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Clyde Smith

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Posts posted by Clyde Smith

  1. Anyone else concerned about McCoy? 2nd week in a row he has been awful. Granted against good defenses, but NO's backs had better numbers.


    Hopefully see an improvement next week. Good to see we can win when he has a bad game, but longer term, may need to take one 3rd round next year.

    I expect him to bounce back next week. We just played at the time the 1st and 3rd ranked defense in the league. Atlanta's defense is currently in the bottom half.

  2. Perhaps the NFL and the Federal government should not have gotten into a multi million dollar partnership to promote the military through phony patriotic displays forcing the players out onto the field while the anthem is played. Greed on the NFL part, and manipulation on the governments part to get more of our young people to sign up for never ending wars. Now it's bitten them in the butt.

    Well said!!

  3. I really don't care about player's views on this or that. They are employees, and as such are there to do a very well paying job, and should leave their individual "views" at home.


    Two things I learned, at a very young age were; respect, and time and place. Treat others with respect, and recognize the time and place where you choose to demonstrate your views. If you're not respectful, and what you are saying/doing is not appropriate to the time or place, then you keep quiet!


    The NFL should have taken care of this a long time ago. Once they see that Fans don't accept the "on field" displays, and they see all the empty seats, maybe they will figure it out?


    Going to games is so expensive, that it won't take long for people/fans, to decide to spend their money, and their time doing something else.

    It's two sides to a coin. Some of the empty seats are from fans Who AGREE with the athlete's protests and the blackballing of Kaep.

  4. holy !@#$ing ****.


    are you !@#$s really turning this in to a Kaepernick thread?


    seriously, its disgusting and thank god ESPN is getting their way with you sheep.


    the only reason this thread is getting ugly is becaues blowhards like you feel the need to get on a pedestal and bring this kind of opinion to a location where it doesn't belong.


    so, take this crap elsewhere.


    there have been 1,000 kaepernick threads in the last year and change. we don't need your snowflake thoughts here when the discussion is about cutler. we don't need anyones.

    I posted for you Trumptards on here on your tiny pedestal. Did you see the meme I replied to? I can say what the **** I wanna say, and I say it to piss guys like you off. No wonder you are offended and feel the need to reply. Btw call me a snowflake to my face, I got enough heat to melt your snowflake *** damn Trumpeteer foh!!
  5. 1tlx38.jpg

    I think this thread is about to turn ugly. I for one agree with Kaep and I'm a Vet, and I'm not offended at the least. Also his stance is not about the country, veterans or whatever everyone ******* their pants over. His stance is against police brutality and the overall mistreatment of blacks, but that's not important to everyone. I wonder what if Kaep was queer and he took a knee for the overall mistreatment of gays, I'm sure America would rally around him and praise him as a hero. I'll probably get banned for this reply, but frankly I can give to *****. At the end of the day I'll still be a 40 yo proud Bills fan who bleeds red, white and Buffalo blue. Hoorah!!
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