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Posts posted by gatorbait

  1. Trust me. Greggy has linked to that stuff about as many times as Homer Simpson has burped. I've seen enough of them to have an opinion and Occum's Shaver comes heavily into play.


    Do you mind elaborating a little bit more? Isn't Occam's razor usually meant to imply the simplest explanation is better?


    And you still haven't answered my question. Why do you think NASA shuts off the live feed once or twice a month when something comes into view?

  2. Any theories from these guys can travel multiple light years but their societies never gave off radio signals?


    Touche. You would think civilians would have detected signals or obtained undeniable proof by now.


    Please do me a favor though, go to youtube and search "ufo iss" really quick. You will see how many times NASA has cut the live feed recently. Now why would they do that if it was just ice crystals or space dandruff coming into view?

  3. Are there any pilots out there? I have heard from numerous sources that pilots are discouraged from reporting anything they see while flying. It is also interesting how some former astronauts have come out with compelling revelations.


    Again, I'm not claiming anything is true or untrue. I just really enjoy this kind of debate.

  4. Re-read your own post. You did mock religious people. And you did it in a thread where no religion had even been brought up. It was weird.


    You are correct that I overreacted about the alien overlords thing. Sorry. Years of reading Greggy's stuff is what I choose to blame, but I am still at fault. I don't care if someone believes in alien life or not. I'll admit that the part that bugs me is that people say someone is arrogant if they doubt its existence. That is incorrect. I hope there is alien life. Tons of it. I just don't see the evidence at all. Because if one looks at it objectively, there is none.


    If you think the math is refutable, then refute it. You'll be the first.

    If asking about stories in the Bible is considered mocking, then guilty as charged. I agree my post was a bit random but I wanted to get my opinion on the matter out there, and religion usually comes up in regards to this topic. It was a giant word salad but where else can I talk this kind of crazy stuff?


    I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong either, there is no way of knowing. Humans are still in the infancy stage, we are just scratching the surface in regards to physics, mathematics and space theory.


    I received my master's degree in Health administration and not mathematics so there is no way I can refute that theory, but I will say communicating and simply existing are two different arguments altogether.

  5. I then provided a link to the irrefutable math.


    You somehow found a way to mock people that believe in God.....from out of the clear blue sky....but cling to your desperate belief in alien overlords that will come save us by leaving clues in mashed potatoes?


    Look, I'm not saying there is no alien life. The math is simply that it is incredibly unlikely that any capable of communicating with us ever existed.

    Talk about over reacting? I've seen you do this with other people here and should have expected it. I didn't mock religious people or say I believe in alien overlords. You sound ridiculous and petty, like you have a crusade against anyone who believes in alien life. That math has a strong point, but it isn't the proof to end all debates. Far from it.




    You may have me mixed up with someone else. all I asked you about was sitcoms and then I did answer your question. All the "I hate God " and "Scientists are atheists because they are so brilliant" stuff is cute and everything but it has nothing to do with anything I posted. Take that argument to whoever you had it with originally because I'm uninterested. God or no God, math definitely exists.


    You can start here and scroll through a few posts.


    You replied to my post with a tort about a sitcom. It's asinine to take one sitcom explanation or one mathematical formula to decide anything. Science and theories are fluid, they change all the time.


    You answered my question by telling me to go search the middle of a 67 page thread? Haha okay have a great day.

  7. Most people in this thread that support the myth of intelligent alien life point to the theory espoused by some guy on The Big Bang theory. That very theory has been mathematically shown to do the exact opposite. There is a discussion about it somewhere in this thread...in the middle at this point.

    First things first, I answered your question why didn't you answer mine?


    Second, I'm going to side with the thousands of scientists who are atheists and believe life on other planets is a serious possibility. We are going to find organic material in our own solar system on mars, and you really don't think life exists in the infinite number of galaxies and solar systems?


    Third, don't claim it's a false myth because there is no way to prove either side is right or wrong at this current time.


    Lastly, I love people who believe the ridiculous stories in the Bible but don't even open their mind to the possibility life exists outside of earth. Two of every animal being on an ark? Jonah being swallowed by a whale? Hearing god tell them to kill their own son?


    Life is rare, intelligent life willl prove to be even more so. But to assume the only intelligent life is on one of an infinite number of marbles flying through space is irresponsible in my opinion.

  8. For the deniers out there my question is why does NASA shut off the live feed of the ISS every time a craft-like object comes into view?


    We know water and atmospheres exist on some other planets. Throw some sunlight into the equation and what do you get? Life.

  9. I will take the posters like promo, yolo and 26cornerblitz over the posters like Joesixpack and nosaint any day of the week.


    Nobody likes to hang out with negative people in the real world just like the negative posters here get old really quick.


    Football is for enjoyment, I feel like we forget that sometimes. I turn 29 this month and the bills haven't won anything since I can remember. I still enjoy it though and root for my team no matter what.


    Some people on this board may need to find a new hobby.

  10. Doubt it. The ravens were only running the ball and getting 1st downs at the end. They pry would have gotten into FG range on that last drive.

    And if your way of staying positive is that we could have won 7-6, your BBFS is worse than mine

    Thanks for your highly valued opinion which is so coveted around here. /sarcasm.


    Who said I'm positive? I said if we didn't give up that one touchdown the score would be seven points less. That is a fact unlike your opinion about what I meant in my post.


    I'm one of the biggest kool aid drinkers around here but after watching that dumpster fire I'm pretty darn close to saying we are mediocre. I have also been watching football long enough to know anything can happen and it is a long season.

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