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Posts posted by Ayjent

  1. 43 minutes ago, JoPoy88 said:

    Agree I don’t know exactly what Flores’ motivations are either or if he went along with this strategy clear-headed. I just don’t see any evidence that Wigdor is purposely fireballing his career to maximize exposure to gain clout. They may honestly believe it’s the best strategy against entities like the NFL. 

    I'll just say this.  Clients are sometimes convinced of a terrible strategy when they are looking for blood and their vision is clouded, only later to realize that they wished someone had played out the scenarios of how things could go from bad to worse big picture.   This happens all the time in family and labor law - emotions drive the desire to get back at someone or some organization that has hurt you.   It's not to say that some firms like Wigdor aren't effective in getting a favorable settlement and winning in the eyes of a segment of the population sympathetic to their client's cause.  However, will Flores regret approving this legal strategy when he desires to coach at a certain level in the NFL or college and is met with no interest?  No one knows for sure whether that will be the case, but I think it is pretty safe to pretty safe to say that it will close a lot of doors for him that might have otherwise been open. 


    I also wonder if there was any exploration of discussions with the NFL about many of the issues he experienced and whether the NFL was receptive to those conversations or completely uninterested.  So much that is not really known, but from an initial view this current strategy looks like a complete scorched Earth approach that would be a last resort if all other avenues failed. I don't think a couple of weeks is really enough time to explore more reasonable options that could preserve his opportunities and address issues with the hiring process in the NFL, which regardless of racial considerations needs to be looked at (e.g., the NFL really needs to look at interview and hiring windows for all candidates following the conclusion of the season).  So that's where I'm coming from, but maybe Flores wanted all of this and that is why he hired them.  If that's the case, that's too bad, because I think he is a really good coach, but ultimately it's not necessarily a good look for him being a reasonable person.

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  2. Just now, JoPoy88 said:

    In what way is that obvious? These guys represented Harvey Weinstein victims and sued Fox News for sexual harassment. What suggests that they take all these cases solely out of self-interest? 

    The results of basically nuking his career in the NFL and a lot of divisive publicity that will forever surround him.  There are better and more practical legal strategies that don’t go full PR blitz while still seeking to address issues.  I do it all the time in my labor law practice and I would never advise my client against their interests as an ethical matter.  None of the legal strategies here help his long term career.  But I will say that I don’t know what Flores motives are in all of this, but for a guy that clearly wanted to be a NFL head coach and seemed to take the high road before reaching a tipping point that goal seems unlikely anytime soon, and he is likely clouded by his frustration.

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  3. This a law firm that is attempting to cash in on PR and spin to force a settlement while taking advantage of someone who is rightfully disgruntled by experiences over the past few years that are ugly.  Thing is that the only winner in this will be the law firm representing Flores because they aren’t interest in social justice or anything like it - this is great publicity for them and has them sitting pretty to get this settled ASAP to prevent further damage to the integrity of the NFL.  As a Bills fan Ross is a gem bc he ensures dysfunction for the Dolphins, but as a person he is a huge POS that deserves all of the bad press he receives.  To those thinking Ross will lose the team see Washington FT and Dan Snyder.  Not likely IMO.


    Flores is going to be lucky to land anything higher than a DC position in his next gig and no team right now is going to take on the circus that follows him.  It’ll be at least a year before someone goes there, if ever.  And that is the unfortunate part.  He’s a pretty damn good coach that was winning in spite of the organization.

  4. 18 hours ago, NoName said:

    I am surprised to hear no one mention TE.  Remember those games Dawson Knox was injured?  Tommy Sweeney was invisible and Gilliam isn't an option.  Having another good TE gives us more flexbility to benefit our run game and allows us to do more 2 TE formations. 


    I think we need an upgrade at RB.  Singletary is good but how would this offense look with a very good RB?


    The only position I would want to upgrade on the OL would be center and that's a maybe for me.  It depends on how we are going to establish the run.  If we are going to continue to get the OL guys on the move then I think we can make it work with Morse.


