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Posts posted by KingBoots8

  1. Didn’t know some of y’all had a side gig as members of the fun police. Relax, it’s just a little levity before the game.


    I’m sure Josh probably doesn’t care what Jalen has to say, but let’s not pretend that throwing a few darts over his head wouldn’t be a good time for him. Knowing the kind of person Josh is, and being the leader that he is on the team, he only cares about winning. He’s spent his entire career working on getting better and shutting up his critics- Sunday won’t be any different. 


    Let’s take a journey back to that strange time of 2018, when face masks weren’t an EDC item for people, and life was simpler... to a time when a loudmouth opinionated corner got his mouth shut by a certain AFC POTW. Observe exhibit A above, which highlights the plays from the game (also- a rare Kelvin Benjamin sighting!)





    followed by this gem, exhibit B.


    Yes Jalen, everyone is allowed to have an opinion- but yours is trash. “It’s best to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”


    Hope Josh circled this one on the calendar. Let’s get that W boys!

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