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Posts posted by JimKellyTryouts




    Maybe they should have run it on 3rd and 1.


    Or maybe at 2nd and 11 with 4 minutes and the clock running from the 23 yard line.. they should have done something a little more creative than a shotgun snap with an additional 3-5 step drop. Run clock there and you make the field goal... they need 11 in about 3 minutes. IDIOTS!


    Or the holding penalty that pushed them out of field goal range

    Or only targeting Julio Jones X times

    Or not doing good old fashioned Dick Jauron football with run-run-run-punt


    ****, that game scars me.

  2. Coach McDermott and Kyle Williams' comments about Marcell being in good shape as well as Waufle and Frazier saying he's bought in to what's wanted of him is all that we really need as feedback right now.


    I didn't care to read through the likely-BBMB-esque 4 pages of criticism that likely consisted of some comments regarding pot, sailor hats, cap hits, lethargy, etc. Let's hope he heals up quicker than later, and move on with the expectations of a big year from him.

  3. Several players sucked independently of Rex's scheme.


    Fully agreed - Preston Brown was flat-out awful, Jerry Hughes became invisible (and later had to tweet about playing through injuries as justification), Darby suddenly was one of the best to worst corners in the league in merely one season, Stephon Gilmore was going through the motions while not getting hurt (yes, this is a rather bad example for how well he played towards the second half of the year), and Corey Graham could make tackles - but that's about it as far as the safety position was concerned

  4. Disagree. When asked how many games he expected to win, Gailey stated "all of them."


    Lol - what the hell else is a coach supposed to say to the public? "We currently suck and I really hope we go winless - while I miraculously keep my my job after admitting to going through the motions this year - so I can build on next year with a higher draft pick!"


    There's been no talk from this team in many, many years about winning the division and winning the Super Bowl, only "make the playoffs." So, is that the Bills championship, just making the playoffs? That's a very lame goal!


    Making it into the ****ing playoffs is the first step towards the super bowl, obviously. With what all we've done recently, that'd be huge progress. Besides, each and every team spits out the same old cliches about giving their fanbase and city a championship it deserves and all that jazz. Kyle has said numerous times this season how he wants to be a champion in Buffalo.


    Let me guess - you want to go ahead and nitpick and whine about McDermott's "playoff caliber" motto not being "super bowl caliber" instead, too, right?




    I've mentioned I understand and agree with your point of view to a certain extent, but now your replies later in this thread are devolving into horrid hot takes.


    I dunno, guys who don't care about winning Super Bowls?


    I don't see the incentive for Watkins to sign an extension for a team that didn't pick up his option, when he could wait for free agency and sign with the Patriots or other SB contender, OR, with a team that will pay him more than the Bills will pay...


    I found that quip to be very repulsive. Sure, some of those guys on the list like Mo Wilkerson seemed to have wanted nothing but the benjamins for themselves, but for guys like Gerald McCoy, Matt Stafford, and Joe Thomas - who are high-character, hard working players - maybe want to stick with the team that rewarded and drafted them so high to right the ship for their franchise while getting very fair market deals.

  6. I fully understand the 'tanking' point of view in terms of practicality (aka highest likelihood to find a franchise QB), but I'm under the notion that no team and roster has the notion of doing that intentionally because coaches and players on the entirety of a roster have too much pride to go through the motions of a near-0-16 season. It's just a matter of circumstance and sucking enough. When the Colts landed Luck the one year Manning couldn't play, Kerry Collins and Curtis Painter were just THAT bad.


    With guys like McCoy, Dareus/KW/Hughes, Clay, Sammy, and a top OL on the roster, we simply don't have a window to do such a thing right now, especially with Kyle and Lorenzo liking McDermott's "win-now" (yet paradoxically build for the future) mantra. In about 2-3 years when many of those guys regress due to age, we can revisit this topic when our roster may or may not be significantly worse. Like, in other words, I think we still have some really ***ing good players and that we should have made the WC at least once these past two years with a proper 4-3 disciplined head coach, but hypotheticals as a Bills fan will obviously kill ya. Anywhere between 5 and 10 wins is possible this season IMO depending on health and circumstance.


    Tankmaster Tim Murray conveniently traded away Enroth who was playing too good for our march to the highest probability in the lottery, and that may end up being the only time we'll get to witness such a blatant tanking move as that in Buffalo sports history.


    And regardless, when it's all said and done, wherever we do end up picking - whether it be top 5 or mediocre-esque leading to a top 15 pick to miss out on the better prospects, we just need to hit on our draft picks period, "obviously." Let's see if Beane can do that, and if not, we'll spin our wheels all over again with another regime soon enough.

