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Posts posted by Domdab99

  1. Read an interesting ESPN article on how Mahomes has not been made to fit into the mold of every other QB:


    The binary nature of his sports journey in many ways helped shape the playing style that NFL fans are just waking up to. More than his rocket arm, Mahomes relies on instinctive breaks from the pocket to find open receivers. Mahomes referred to it as "using every inch of green grass on the field, whether horizontally or vertically." Kingsbury attributed it to the unexpected but rewarding consequence of splitting time between baseball and football in his youth.

    "He just wasn't overcoached," Kingsbury said. "Maybe by not having the quarterback tutors that would have worked on his fundamentals, telling him he always had to step to his target and have his elbow at a certain angle. Maybe that helped him learn to throw the football on his own. He has touch and accuracy from different angles and different platforms. His ball just has a natural way of coming out, and you can see that in the way he plays."
    "Those off-schedule throws are a part of who he is," Kingsbury said. "You see some guys that got repped over and over on certain fundamentals that limit them. He plays with a freeness and throws with a freeness that allows him to do spectacular things. He was never really corralled into a mechanical five-step drop, stay in the pocket, find your check downs. He was always allowed to cut it loose and play. There have been skeptics at every level saying it won't work. But that's what he's really good at."

    To make it work, however, he needed a coach who would welcome an unorthodox quarterback and was all about challenging convention. As it turned out, Reid had been building toward this moment for more than a decade.


    I hope they’re not trying to fit square Josh into a round hole. That roll out and non-throw to Zay in the end zone is concerning. That’s exactly the kind of play we got Josh Allen for. He needs to let those loose.

  2. 1 minute ago, MDH said:


    Don't you know, somehow literally means figuratively these days.




    it's true, it does.


    1. in a literal manner or sense; exactly.
      "the driver took it literally when asked to go straight across the traffic circle"
      synonyms: exactly, precisely, actually, really, truly; More
      • INFORMAL
        used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
        "I have received literally thousands of letters"
    • Haha (+1) 1
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