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Buddy Hix

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Posts posted by Buddy Hix

  1. Rex is a buffoon. However, all the coach speak McD does can lead to easy pot shots like the one Rex just took. Hopefully McD learns when to "say nothing" using coach speak and when to own a mistake.


    I hate the growing pains McD seems to be going through and have been critical but I would rather have him than Rex. Rex can't even formulate coherent sentences...look at him struggling to go off script in that segment, I don't think he is that bright.

  2. I'm guessing it is a combination of trading away key players and starting unprepared QBs, all the while saying you are trying to win now....the players no longer believe the coach and McD has lost the room IMO.


    I was willing to overlook a lot of the BS but the Peterman fiasco has completely soured me on McD and I expect I am not the only person. McD had better understand the consequences of his words and actions before him and Beane bring in the next group of players.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Steptide said:


    This is my issue with McDermott and his "win now and for the future" philosophy. If you were really trying to win now, you would change the scheme up to fit the current players and then next year change the scheme to fit those players. They are just simply running their own scheme and expecting players to run it well

    McD must feel like it makes more long term sense to implement and develop his schemes immediately. I think the "win now" talk was mostly lip service until the Bills somehow started 5-2, then McBeane conceded and made the KB move as it didn't mortgage too much of the future. The focus now must solely be on teaching and development.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Cripple Creek said:

    Sorry, I see nothing of the sort.


    Might they have and may they still squeak into the playoffs? Sure, could happen. If that's what you're in this for then god bless.

    The D quit yesterday...


    I suppose we will see if the rest of the team does too in the coming weeks.

  5. 44 minutes ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    Just a tad overstated. ;)


    Quarterback evaluation is a total crapshoot. You don't know how a QB is going to fair when his number is called. Finding fault with McDermott for how Peterman performed like he should've known that Peterman would have thrown 5 picks is disingenuous at best.


    I disagree.


    This isn't a case where the QB was bad, the QB put on the worst performance the merged NFL has ever seen. Peterman responded to pressure by closing his eyes and throwing the ball up for grabs off his back foot. It was like watching a JV high school QB.


    The Chargers talked about the pre-season game film showing Peterman struggling with pressure. How come McD didn't realize over 6 months what the Chargers picked up on in a few film sessions?


    If anybody is being disingenuous I think it is you and your attempts to justify or downplay a decision that, given the circumstances, will go down as one of the worst in franchise history. And for a franchise mired in one of the worst playoff droughts in league history (maybe the worst, too lazy to check), that is saying something.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 57 minutes ago, Cripple Creek said:

    Wow, overreact much? Severe fallout?


    He played a rookie QB for a half. It will become a footnote.

    It's not as simple as saying, "he played a rookie QB for a half." The Bills were in a playoff spot, the Bills have the longest playoff drought in pro sports, the performance of said rookie was the worst performance ever by a QB.


    The decision was ridiculed nationally before the game, and after the game the coverage has been rightfully brutal...the Bills instantly reverted to the laughing stock of pro sports.


    And the decision will become a footnote, as I expect McD to become. This team has quit on this coach after 10 games, maybe McD can bring in all new players and succeed but I wouldn't bet on it. Again, how can you have any faith in a coach who misread the situation so severely? Peterman's performance should be raising red flags about McD's ability to gauge anything related to football....and I haven't even discussed his historically bad D, which is supposed to be his strong suit.


    McD is here for the foreseeable future, so I hope he is capable of turning things around. But when you consider all the evidence (team quitting, worst D I have ever seen, thinking Peterman is even an option), I just don't see it. We shall see...

  7. #8 - McD has lost the locker room. Look no further than the effort and results from the last three weeks. How can anybody trust the process or believe in this coach? This coach is supposed to be a defensive guy, and the D is the worst it has ever been...in the history of the franchise.


    We were just in this position, a new coach that has no clue how to stop the tailspin, and the realization that we still another regime away from even having the chance at success. Except this time we can't fire McD, so we can't even move on to having a chance for another 2-3 years. Add in the 2-3 years it will take the next regime and....I just need a drink.

  8. 13 minutes ago, joesixpack said:

    This coach and GM need a minimum 4-5 years.


    If we do another 2 year switcheroo, I'll lose my ****.


    I agree, there is no way the Pegulas can even contemplate a switch.


    But the damage of that Peterman decision has the potential to cast a shadow over everything McD does from here on out. I just can't see how the locker room isn't lost after such a huge mistake by a rookie head coach, especially coming off three straight embarrassments.


    I guess we can just sit back and see how this plays out over the next 2 seasons, but personally, what I witnessed yesterday was shocking and very worrisome.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Cripple Creek said:


    Because Peterman has no business on an NFL field, and the fallout from that decision had been severe and threatens to undermine McD's coaching tenure.


    How can the team have faith in anything McD says now? How can the Pegulas feel good about giving so much power to a guy who misjudged a players readiness and talent so badly?

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