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Everything posted by Bob&Doug

  1. Waiting for 200 or game time whatever comes first.....
  2. You stopped being a good troll about 50 pages ago.....now you're just lame
  3. This thread is dying fast.....doubt it makes 200 now
  4. Like buying Facebook before it was even offered= easy mistake
  5. Bob&Doug are so sad we are losing out on millions
  6. He bought Facebook in 2009..... before it's IPO on May 18 2012. HE OBVIOUSLY CAN SEE THE FUTURE
  7. I have to apologize.....DD is the real deal my friends
  8. If he bought in in 2009 like he says....Wow
  9. Was a little rich for me......you got in on the ground floor?
  10. Damn, you bought Facebook.....I laid off....still regret it
  11. Just talked to our sources, can confirm the package is in tomorrow, and will be run IF the opportunity arises. WATCH FOR IT !!!
  12. He has already explained this a number of pages back, although DC Tom wasn't buying it
  13. We have been.... we all want to know where the stadium will be located
  14. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are on it as we speak, but it's hush hush
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