disagreement on this matter.


    I was thinking about the truth in that summary, when it dawned on me that he has to play well for the whole team to be sucessful.


    Think about it, if he gets shoved all over the field this year, rookie or not, that's a lousy pick. He's a very high draft choice and Nix and Modrak stated that your ones and twos (draft choices) have to be able to play as rookies. I for one, for the most part, agree with that statement.


    And if he's a lousy pick, he will remind you of a another lousy pick; John McCargo. McCargo was drafted under the same circumstance as Terrel. Drafted way higher than most had him rated. This continuity suggests perhaps that the same guy drafted them, and that guy would be Tom Modrak . Not only that, but his boss, Buddy Nix approved it. So, it would suggest that it is highly likely that we will have to start from scratch soon, yet again.


    So if we want to learn if the Bills new braintrust knows how to find talent, and we do; Torel Troup's rookie season will be as good indicator as anything....



    All Hail Torrel Troup!


    Terell Troup!



  9. I need to look into getting help? You role played a scenario earlier where our 3rd string QB and back up left tackle had a conversation where they used nicknames on each other, yet I need help.


    Ya know, you're right! I do need some Paxil or somethin'


    my god....

  10. Yes, clearly after your post ***I*** am the one who needs a zoloft.


    Wouldn't a dream win come against the division rival who we haven't beaten on their field in 10 years? Why would a dream win be a team who we have beaten 2 out of the last 3 times we played them?


    The dream win would be Brohm's and Meredith's, Sherlock.

    As well as ours, if you don't think Brohm and meredith starting and helping us beat the packers in GB at the last second would be a huge enough win for you, them or us, seriously look into getting some help....



  11. Yes! Don't you have the jersey number of last year's third string QB whom we picked up off of someone else's practice squad memorized?






    What's next? Are you going to tell me you don't know Reggie Corner's middle name?



    you Bills fan...Bills get good college player....maybe good for you...cheer bills...good.

  12. It's pretty bad when we'd consider it a dream to win a road game in September.


    R U kiddin' me? Brohm and Meredith team up to beat their old bosses in lambeau?!


    The Bills!?


    Everybodies last place team, The Bills, beats superbowl hopeful GB at Lambeau with 2 cast-offs and your comment is, "It's pretty bad when we'd consider it a dream to win a road game in September."



    jezes, take a frigin' zoloft or somthin'



  13. A Dream Win




    The date? - September 19th, 2010.


    The time? - 3:52 pm.


    The place? – Legendary Lambeau Field….


    They’re down by 6 with 1:39 left on the clock. Old number 4 takes the field, he looks cool and calm even though he’s taken a beating all day long. He knows the defense is tired now and he knows this is his time.

    He reads all-out blitz, and audibles to a go route. Even though he’s engaged with a defensive end, his left tackle makes an all-pro play by picking up the blitzing linebacker with a vicious hand punch. Number four rolls right so to see in between his linemen; he knows he’s little short for an NFL QB. Nevertheless, he fires a strike, it’s good for a thirty-four yard gain.

    He looks up at the clock, there’s too much time, he reminds his men to stay in bounds. Now, he dissects the defense like a surgeon, inside draw, screen, slant, boom, boom, boom; their at the two. With four seconds left he calls his own number, a boot-leg left; it’s a race to the cone with the linebacker bearing down on him. He leaps into the air, and absorbs a big hit that spins him around, but somehow he lands in the end-zone. Triumphant, he gets up and slams the ball into the grass as his team mobs him. He loves all the love, but he’s looking for someone special; his left tackle. He runs to him and leaps as the big guy catches and hugs him….”We did it Jamone! We did it!” he screams. His huge protector hollers back, “Didn’t I tell you! Didn’t I tell you Bri-Bri!”


    The Bills win! The Bills win!


    Yeeeaaahhhh…..I can’t frigin’ wait!



  14. I was just reading a post on the Patriots and how they've managed players over the last few years, and people on this board were enjoying their woes - and I thought, the Patriots aren't the team at the top of the mountain anymore, so to speak.


    I'm thinking the Ravens have built up a team that will really be hard to stop, with their good running game, and now their WR's and TE's - ouch - and then their front seven on Defense... the only thing missing from a team that could be considerably better than their Super Bowl winning team of 2000? is a shutdown corner. Well, if they had a better cornerback duo they would be without apparent weakness.


    So, my proposal is this: we've got a good cornerback stable. We could use Gaither. Couldn't we offer them one of our cornerbacks and a lower round pick for Gaither? I'd send either McGee or Florence if I were getting Gaither in return. Anyway, as I see it, Baltimore is so close to being a championship team they might be willing to deal Gaither for some security in their secondary.


    Let's do it! We'll throw in Donte as well....Mcgee donte and a 6th rounder for gaither! make it happen buddy!


    Where's the git 'er done guy?

  15. I think the whole Tebow situation in Denver is hilarious. While I predicted Tebow should have been the Bills pick at number 9 overall, and everyone thought I was crazy, he now seems to be the front runner before training camp even starts, to win the starting job for another NFL team that did draft him in Round One. And to think I started to waver and just hope the Bills would grab him in the second round, after reading all the posts out here and in other publications at how Tebow would never make it at QB. Oops. Tebow was not around for the second roud was he......yes sir, Denver took him later in the first round.


    Simply laughable. Yeah, that Tebow will need 4 years to figure out how to hold the football and where to release it from, right all of you "experts" out there?? Look for Tebow to be starting QB for the Broncos no later then half way through this season. And by then, with the way things go for the Bills at QB since Jimbo retired 13 freakin' years ago, our offensive geniuses who have taken over the Bills will most likely be benching Edwards and going onto their second choice also. The difference is the Broncos will be playing Tebow because I believe he will be their franchise QB for the next decade and will decide not to waste his entire rookie season. While Gailey will simply be benching Edwards because he will suck even trying to run his great offensive scheme, and Chan's second choice will not be the Bills Franchise QB, will he??


    I hope we get our 10 year guy next year...



  16. Why does he deserve to play for a contender? He should not have signed that huge extension before the 2007 season if he wanted to play for a contender so badly. Why are so many of you so sympathetic to Schobel? Sure he was a good player..But absolutely NEVER a leader on the team. And he certainly did not make everyone around him better. We have won absolutely nothing with him on our team. Maybe if he was more of a leader, this team would have been in much better shape. I think what most of you do not realize is that a team needs its best players to be vocal leaders. He has never been that. He does his job, but never took it upon himself to be even the slightest spokesperson for the team. He played in a vacuum like most of the guys on this team have done. Not the kind of guy who inspires those around him to play better.



    If he was a leader, he'd be here and this post never happened...



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