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Posts posted by BuffaloBud420


    No thanks. Its one thing to be a smart football player, but player evaluation and making business decisions around personnel is a whole other animal. Doesn't mean Peyton can't be a good GM, but we need someone who has shown the ability to evaluate, discover, and compile talent rather than take a chance on a retired player with no FO experience. There are just too many other good, more established, and proven options...many of which we are in talks with, to go with the unknown.

    Tell that to Elway

  2. To me it tells you that their offense concept was out score you.


    The model this team was biult on was top 5 defense and run the ball.....till that top 5 D fell apart when Schwartz left.

    Every team's model should be out score you. There was 60+ points put up in Super Bowl. Day of shutdown D is far and few between.
  3. good thing that was the offense you know?


    Oh and christ....you do realize miami had THREE 200 yard running games....TWO OF THEM AGAINST US




    given the 2 first round picks next year I am thinking......this year

    Yet Falcons had a worst rank D than us. What does that tell? Got to be able to throw the ball in this day and age

  4. I like them all. Traditional pocket passsers. We haven't had that since Bledsoe. They're definitely the top 5, I would rank then.



    1. Rosen


    2. Darnold


    3. Allen


    4. Falk


    5. Rudolph



    We better stay away from Mayfield (too small) and Jackson (not great from pocket).

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