    My picks

    Go after C Ben Jones from the Titans in free agency

    1st round CB Kaiir Elam Florida (great compliment to Tre....has size, toughness)

    2nd round TE Jaylen Wedeymeyer Texas A&M (could end up being better than Knox is big and can move)

    3rd round Kyren Williams RB Notre Dame (looks as good if not better than singletary with a little more power and speed)

    4th round or later, I'd like to see them get someone to play the 1 technique

    Elam is a terrible tackler and frequently lost receivers in coverage - UF is my alma mater and I can tell you that Moon is about the only player I think has any shot of being a decent pro from that D, but that’s no slam dunk.  Now they were terribly coached so there is that, but I’m not impressed with much of their talent. 

    I agree with what many are saying about LB.  Edmunds can move and is a 3 down LB, but good coaches exploit him and our D is pretty soft in the big moments where he is nowhere to be found. Tell me the big plays Edmunds has made to change the outcome of a game.  He’s not bad but he’s also a place they could use more consistency, toughness and playmaking ability.  Milano is a better LB, but a bit undersized.  Being a statistically No. 1 defense doesn’t mean anything if you are extremely vulnerable to the a team deciding to pound you all game with the run and not being able to get a clutch stop at any point in the 4th quarter in close games.  

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  5. On 1/3/2022 at 12:01 PM, Shaw66 said:

    The great thing about McDermott is his dedication to all of the stuff he spouts, the growth mindset, continuous improvement, etc., etc.   He doesn't just spout it, he lives it.  He demands it of himself, and that's what we're seeing.  I'm personally not a fan of going for it - I often thing that taking the points is the way to go, but McDermott is the one studying this, watching other teams, listening to his players, all of it.  


    Even his demeanor on the field has been evolving.  He used to be mocked here because of his hand-clapping rah-rah stuff, but I think there's less of that now.  The spirit, the tenacity, that he was encouraging with the rah-rah stuff is now part of the character of the team.  Everyone plays with that spirit now, and McDermott just as to remind them occasionally to stay with it.  


    He's growing, just like the team has, and it's a good thing. 

    And that is a special trait of his.  Constant self reflection and self assessment while also having humility is a combination that many great leaders have - not necessarily present in modern politics but that’s a whole different conversation not suited for this forum. I want to follow people with those traits and model myself after them.  You can see that he takes criticism and failures as an opportunity for improvement, rather than taking a defensive posture and rationalizing his actions. We all want to see ourselves be like that, but walking the walk is tougher than it may appear.  It takes the right balance of so many things at once even though it seems simple.  McDermott is the right coach for this team and I have nothing but respect for him. 

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  6. Fox usually goes for the meathead and geek combo in the broadcast booth with a female on the sidelines.  They don’t always go that route, but it’s their default.  I think they went with the Sanchize hoping for something close to Romo, but it’s more like a bad version of Rich Gannon.  I’m a big Gus Johnson fan but for the life of me I don’t understand why they partner him with Randy Moss (who I like as a guy in the studio, but not so much in game).  I also loathe Joe Buck, but that is still their best team.  Radio guys are much better in most circumstances but syncing things up is a pain in the butt. 

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  7. Honestly I don't see either one going anywhere.  Daboll and the Offensive staff have done a great job with Josh, but you do wonder sometimes what's up with the playcalling and issues on the OL.  I'm not sure Daboll will be successful as a HC, and I'm not sure he wants to leave this situation unless it is a really perfect opportunity.  I do wonder if this team might be better on Offense now that Josh is where he is with a different OC, but on the flip side it certainly could get worse.


    Frazier has been good, but he didn't do so well in his stint as a HC and his defense is statistically impressive but not exactly a unit that imposes its will.  Teams are sometimes reluctant to try another time with successful coordinators that haven't been very successful as HCs.  McDermott also seems to have some point each season where he has to insert his input to change up the D - which he should, but I worry way less about DC than OC with McDermott as HC.


    My point is that these two coordinators are good, but not great HC candidates.  They will definitely get their looks, but I wouldn't be surprised if neither gets a HC job.  I can't see the Raiders going with Frazier, and I know that has legs, but the Raiders are not exactly what I see as a fit with their strength on Offense.  I could see Leftwich way before Frazier. 


    Also, looks like the Jags are going with Doug Pederson - which is a really bad hire, IMO - after Reich left his staff that team and staff was not the same and Pederson showed himself to be a real clown when things were unraveling in Philly.  Reich is a really good coach and its hard not to like him even if you hate the Colts. 

