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Posts posted by Figster

  1. I realize the NFL has evolved over the years making it harder to make a fair determination.


    What puts Brady a little higher in my mind is his ability to operate at such a high level with average for the most part players on the receiving end of Tom Bradys passes.


    The guy makes everyone around him better and has continued to do so throughout his career.


    My vote goes for Tom Brady as the greatest QB all time.


    thanks OP

  2. EJ Manuel is hot garbage. Probably the worst QB I've ever seen. Great kid, just not an NFL QB.

    Does anyone think its possible that failed coaching/systems may have played a role in E J Manuels failure to develop into an NFL QB.


    Why can 2nd or 3rd string QB's win football games behind center for the Patriots?


    How well do the same QB's do elsewhere?

  3. Well, if you score that low then it's highly likely you're not that bright across the board.

    As O's and D's become more complex low wonderlic scores become more of a red flag for coaches/GM's when evaluating QB prospects IMO.


    Tyrod Taylors low wonderlic score is offset by the elite skill set he exhibits and its very possible a more user friendly system in this case the West Coast O and innovative coaching may help Taylor/Bills overcome the obstacle in my humble opinion.


    thanks OP for the interesting topic

  4. It was a different era. You're comparing apples to oranges. Offenses were nowhere near as complex as they are now.

    Peyton Manning scored 28, brother Eli 39, how did that translate onto the football field?


    Cam Newton scored 21, about the league player average. Does Cam struggle reading Defenses or running the Panther Offense? In my opinion, no

  5. I think there needs to be a middle ground somewhere, but I just don't see it. Some fans do applaud everything and others just criticize everything. Here's a novel idea. How about waiting to see how a move works out before either applauding or criticizing it. From my experience, to do either before knowing how a particular move will work out is just premature speculation. It means nothing until the player or players involved actually perform or don't perfrorm on the field. The rest is just ranting.

    Middle ground is reached when two sides of a discussion come together in a civilized manner in my humble opinion.


    We all don't have to agree on everything,


    just get along while debating it...

  6. I actually feel more optimistic than I have in a while. Not for this year but for the future. The last few years the team has been run like a Madden franchise and every season has been an "all in" season.


    Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can move forward. Losing Gilmore, Woods, etc. hurts, but the added cap space takes the sting out of it. Freeing up cap space to gain the flexibility to build the roster to the coach's liking with an eye to year 3 is more likely to lead to sustained success than continuing the overanxious pattern of the last half decade.

    and wouldn't it be something If when all expectations have been lowered for the upcoming season,


    and deservedly so,


    Buffalo makes the playoffs...

  7. I'm really glad we got rid of the Ryans and look forward to see what coach McD brings. I am confident that he'll be much better than the horror show we saw last year...... The one thing that doesn't change however, is that just like the last 16 years, we are likely looking at a WC spot...competing with 12 teams vs 3 is a much taller task.

    Playing the Pats twice a season, then a 3rd time in all likelihood to win a championship is a tall order for any team in the NFL.


    On the other hand its a New Era in Buffalo,


    with a new sheriff in town,


    goes by the name McDermott...

  8. I disagree, I'm not saying we're bottom feeders, but after one day of FA, the reality is we lost alot more talent than we gained

    I see some pro's, we clearly upgraded at starting/backup FB, and K

    And I'm happy we worked things out with TT

    But retaining him initself is not a net plus towards a better offense nor overall record in 2017

    Sure, I like the cap savings but only if our team uses it to sign top talent which so far we have not

    We still lost our #2WR and #3 WR's

    We still lost 3/5's of our starting secondary

    We still lost 2/3rd's of our starting linebackers

    And we only have so many draft picks of which to replace em

    Yes, we got some bodies to play safety and a backup guard

    But not top 100 FA's or true blue NFL starters

    Could one turn out to be like Zach or Lorax, of course, but you're drinking koolaid if you automatically claim it will be so

    I would still assert drafting a high level young safety is a need going into this draft

    And Corner/WR has become a necessity

    And I am concerned these fringe FA signings will nullify 2018 comp picks

    Ok, its only day one, lots more to come in the off season

    Maybe we resign Zach next week, or a #3 WR, or a nickel corner

    But let's be honest and say fans in other NFL cities have lots more to be excited about...



    With all due respect Wilcoam,


    I'm much more confident/excited with McDermott and Co then I ever came close to being with the circus act the Ryan brothers brought to Buffalo.

  9. Lot of truth to this


    He did not have to....but TT did what he has been doing his whole career......betting on himself and willing to prove his doubter's wrong.


    In a time when "good qbs" get paid like "great qbs" he helped the team out and let go of what.....10 million dollars of guaranteed money? I mean he isnt gonna have a hard time putting food on the table but still

    Always putting the team 1st, even at personal sacrifice monetarily.


    Team Taylor...

  10. You have points...that would be a first

    This is a good post...and I agree with you hear


    I feel that if TT would have gone to a team...say...the Browns he would not flourish. This whole thing was set up right down to bringing in Dennison as OC from the start.


    Tyrod maintained contact with the coaches....he stuck around....IMO he wanted to come back because this is HIS team....he is the leader and the captain and a good one.


    Towards the end of last year he was starting to use his TE......he needs to complete throws when the game is one the line more often for sure....but this is the best situation he could be in.

    Good post John,


    The new O was Taylor made for Tyrod IMO...


    honestly im finding it hard to believe they could get this out of tyrod. even if the market was cool on him you would think he could do better than this. massive pay cut is right, and yet another easy out for the bills in two years. incredible win for the bills. never thought it would end up this good for the team



    thats a hell of a point. if they are working out a deal with cleveland that must have felt like a pending trip to syberia for tyrod. we probably never will find out but thats quite possibly a realistic guess



    Well done OBD

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