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Posts posted by BuffaloBud420

  1. Then they'll work it out. Or as the article states from the observer Beane does the 53.


    Here'/s the thing I suspect is going on here. If Terry said McD has the control you'd want Beane. And vice versa. Why not focus on having two guys that have worked together and have a common purpose.


    And it will be answered as it already has been answered. -And if you don't like it you'll be free to not buy tickets if it upsets you so much.

    Yeah. Why would anything upset me about the Bills? You are a guy that just agrees with everything.

  2. The answer you want is very simple, and anyone who works in any organization can tell you. Ultimately it's the owner. But it should not get to that, because when you hire you get people you know can work collaboratively.


    I work for a big hospital network. We work collaboratively. We hire people who work like that. I have decision making authority for what I direct and get input from all who work for me. I report to the Physician VP, and if we disagree we work it out. But ultimately it is always the CEO that has the absolute final call. And if I screw up enough or fail to show I can work collaboratively I'll be out on the sidewalk.

    On player personnel it is not the owner (except for Jerry Jones). Every other team tell their fans who has final say on 53.



    Great list, but you realize that over half of the teams basically say it is a group decision. Not all the teams have one man "calling the shots", most don't.

    They all said who had final say. Except maybe a couple.

  3. Why should I be concerned? They will thrive or swing from the gallows together. THEY have to make it work, the pressure is on them. It's THEIR job. Worst case, I have another couple disappointing seasons. But I won't lose my livelihood or die. You just want to know who to blame. Wait till blame is due. It will make your life better.

    Why are you concerned about anything with the Bills then? You shouldn't be on message boards then.

  4. Will you be there?

    I want to know too.

    What do Beane and McDermott consider their best qualities to be. and when does one default to the other in a stalemate of opinion. It happens and someone has to decide

    I just don't get why guys on here go nuts when I ask that question. I'm glad another fan wants to know, and I'm sure most do.

  5. press: who has final say ?


    Beane: I control the 53. it will be collaborative


    press: but who has final say ??


    McD: one voice, it will be collaborative


    press: but what if you disagree ???


    Pegula: it"s gonna be a collaborative group effort. Just like everything else, just like most businesses do in their life. If someone feels more strongly, then maybe we lean in that direction.

    Ok. Let's say it's 2018 draft. We are picking 8. Josh Allen and Luke Falk are on the board. McDermott wants Falk. Beane wants Allen. What happens?

    And so it was written, a 29 year old called 420 Bud shall lead us to clarity.

    Maybe you need me. Been 17 years.


    Why do they owe you a clear answer?

    Cause may family has had season tickets since the 60's. I go to every game, buy beer, buy clothing. I'm 29 and never seen a Bills successful team that I can remember. I want to know who to hold responsible.

    what difference, at this point, does it make?

    Cause I want to know how the team I support is run. Like every other fan of any other team.

  7. Who has control of the 53 man roster? Obviously they will work together but they will not agree on every player. Carucci said, McDermott will have final say and Rapoport, said it will be Beane.


    I don't care if you say they will take turns when they are in disagreement. Bills fans deserve to know. In any business there is a person that has final say on certain things. Stop trying to play Bills fans for fools. We deserve better.

  8. I doubt it, but sharing a vision is not the same as agreeing on everything.

    Same vision. McDermott is s defensive coach and Beane has an offensive background...but make know mistake about it. McDermott will be making the call on offensive players too.

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