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Everything posted by WMDman

  1. cause Rex Burkhead is so much better than shady
  2. It's crazy to me when people here want to cut him after this year, dudes a HOFer, let's use him till he has nothin left
  3. Per his IG. Surprised he lasted this long in FA I thought he showed improvement in last years pre season
  4. Isn't it the millions of people that watch their show at fault for making them relevant?
  5. itd be cool if he retired as a Bill on a one day contract
  6. Yeesh hopefully we don't get hit with the injury bug this year (lookin at you Watkins)
  7. I was never really a fan of his, but I'll be rooting for him. Has a hell of an arm and seems like a nice kid.
  8. Time to give Leger a call to sure up depth if AW is suspended?
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