  8. Each game is different but I sometimes wonder if they are making things a bit more adverse for themselves than necessary.  

    Beasley has been baffling all year and after McKenzie’s performance last week I think he gets the nod in the slot as a starter.  Not bc of one game but bc of things like Beasley’s lack of effort after illegal contact that could’ve been the difference between a called penalty and an Interception.  I’ve noticed his bad body language all season and i really liked his play every year before this. Hard not to like a tough guy at that size, but it’s like he carries the weight of his social media battles on to the field and is only sometimes that same guy we’ve seen in prior years.  McKenzie is faster and seemed to bring more explosiveness and honestly was a major piece of their most important and impressive offensive performance this season.  

    The Stevenson experiment needs to end. He is taking a punishing and looks like what he is - a return man without vision or ability to avoid a big hit. Big hits cause turnovers.  He’s a liability and I’ve thought so from the first game he took over the return duties.  I see the speed but that is such a small part of being an effective return man.  

    The Bills screen game is just not good and it looks like the designed screens are never there.  The one screen that was called fooled no one and was really too slow to develop.  Rarely do the Bills utilize WR screens, but the Falcons put on a clinic on how to do it (well at least with that officiating crew).

    Other than the pass to Pitts Ryan’s passing yards were in large part due to screens or broken plays.  I think one post in a different thread captured what I saw too: illegal men downfield and not just a little bit past the LOS.  But they had a plan of how to attack a quick defense in those conditions and it was a solid plan. The Falcons have some weapons and know how to use them.


    On the positive side the running game is encouraging from Singletary.  He ran very well and with determination. I love Josh and how he carries this team whatever way he can. But I don’t like how many hits he takes.  Still what a player - there is no one that wants it more on the field.  If you don’t like him then you might not like football.


    The offensive line is playing a little better and I like seeing that bc I’ve thought that has been the teams weakness all year and why this team is not as good as everyone was hoping.  They need to utilize a quicker passing game but I’m not sure that it’s there to be had, although we’ve seen it in a few games - the offense’s best games tbh.  The play action game should be more effective with the run game going and where this offense has been it’s most successful.

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  9. 3 hours ago, Miyagi-Do Karate said:

    less worried about that fumble and more about Stevenson running into his own blockers and taking brutal hits on just about every return. Really bad game by him. 

    He’s been scaring me every time he gets the ball kicked to him - he has horrible vision on where the tacklers and blockers are, runs upright, and doesn’t have good hands.  It’s baffling. I would put McKenzie back out there.  I’m just not sure what the staff is thinking on this one. 

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  10. 22 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    The Magic Eight Ball says "unless change occurs, Highly Probable".  Not because of what he said to me, but because the attitude "you need to chill before you piss me off" after being questioned is fundamentally incompatible with the kind of discussion we're trying to foster here.



    Yes, he did. 


    Reportedly, he also had more muffs and looked less comfortable in pre-season, so it remains to be seen if he's less of an adventure than McKenzie was.

    Yeah.  Stevenson put himself in some bad situations with his choices as well.  He got absolutely lit up a few times.  Inexperienced mistakes?  Maybe, but honestly I'll take McKenzie as a returner if I had to pick right now.  PR/KR is not the main issue with the team, though - so I'm not really that invested either way.  The inconsistency on both O and D lines and the playcalling on Offense that is not recognizing the issues on the O line is what is driving me crazy watching this team.  The one thing that I think gave this team holes in the run game when the line wasn't very good in years past was due to McKenzie's motion sweeps (technically a pass) and that has been something that they haven't utilized but a handful of times this season.  If they have little confidence in McKenzie's ability to keep the ball secure that makes some sense as to why they aren't using that play as much, but there are other players that can fill that role and run that play.    


  11. 13 hours ago, Jrb1979 said:

    I won't be surprised come next Monday there is a new team in first place in the AFC East. The Colts are going to be a lot tougher game then people here think. 