  7. He would I think actually be a good WR with TT as the QB. Stevie would always get open the longer the play took to develop due to his improvisation. TT always finds someone open when a play breaks down from holding the ball too long and scrambling. Might be a blessing in disguise.


    Obviously wont happen though.


    The Stevie of 4 years ago would have definitely been a great fit for this WCO we're putting in place.

  8. If someone told me pre-Ryan that we'd lead the league in rushing for his two straight years and were in the top 10 in scoring offense with a free-agent QB and still couldn't make the wild card at least one of the two years (with extremely favorable scheduling) with the talented defense that, ya know - a defensive head coach, inherited, my mind would be blown.


    And oh boy, it sure is. I support McDermott/Beane's visions for short and long term success, but if we don't make some noise in these next couple years, Shady, Dareus, Sammy, Clay, Richie/Eric, and many other of our not-so-young talents will either walk or see their level of play decline. I admittedly fell hook, line, and sinker for the Ryan hype (as did whipping boy Russ Brandon and the Pegulas), and it just sucks that we didn't hire a proper coach two years ago where this team was far closer to playoff competition.

  9. I went to a Jets game in Goodwin's rookie season. Awful weather and it was EJ & his starting WRs were Goodwin and Graham. And they destroyed the Jets and MG looked like a complete receiver.


    Also, the fact EJ & those WRs destroyed Rex should have been a warning sign.


    Oh lord, now I'm going back and recalling how TJ Graham caught one of those fluttering TD passes "like a punt" - using Ian Eagle's own words. That game was all sorts of ugly, but Da'Norris Searcy had a really cool pick 6.

  10. Lots of good answers in this thread - I just also wanted to give a shout out to one of my favorite Bills when I started religiously following the team: Lee Evans.


    Like Moulds, I can't help but imagine what-could-have-been should he have had a more talented QB. If he ended up teaming up with Flacco years ago as opposed to during the downslide of his career, he would easily put up double digit TDs on several deep balls. Signing an extension with us when Trent Checkwards was our QB simply did not pay off for him. Since so many WRs are divas that get frustrated over a lack of targets/stats (or being wide open and missed by crummy QBs), his team-player mentality throughout our ****ty years made him that much more likable.

  11. Cordy being on that list makes zero sense. We signed him long term at a good time because the tackle market inflated highly this offseason. Seriously, Matt Kalil and Mike Remmers made over ten million a year swapping from Minnesota to Carolina FFS!


    Edit - that was a gut reaction from me. I'm reading the article thoroughly now trying to understand all its metrics.

  12. I just felt stupid trying to justify the Rob Ryan hire to my peers, saying how they could work well together and that he definitely wasn't the DC, but just an assistant. The anonymous player reports totally contradicted that, and when our actually titled DC in Dennis Thurman took over in week 17 to say we're "going back to the basics" I lost my mind.

  13. have been saying all offseason this coach is gonna be the wild card that nobody has been talking about..... he coached up what was arguably a top 3 d-line over the last 2-3 years for the ram and if you watch any of his hard knock clips he will make you wanna get up off your couch and go to friggin war!


    if this guy can light a fire under 99's butt..... game on baby!!!!

    Nobody has been talking about this guy? Lol, okay.

  14. ...sure he was good and endured the pain of crap teams (as did others) but he was also a diva......Ralph had to personally fly in from Detroit to mitigate the spat of Moulds vs Mularkey......Eric was RW's pet.....and he made sure he burned EVERY bridge outta town before heading to the Texans...his "publicist (really needed somebody to speak for him??)" said, "Eric is very upset with the Buffalo Bills because his consecutive game catching streak was broken".....now there's a real TEAM guy pissed about a ME record....lost ALL respect for him at that point.................

    Yeah no kidding. Even Terrell Owens didn't gripe any when Trent Checkwards couldn't give him a reception against the continuously-porous saints defense. From what I recall, TO was a refreshingly good dude and a solid teammate for us, which was surprising since he and Jauron seem to be as good of a mix as oil and water.




    As for my thoughts on this thread as a whole, why the hate for the lions? They were rather good last year and have a solid roster. Stafford showed he's definitely one of the top Qbs in this league (and will stick around longer than Rodgers) and could have helped Megatron shatter all sorts of records. I understand the POV of health and being financially stable, but trashing the team that drafted you and rewarded you with that mega deal screams typical diva WR.

  15. He seemed very down-to-earth and likable in all the media snippets during his rookie year. For all of this to happen is extremely perplexing and I'm definitely concerned about his well being, especially with the terrible news regarding his daughter earlier. Hopefully BillsMafia can try to support and encourage him if he's still active on twitter. And tbh, just based on his twitter activity, something just doesn't seem right about the guy between the ears...

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