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Posts posted by Commsvet11

  1. 1 hour ago, Roundybout said:


    No, I'm talking more EFFICIENT farming that doesn't rely on massive subsidies. 



    Interesting link comparing the profitability of efficient farms vs all farms I particularly found it interesting that “fertilizer shows no consistent conclusion”.


    However not sure you understand your own link as it shows efficient farms and all farms are comparable in profit and the factors you mentioned such as irrigation and fertilizer use aren’t compared

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    No, that dud who Conservatives are praising argued directly that Men should drive the culture. That sounds like something Nazi would say

    Again your side is one that supports Palestine protesters all over university campuses that are expressing anti-Semitic behavior so calling my side a Nazi is stupidity.


    And of course you didn’t understand what the dude said because you are stupid, that “dude” glorified the choices women could make whether it be professionally or domestic but you didn’t read it because you are told what to say. You are stupid. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Ya, not the same way you beat off yours


    Ya, you get a mess

    Ya, Republicans think ∑øµ´n should not be part of cultural direction? WFT is that?


    Dems be like, let freedom reign

    You didn’t even address my argument….its “ derrrrr dems be like let freedom ring” and that’s where you get confused it’s not that we want men to dictate the culture, we don’t want democrats to dictate the culture because your a prime example of stupid.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    But no one on my side is saying men acting like women, or the other way around, should be the only ones making the culture.


    Dems say, like freedom ring.


    Reps: Only men should decide

    But your side is clearly letting men decide who makes the culture in that example, republicans can recognize and the celebrate the difference in the sexes there are women’s sports that make achievements equitable and equal. Do you agree a physical able person should be able to compete in say wheelchair basketball or do you recognize there are limitations?


    If we go and continue with your sides culture building that men can compete and will dominate women sports then your side is essentially telling women they shouldn’t even bother to compete. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    Just like men should set the culture :doh:

    Now hold on ….::there is a whole culture being cultivated of men believing themselves to be women and competing with women at athletic contests and the political side you lean towards do not condemn this.


    That argument is off the table.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Ha! That’s hilarious. @BillsFanNC and @B-Man post here and ATOP all day and night. 

    They have very important psyops to promote!


    I can’t understand why you are upset. 

     That’s what’s so sad, you actually have to stalk another board you’re not even allowed to post on as well as this one. Have you considered just ending it all?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Yeah - you’re upset. And in typical galactic fashion; you’re starting to meltdown.


    What ever happened to the f your feelings crowd?



    I think a new trend is starting here….



    Go. *****. Yourself.

    Just now, BillStime said:

    That’s hilarious - considering you, Karen, Bonnie, and Buffy are active on this board AND this board:




    Fkn losers 

    Go ***** yourself



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Gene Frenkle said:


    F off pansy. I sure do belive everything I read on the internet, though! Assuming you're only embellishing half of this: you're 39, HS education with a landscaping business that you consider "cardio". And you played club dodgeball for 6 months. The truth is somewhere in between.  Don't brag on the internet. You have no idea who you're talking to and usually come off as a douchebag in need of approval.


    Stay alpha, bro. Not cringe at all. The jersey will certainly match your alpha hat.

    Wow a tough guy middle of the night reply 

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 19 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    I did and gladly will, but I wish you'd stop dodging questions yourself.  Look back at previous SCOTUS discussion on the topic.  It's about when the fetus can live outside the body on its own.  All our current non-secular SCOTUS is doing is mucking up everything that people already agreed upon in the past, trying to turn back the clock.  Their inconsistency and punting on everything is maddening.  Abortion?  States rights.  Insurrection Clause?  Not states rights.  Total immunity?  self-executing??  They're a complete clown show. 

    Okay so anything before 28 weeks and it is considered part of the mothers body and anything after that it’s considered two separate human beings.


    You can live on a state that’s population believes abortion is legal or not. You have the freedom to move or elect officials to change state law what’s the biggie?

  10. 3 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    Having organs doesn't make you a human being.  Let's quit quibbling the minor details, and jump into the actual debate.  Should the state have control over bodily autonomy?  Better yet, should the state respect the rights of a fetus more than the autonomy of the already living, breathing mother?

    Well since you just declared having organs doesn’t make you a human being perhaps you should define it n your view what does make a human being and what age makes one a human being because that’s big part of the argument so let’s have answers for those. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    No it does not.  There is currently a total artificial heart.  If having a heart makes you human, I guess people with them aren't human then.  How long does the heart you described last outside the mother.  Imo, any fetus that can't live outside of its mother, is part of the mother, which is part of her bodily autonomy, no matter what someone else's Bible says.  if the Constitution says you have a right to privacy in your 'persons, houses, papers, and effects', then CERTAINLY you have a right to privacy in your bodily autonomy.  Only a fool would argue against that.  

    What does an artificial heart have to do with biological body system? You have Cells those cells then make tissues those tissues make organs and those organ make organ systems. That is the biological build up which in this context a human being is being formed. A Heartbeat is a fine arguement because it is one step away from organ systems.



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  12. 16 minutes ago, daz28 said:

    As I've already said, and the courts have already agreed with me a long time ago, the issue should be about viability, yet that's not good enough for the religious.  You're not a human being when you're a mass of cells.  Heartbeat is the silliest argument, because it is based on the old adage that the heart is something besides a muscle with valves, that circulate blood.  Also keep in mind, that one party fights against access to birth control.  Ironically, they're the ones that hate abortion.  There's absolutely ZERO chance that a large group of them will EVER be ok with any compromise, which means this issue will NEVER end.  

    The heart is one of the first organs to grow, which actually makes a good arguement because the mass of cells have differentiated into an organ a different beings organ 

  13. 17 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

    Same for you. Nice try. You got nothing. 

    like I said. Own it and move on. You won’t look so stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. That was obviously a dark day and mistake (for lake of a better word right now). The Republican Party would be better off if they would own it and move on. That can’t move on because they keep trying to down play it. Keep trying to defended trump. There is no defense for that crap!

    I’m pretty sure I have been nothing but civil towards you.


    Why don’t you explain why someone shouldn’t defend Trump? Does he really do anything that you or others wouldn’t do? 

    If you can’t stand someone you don’t even know what does that say about you? 

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