    I think the loss to the Jags was just the humble pie they needed to refocus and get into championship form.  The Bills spent much of the first half of the season seeing if they could get certain aspects of their offense working with very mixed results.  The running game is just pedestrian, and although I don't want to blame the backs too much, I think it is equal parts the line, the backs and the scheme.  Nobody fears the Bills running game, but I think they have wrinkles to pull defenses horizontal that can open things up in the run game between the tackles, like the McKenzie motion sweep.  I sometimes wonder if Antonio Williams is the back the Bills should bring back on the active roster to run tough to bring some variety to the run game.  Sometimes its more about how the talent meshes with the scheme and we've seen enough of Moss and Singletary to know its inconsistent results.  I like the way Moss has power but IMO he looks for too much contact rather than daylight.  Singletary is probably their best back bc of his vision, receiving and shiftiness but I just can't help but feel that RB is the spot this Offense needs to keep on tinkering with until they find something more consistent.  Breida is pretty fast, but I don't think he is a player they can rely on for blocking in pass protection, and you know that fumble is not sitting well with the coaching staff.


    I also think that putting Ford back on the bench with Brown and D. Williams on the right side is a huge upgrade.  Ford unfortunately just doesn't have it, and I thought it was his opportunity to lay claim back to his starting position and it would help the run game if they focused on running right.  Neither happened and the line was an absolute sieve with him in there both running and passing.

  12. 19 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    "So Quickly" didn't that investigation go on for a year, from July 2020 until July 2021 when the NFL fined the WFT "chump change" ($10M)?




    But, I agree, "nothing (else) to see here" strikes me as highly improbable.

    A whole lot to see I would bet, but the NFL is going to protect its owners and itself from any further black eyes, its clear as day.   Not that I want it to go away and think there should be a ton of reckoning for the NFL and some of its owners, but selfishly I don't particularly want it to be distracting from the amazing season the Bills are having so far.  Would be far better suited as a storyline for Feb. 2022 after the Superbowl.

  13. 6 hours ago, Governor said:

    You had already finished the beers you lined your pant legs with before entering? I can’t be the only one that does that.

    I think maybe you sat in front of me at a Dolphins Bills game with Kelly Holcombe starting at QB - many, many years ago "Holcombe-maniacs"?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. Shaw good observations.  One thing that really struck me after the game was the demeanor of the team.  As much as I know they really wanted this one and it meant more than the 4th win and the 5th game, there was something really sincere about the focus that this team has that came through in the post-game interview with Josh.  It's like the sting of the Pittsburgh loss and any air that the team had thinking they've arrived and it will be easy was an early and necessary lesson that they took to heart. 


    They can't ride this victory for too long before getting down to business.  Tennessee beat them up and stole their lunch money last year.  I am actually glad that this is their next opponent because they have to focus on the Titans and demonstrate that they can beat a circus act offense followed by the polar opposite physicality of the Titans' offense.  I think the Offense is due for a consistent showing where they can dominate a game and the Defense can rely on the Offense to hold the water. 


    So far this season they have played very complimentary football.  While there is no question in the outcomes of the games they've won, as you pointed out, there seems to be a much higher ceiling and feeling that the Offense is still in a cocoon waiting to fully emerge.  You see glimpses of it, but Diggs hasn't really gotten consistently going, Davis hasn't been as involved, and Beasley has been enigmatic.  You know all of these guys can get white hot and be a huge part of the offense on any Sunday.  They've found consistency in the run game when they need it, and I think inserting Brown on the OL and moving Ford out of it has been an all around good move - I'd like to see them utilize Brown's athleticism more because the guy is a freak of nature with his speed and power and he could definitely help in the screen game.

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  15. They still haven't found their consistency on Offense, but they are explosive.  If they find consistency towards the end of the season and the D plays as well or better than they have, they will be really tough to beat.  I think they are still figuring personnel out and adding wrinkles, trying to be more balanced.  That actually paid off on the sleeper hold drive that sealed the game.  That's what they are trying to do - be able to be an offense that can seal a game and isn't over reliant on the passing game.  I think that was how they are responding to what took them out of last year's playoffs - being able to beat teams if they are going to let defenders get away with PI and Defensive holding.  It's been a little ugly at times, but still very effective.  I also think that they are trying to figure out the right combo on the OL.

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  16. 7 minutes ago, Livinginthepast said:

    I am so glad that we have finally gotten to the level of quality where we can overcome the officials and their inevitable incompetence. The only way this is going to change is if the coaches get one challenge per game that is for officiating only. The game is just too fast now and trying to call penalties form a bad angle on what appears to be foul is just dumb. Perhaps the officials should just stick with egregious penalties only.



