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Posts posted by blitzboy54

  1. 15 minutes ago, HardyBoy said:

    The bills players were exposed to the virus against the Raiders. Gilmore testing positive exposes the talking point of a single positive test today meaning only one player has it so the game should be played.


    Pause the season for a week across the entire league and shift week 5 back a week. Why go through the headache of juggling a schedule, just lift and shift. It's not like the venues have to deal with scheduling around concerts and other events right now.


    I can't even imagine being Morse and trying to prepare for an NFL game right now.


    This is correct. Have to take a pause


  2. So I just looked up the local CBS broadcast schedule for this week and guess what? This is basically a NE double header. There is no conflict with the Jets or Giants and traditionally they play the Bills. This is ridiculous and if anyone is up to it I would appreciate a station email to perhaps try and change their minds.  The email addresses I sent mine to were the following.  


    Thank You


    'sports@wrgb.com'; 'feedback@wrgb.com'



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  3. Holy Hell this is nonsense. He was the league MVP last year. He had one bad game and its the "end of an era"???  Maybe you're right but it's too early to make that kind of statement. My guess is you have been waiting for an opportunity to proclaim this and jumped at the first chance.  This post gets a giant eye roll.  Your stuff is usually excellent but yikes

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  4. 17 hours ago, GunnerBill said:

    I read the article. It is worrying. My conclusion was they need to sell the Sabres but then that is easier for me to say as a non-hockey fan and non-Buffalonian but their core business is facing tough times, the property business similarly and the Sabres are a huge cash drain. 


    The Bills are the cash generator at the moment. If some sandbags need to be thrown overboard start with the loss making teams. 


    I think there is some link, yep. 


    I am a hockey fan but  I agree. They can't seem to make it work you have to shed the dead weight.  NHL teams all claim to loose money. I am guessing that's not true but I would be willing to be they don't make very much. The Sabres have been tire fire for so long I don't see how they get out of the hole they have dug themselves

  5. 8 hours ago, Ryanh said:




    First thank you for the supporters. Second thank you for the criticism. I believe someone should stand up for the weak.  Cyber bullies have made it so severe that their victims have actually killed themselves. To call me unstable because I wanted to stand up for those who can’t or won’t is just What Millennials would say. When I was growing up if you picked on someone you better be able to handle your ***** talking. I simple wanted to establish a conversation on why he thought his behavior was okay. 

    mind you..... I spent my money, my time, my resources. Not anyone else’s. I haven’t asked for anything monetarily, or anything crazy. I simple wanted to show Bullies can’t bully someone face to face. 

    just figured I clear the air.thanks.



  6. Just now, oldmanfan said:

    This is a microcosm of the social media universe.  Some guy you've never heard of and have no idea of his expertise tweets out some stuff criticizing a QB,  and you believe him because it fits with your agenda.  Classic.



    I don't have an agenda and you've missed my point. I video is unbiased and pure. who cares who posts it. I never said Allen didn't do anything right.  Your taking it personally and I have no idea why.  Just because someone that "hates" Allen posts videos of his bad plays doesn't invalidate his bad plays. If it would make you feel better I can link some videos of his good ones. My only point is nobody on this board (me included) knows if this is Dabolls fault.  I'm not citing this guys opinion but I watched everyone and he missed a whole bunch of stuff. It's typical of his season. Sooooo much better than last year but still not good enough.  Lets see what happens. This was always a point about Daboll anyhow, that Josh Allen isn't yet good enough is not controversial.  


    Of course its about balance, his good vs bad. I'm super confused what your upset about. 

  7. 1 minute ago, oldmanfan said:

    what do you mean the twitter guy doesn't matter?  Anybody can post stuff on twitter and it's supposed to be believable?


    We all know Allen still has a lot of room to grow.  What do tweets from some guy we don't recognize and who apparently ignored all the good plays Allen made add to anything?


    He didn't post video of the tooth fairy. That was actual NFL footage from the actual game. What is there not to "believe".  We all know his "good plays" but we scored 19 points (average like 17 a game) in a world where everyone else scores 24. It's not complicated.  This guy doesn't owe you balance, his opinion doesn't matter but he took the time to break down his bad plays. They are part of the story. Who cares if some random twitter guy "likes" Allen.  




    5 minutes ago, ngbills said:

    It is a combination of Daboll and Allen. But if Allen improves it would help out Daboll a ton. During the game I get frustrated with Daboll. I watch the film afterward and get frustrated with Allen. Its not just the bad throws but the many left on the field or the inaccurate passes that turn a TD into a 5-10 yd gain. 


    Daboll - Gets too cute. Some of the plays seem overly complex and take too long to develop. Many plays lack options - bunch everyone and have only one real option. Lacks balance - 100 passes in a row after running with success etc. 


    Allen - Still makes dumb decisions. Accuracy issues lead to lack of TD's and many missed plays. Takes bad sacks. Know when to run, throw away and get down. Speed up decision making process. Did I say accuracy...


    I still have faith this tandem can work. Next year is huge for both. If the Bills are still a bottom feeder offensively then both could be running out of time. 


    This feels 100% right.  All of it

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  8. 7 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    Who is he and what is his expertise when it comes to assessing QB play?



    Twitter guy doesn't matter.  He broke down the film. you can watch the clips yourself and see the miscues. What we do know is nobody on this board NOBODY knows how the play was called, what was supposed to happen,  was there an audible, how much influence the HC has in game. You don't, I don't,  nobody does. But message board people claiming with conviction that Daboll is the "problem" are talking out of their collective asses. He might be but you don't know that.

    That aside everyone can clearly see a few things about Allen. He has improved a ton, he is still not good enough. We all hope (don't know) that he takes the next step. If he plays next year exactly like this one I suspect we are looking for a new QB in 2021.  Again we all hope he takes the next step

  9. 13 minutes ago, Marvlevydraftdaygenius said:

    Dabol, is to blame because he has QB out there saving his fat ass as a coordinator.  There is a reason Dabol, for how long he has been a coordinator has never had a top offense.  He has Josh Allen, throwing to 5'8 wide receivers no size on deep balls and when he throws the deep ball in the game Josh gets destroyed for throwing to a full back well I guess Tom Ratham, should never be considered for the hall of fame he was a full back, Darrell Johnson, should not be in the hall of fame he was full back.  Keep blaming Josh and not blame the real person Dabol.

    This is dumb. Nothing is ever that black and white. There is no way you have the expertise to be correct here.  If you read this thread the evidence clearly shows that its way more complicated than that and Allen is the real question mark on this team

    • Haha (+1) 1
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  10. On 11/2/2019 at 12:13 AM, CaptnCoke11 said:

    Good.  Garbage website


    On 11/2/2019 at 12:05 AM, RyanC883 said:

    very interesting.  Site was mostly garbage, IMO.  More click-bait and self-righteousness reporters than anything else.  


    I thought the site was great.  

  11. 19 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    Religion is one of mankind’s oldest ways to unite, galvanize and Sheppard people.


    Religious people by definition are willing to put their faith and belief in something (that no matter what you belive isn’t easy to prove) and those same people allow the rules of that construct dictate their habits and lives. That probably coincides with very coachable team oriented personalities. 




    Religious people also seem to go out of their way to pat themselves on the back for their faith.  I've met too many crappy people that use their faith as an example of why they are not crappy people. I have met too many people of faith that hate people that are different than them.  This thread will get shut down but I want to be on the record before it does that in my experience I have met more awful people that say God comes first than almost any other group.  




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