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Clyde Smith

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Posts posted by Clyde Smith

  1. While everyone comparing him to Leodis, he reminds me more of Winfield

    I don't know...as a coach? That's a guy that fits what I want: attitude and hustle. I can do the rest. In fact it's my job to do the rest. When it's hot and it sucks, because I've made sure it's hot and it sucks, all I have to say is: Grandma.


    Either he is full of it, or, he bears down, and I get to know that within 4 days of camp. If it's the latter, I have a guy who will run through walls for the team, and that is highly contagious. I've seen it. If it's the former, he's done, and we both know why. While I agree that's a hell of a risk to take? Only somebody who's led something important would understand that: a guy who's willing to drop an F bomb in the draft is the safest bet there is. Tells me it's quite possible he doesn't see, and therefore, doesn't care, about the glory. He lives for the kill. I know I can lead guys/girls like that into and out of: anything, because I have.


    When everything sucks, a leader in a stress environment needs a SSGT or 2. Somebody who is willing to put the project/operation's needs ahead of their own. They are the ones that lead by example.


    Why? Because leading by example is not the leader's job. The leader, or coach, by definition has a different job. They drop the F bombs...we act like we disapprove. But, yeah, keep telling yourselves that this isn't about winning/combat/huge $ on the line.


    People that say $/winning isn't everything, never had any real $/wins, and tell themselves their kids are their real wins. :rolleyes:

    Well said, some people are scared of black guys with dreads and a loud mouth. I would draft 20 of them guys.
  2. ...agree Doc.....the animal is guilty......case specificity promulgates civil suits for wrongful death....sue and win but get nothing because the $$$ are gone......sad but true...prison "justice" takes care of matters...ask Jeffrey Dalmer...........

    Even OJ and Jared caught a lil prison justice.
  3. Agreed. On the whole thing.


    That said I think that Jamarcus has a chance at the title given that he went #1, got one of the richest deals in draft history (which he held out into the season to get)... and then was a lazy drug using gambler.


    He also was followed by Calvin Johnson, joe Thomas and a few picks later Adrian Peterson so there were some all time talents on the board too

    Lynch was one of the greats on the board also, we all know where he went.
  4. He is recovering from hip surgery in December

    Had a plate put in to fix old injury

    Should be good for TC

    Since Logan Thomas came up... Let me add

    As a freshman at VT playing TE

    He caught a touchdown pass thrown from yours truly.. Tyrod Taylor

    Good to know, hopefully they develop more chemistry during the offseason.
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