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    Naples, FL

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  1. Ha - I do too! I just mean they could jump into a CB role in a game and "hold the fort" for a quarter or two if they got into a jam with in-game injuries. Definitely not suggesting its a good long term solution if CB injuries occur. We'd have to pick up somebody if that happens -
  2. A lot has been made of the team keeping 6 safeties and only 5 corners in the press. However, I'm surprised that nobody (including Rex as far as I've seen) has mentioned this point. Corey Graham and Aaron Williams can and have played corner. Remember that we actually drafted Aaron as a corner coming out of Texas and he was later converted to a safety. So, if we did get in a bind in a game due to an injury to a corner or two, one of those two guys could play corner in a pinch. I would think the team took that into consideration here, but I haven't heard it reported -
  3. Thank you! This sounds like a really Bills friendly deal in my opinion. Even though we had the leverage right now, I'm surprised (and pleased) we were able to get these terms. Go Bills!
  4. Long time reader, first time poster. Thanks for having me Bills fans! Just my 2 cents on the Tyrod contract. Like it or not, this is a QB driven league and that in and of itself almost forces you to take some chances. Are there risks in signing TT to a 6 year deal? Of course. We have seen plenty of examples on the board. But, there is also big upside potential. The reality is, I believe it is smart for the Bills to take that chance now. The alternative, letting TT play out his contract, is risky on a couple of levels. If he has another good year, not even great, his value goes up big time. If that were the case, he will have lots of suiters. Yes, we could also slap the tag on him, but its looking like we'll need that for Gilmore. Right now, we have the leverage. If TT can stay healthy, I think he can be a solid QB. Its worth the risk -
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