    Yeah it was especially frustrating last year as the Bills receivers were getting mauled without calls and then to see the one sided affair continuing, albeit in a different way by the officiating, in terms of calls impacting the momentum of the game in one team's favor far more than the other.  In any event, you are right.  When you play well enough for it not to matter that is a beautiful thing.  There was no question who was the better team last night.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    That hold on Morse was criminal. 

    That was simply a phantom call


    Just now, badassgixxer05 said:

    I noticed that too and McD was fuming over it. Think it was a spot foul though where its 10 yards from where the hold took place which was down the field during the run.

    Yeah I think McD was upset about where they enforced it from because the hold took place not as far upfield - it should have been something like 1st and 12.  It was beyond the LOS but not 15 yards.

  18. 7 hours ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Was fine.  When people were bitching all first half about the officiating, the Chiefs had 6 calls against while the Bills had five.  The only bad call was the Morse holding.  No defending that call but they made up for it with the roughing call the next play - which was a good call as the defender hit Allen with weight coming down on him.   I'm so sick of all the posts criticizing the refs. White PI was obvious. Dawkins hold was tic tac but was also obvious.  Poyer personal foul was obvious.  The roughing on Oliver could have been a no call but they are paid to protect the superstar QBs.  

    Half the posters on this board don't even know the rules.  People thought the holding call the Bills declined would have been 1st and 20.  




    KC Penalites called in their favor that were much more crucial - KC gained 5 first downs by penalty on offense, and the Bills had 2 first downs taken away that were absolutely huge plays on third down that were called back (the Dawkins hold in 1st Quarter, and the Morse hold in the 4th Quarter).


    The Bills got one of those calls and everyone is focusing on how that changed the entire complexion of the game.  It's not even a game in question in the 4th quarter if the score on critical calls isn't so 7-0 in KC's favor up until that point.

  19. 5 hours ago, DabillsDaBillsDaBills said:


    I'd be pretty shocked if he wasn't right around average in terms of how much a color guy talks. I did notice 1 play today where the Bills ran a play wile he was still rambling about something from the previous play, but that's not unusual for color guys (even the vaunted Romo did that a few times today). 


    If you find yourself annoyed because a commentator "talks too much".... maybe you should examine your feelings/bias a little bit? Unless the color person routinely rambles on into the next play I don't see an issue 

    One of the great things about Madden when he was at his prime was that he would let the stadium atmosphere and sounds be while he would just be quiet.  Romo does a lot of the great things Madden would do and really the good ones all do, focusing way more on good plays.  Romo breaks down the strategy so the average fan can understand, especially before the play starts.  That's what's really good about watching him.  Madden would be quiet before the snap sometimes and that just you let you absorb the situation.


    Collinsworth is just annoying a lot of times.  He focuses on mistakes too much.  But his biggest thing that makes him a hard listen when its more than just casual viewing of a game and its your team - he seems to focus on the built up reputation of players and coaches rather than what is going on in the game that contradicts that narrative.  To be fair he isn't awful all game, but when pivotal plays happen he usually has a take that is like "What?!! STFU Collinsworth!" Al Michaels has a good voice and is a decent play by play guy - past his prime, though.

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  20. On 10/6/2021 at 7:45 PM, Mr. WEO said:


    Where?  Right now?

    I’m talking about college not pro.  I never thought this would work out, he’s an egomaniac that doesn’t fit the successful type for the pro game. He’s better in college where he’s the biggest man all the time while great talent comes and goes under his watch.  Much easier and better fit for him, but make no mistake he’s great at that college gig where you can stack the deck with recruited talent and surround yourself with decent to good coaches to utilize that talent.  We'll revisit in a year or two and see what he’s up to - maybe he’ll hang it up after the Jags but I doubt it.  I don’t think he lasts more than this year in the NFL.

  21. 5 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    He won a national championship 7 years ago.  He's not going to win another, unless Saban were to retire and Meyer walked onto Bama.



    How many times was he in the BCS championship, Conference Title Game and Top 10 in his entire career?  He's a successful college program coach - and he could be successful wherever he goes - he's a great recruiter.  He may not win another but he could certainly be in the conversation every year.

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