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Elite Poster

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Posts posted by Elite Poster

  1. 2 minutes ago, CincyBillsFan said:


    And done what with him?  Force him to be a pocket passer?  How may yards does Jackson run for behind the Bills O-line - especially last year? 


    If the Bills draft Jackson last year he fails.  If the Jets drafted Jackson he also fails.  If Arizona had drafted Jackson last year he fails.  If Cleveland had drafted Jackson last year he fails. 


    Hat's off to Baltimore and their coaches for deciding to think out of the box and try to do something unique in the NFL.  Only TIME will tell if this experiment will work.


    Don't forget out of ALL the teams that took QB's in last years draft ONLY Baltimore was a Playoff level team.  All the others were in the middle of tear downs. 


    Seeing as Lamar Jackson leads all of the mentioned teams in passing yards and TDs is not really helping this point. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, John from Riverside said:

    You gotta love how ppl willl prop up someone elses QB......shitting on their own...until that QB starts playing like crap...and they move onto the next teams QB


    LJ couldnt find his ass with both hands last year...and even this year he is Mike Vick




    Well he is Mike Vick with more passing yards and touchdowns than...White Tyrod that fumbles twice a game if we are making player comparisons. 

  3. On 11/2/2019 at 11:46 AM, Stank_Nasty said:

    Man....that  plane must have every skins fan that gonna be in attendance then, because I’ve seen a couple of their games while scrolling through the ticket and they can’t even get half their stadium full of their own fan base. 


    At the game today, probably 15-20% of the stadium is Redskins Red. Adjust your television set. Pathetic.

  4. 13 hours ago, Mr Info said:

    I will make an assumption that 20-30% represents what has been on the market for a while for this game. Skins fans no longer travel much to follow their team but I will make another assumption that half these seats will be sold and the sellers (supposed Bills fans) show up when they cannot sell them. The result is a 85-90% crowd supporting the Bills. Seems good from what I have seen at other stadiums (re:Titans) in person or broadcast this year.


    I thought the same thing but the two games I attended this year had a ton of opposing fans. Nothing like I've seen before or maybe I was just not paying attention. Last week was pathetic, team is 5-1, huge statement game, and the cheers for our team faltering were so loud. Ridiculous. Embarrassing. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    Dude. Why? Like what’s the point?... other than to look like a butthole? 

    I can promise you, because we’ve all discussed it, my crew of 15-20 people will drastically reduce our attendance if the bills change to a dome. 



    20% of the stadium isn't showing up man. I have a buddy coming from Florida who connected through Baltimore and said the plane was PACKED with Redskin red. Our stadium is starting to get taken over by fans that actually don't mind the cold. 

    14 hours ago, Stank_Nasty said:

    The score had nothing to do with it. It was great 40 degree morning down in Indy. Crisp sharp air walking up to the stadium.... you walk through the doors and it feels like a freaking shopping mall. The game hadn’t started yet and I wanted no part of being inside the dome. hell, my wife can’t stand the cold and she agreed she’d rather not ever attend another inside game. 

    I’m not trying to reinforce anything with idle threats. I’m telling you straight up if it goes to a dome will not be spending the money I do now, to enjoy a football game out in the crips open air, for seats in a shopping mall a stadium in the middle. Im not saying that I’ll stop attending all together. And they probably don’t care about little ole me. But I’m also telling you it isn’t just me with these thoughts. 

    I was actually excited to see what the dome life was all about. It sucked.... a lot 


    I agree with everything you are saying, but 20% of the stadium has been the opposite team's color like 3 times this year. What is going on, we aren't even in December yet and are 5-2. There are ways to build a dome that gives an open stadium feel. Minnesota has a big glass enclosure. Honestly, retractable roof might be the best thing for Buffalo, block the wind but still feel some of the elements. 

  6. The team is 5-2 and 20-30% of the stadium is on the secondary market for sale AGAIN. Come on guys. I will be there. I think it's time for a dome and I was against it at first. What happened to home field advantage? 2-2 at home this year.


    The season ticket faithful are showing they do NOT like the cold. The last home game while on the 2017 playoff run wasn't even a packed house, I was there. 

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Bubba Gump said:


    Tell that to Miami, Houston, Tampa, Jax, etc, when they have to play in 20 degrees and snow. It doesn't happen a lot but when it does, it's a big advantage.


    I mean 

    1 hour ago, Buffalo716 said:

    But there is absolutely nothing that says for a fact a downtown stadium will rejuvenate Downtown


    It doenst guarente a boom in the economy or anything else


    And buffalo is already a historically beautiful city that doesn't need it. The city is absolutely perfect the way it is rn. It doesn't need to be revitalized, it's been happening for 20 years without a stadium


    Buffalo doesn't need to be like every other NFL city..  it needs to be Buffalo




    I agree with this. We definitely need a new stadium or an update, but it shouldn't be in the city. If it's on the outskirts like the Titans stadium, that could work.

  8. 16 hours ago, TheFunPolice said:



    Football is an outdoor game. Weather didn't stop the 90s Bills!


    Patriots see fine with it too as does Green Bay 


    The issue isn't snow or rain, it's the wind. The Ralph is actually built below ground so wind whips around field level like a tornado.


    They need to make a new one. Help the QB out. 

  9. 5 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    I would love to be a fly on the wall in the offense meeting room.  I really wonder what goes on between the coaches and Josh Allen.  I'd love to know if, for example, they are asking him what plays he likes in the game plan, what plays he wants thrown out.  I'd love to know how much freedom he has in terms of checking to audibles. 


    I say let Josh be Josh.  Give him the keys to the car and let him drive.   Give him freedom to change plays at the line of scrimmage and so on.  If you look at his fourth quarter heroics (before yesterday, which just stunk across the board), Josh has done well.  When you do well in the fourth quarter it tells me the QB can make good decisions and good plays, make good reads and throws.  Some have commented that he looks tentative the last couple games, and I agree.  Let him play football.

    Absolutely this.


    Why are we so scared to throw an INT isn't a 3 and out a ***** turnover? *Whispers* 

  10. Besides being a bald family man, something McDermott has a hard on for, Tent Murphy is useless.


    Dull Star Lotulelei? Invisible and when you actually watch him, on skates. 


    Hughes? Always 1 second too late but at least he is giving it his all every snap. 


    The sad part is our best DL right now are back ups. 


    Ed Oliver has talent but isn't making an impact, this is why you trade first round picks if the right guy is available. Our window will begin to close. This D will not last forever and will Allen start winning games for us?

  11. 7 hours ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Wow, very true. Reports are lots of Eagles fans around yesterday. Won’t be anything like Bills in Tennessee , but still sounds like a large contingent. Not a great look with a 5-1 team. 

    Yep. There was a lot of noise on our third downs and loud roars when we got scored on. Embarrassing.


    I'm officially against staying at the ralph. Tickets are cheap and these guys DON'T go to the games. They get their money back selling huge games and our stadium got taken over. I've been on a waiting list for season tix for years because I don't want top corner 300s. I will pay the extra money and actually show up. 

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