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Posts posted by zevo

  1. Let me tell you what, buddy. I have been a Sabres fan since 1970, and we don't need fair weather fans like you on the bandwagon.


    You sound like one of those NYers who digs his Mets hat out of the closet the minute the Yankees are eliminated.



    First off, I aint your buddy. Tough for me to beat a fan of the sabres since 1970 since I wasn't born until 82. Let me get Larry Quinn on the phone to notify him of your amazing credentials of being a fan. I am sure you will get some sort of ceremony at one of the home games.

  2. Dont let the door hit you in the ass.  Let another disappointing season weed out true fans and dont even think of hopping on the bandwagon when we turn this thing around.  Cya!  Go Bills!



    I was wondering how many posts it would take until someone posted crap like this. You're such a "true fan" cause you had the game on your tv just a little longer than I did. Get bent, cause if you can sit there and accept losing after losing season, you might need to look at yourself. This "true fan" bullcrap is for people who are afraid to take a look and see what this team is and what it has been for awhile now. I am a fan that is facing the reality of the situation and voicing my displeasure, so spare me the ignorance. I, like many, will be back at 1:00 pm next Sunday with renewed optimism and right back watching. The best metaphor I can think of is that the Bills, for all of us, are like a dose of crack each week. Us fans are the crack whore always returning for another hit and leaving with a black-eye. I apologize for the graphic nature of my metaphor, but it seemed fitting. After 5 hours of cleaning up absolute tree destruction this morning, the one thing I could not wait for was 1:00. Its just tiring andgetting very stale. We as a city cannot even rally around the Bills, especially after this disaster. I just thank God for the sabres.

  3. I found myself so disinterested in this team today. i was more into my fantasy football team than the bills today, and that never happens. Its just all crap and this team is showing zero signs of progression. Its been like this for years and it has become very tiring. I think the city, as a whole, has lost the connection with this team like it had through the early to mid 90's.


    Thank God for the sabres. This is a team that all teams should be modeled after. A team that the city can get behind.


    The winds of change are upon us, and right now Buffalo is turning into a hockey first city and rightfully so.

  4. The fools on this board who make fun of anyone's name or hair are doing nothing but revealing how infantile they are.  That stuff really matters when you have nothing better to contribute to the board. 


    Yeah, everyone in the box should be a drone or be cool like Brent "know nothing" Musburger.



    When you put yourself in front of the nation, appearance is important.

  5. Stupid Coaching: 4th and 1

    Stupid Penalties: Royal

    Can't stop the run


    Welcome to the 2005...er..2006 bills  :doh:



    OH shut up! U know damn well u wanted to go for it on 4th. It was the right call. McGahee cant hit a fckin hole.

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