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Posts posted by dgrochester55

  1. Wow, what time period do you live in? Dropping the F-Word like that to throw shade at another poster for some petty disagreement you're having over the Internet on a Buffalo Bills MessageBoard. Get ahold of yourself, please. You degrade the human race when you so casually toss around hate speech. I'll leave you with this.. I'd be willing to bet a good portion of this board has a family member or friend who faces the world each day with bigger barriers to overcome than you can imagine. Take a class in sensitivity...



    Anyone who can read understands this, just like anyone with the smallest bit of humor gets the comp pick fascination.

    I didn't know exactly what happened at first, a poster clarified it for me and now I understand. However, I cant stay mad at someone who just posted a hilarious reply like the one you did on the offended poster. Well played.

  2. It's funny, I posted a thread with this exact subject a few hours before the BBMB shut down and was told by a couple of "experts" that the thread was pointless and that I was idiotic for posting it.


    This is a real issue and a big part of why we are in a playoff drought. In contrast, New England who has had arguably the best quarterback of all time since 2001 has drafted twice as many quarterback as Buffalo during the same time frame.


    Long story short, quarterback is never a position that you should neglect, especially when you do not have one.

  3. It really is ashame how folks get off by publically attempting to humiliate someone else.


    If EJ was a complete gasbag like Manziel, then I could understand the ridicule. But EJ did nothing but play football.


    The kid had enough talent to be selected as QB at FSU and like many other college players entered the NFL draft. He was good enough to get drafted.


    No one can despute that the kid gave it all he had BUT like many others, did not have the total package.


    YET, somehow, it is not enough that he tried and failed. A handfull of lowly board dwellers want to run up and kick him as he leaves the building (so to speak).


    Apparently, you can't imagine how pitiful you all look.

    Agreed, it is not his fault that we reached for him and threw him into the fire before he was ready. Before that draft, projections had him as a mid round pick that would need development for a couple years if he was going to have a chance at success.


    Even though he couldn't make it as a QB, I don't remember any report of him having a negative attitude or making dumb choices. I hope the guy does well in life, both in and out of football unless he is playing the Bills.

  4. I think EJ will be on a roster by training camp. Some coach out there will want to see if they can turn around a former first round pick. He will of course be a backup or 3rd stringer, but I don't think his career is over. His ceiling would be a career backup that gets a few circumstantial starts every now and then like Todd Collins, Shaun Hill or Blaine Gabbert.

  5. As of today, the receivers on the Bills are Watkins, Powell, and Listenbee. Even if they resigned Hunter, added a free agent like Patterson and drafted someone, it would still be a shaky receiving group. There is still plenty of time in the off season, but I hope that they do something about this before it is too late.

  6. I like the signings so far. They all seem to have have a winning attitude and/or playoff experience. Also on the positive side, Buffalo has kept most of both lines along with Taylor/Watkins/McCoy. Keeping the core of the team and adding players that fit the new culture will be a good thing in the long run.


    Short term, there is still a ways to go. As of today, there are 43 people that are on the Bills roster and not restricted or unrestricted free agents. Among that 43 include a few futures contract players that will likely not make the roster. There are only 6 draft picks. This means that there are many holes to fill and there are going to be a lot of new faces on the Bills over the next 3 months.


    I am hoping that this isn't a rebuilding year, but there is still some uncertainty as of today.

  7. Sad to see him go but he wasn't worth the money that he was asking for. When drafted, I had high hopes for him and saw him as as close to a sure thing as you can get. He had some good games but injuries derailed him.


    In a best case scenario, I could see him being an Anquan Boldin or Donald Driver where the stats aren't flashy but reliable every year. I still think that Woods could be this type of player in the right system, but have doubts on whether or not the Rams are the best fit.

  8. You can't back down and not try because of the Pats. Seems to me that they are going all out knowing that Brady and Belichick likely have 1-2 years left. Why tank because of them?(As if tanking ever works in football). Buffalo can still get a wildcard and build on that. Miami was a mess in 2015 and managed to do that. If Brady and Bellichek retire and Buffalo is coming off of a couple winning seasons, that is much better for us that if we are "rebuilding" at the time


    Bring the right guys in for the new system and play to win,

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