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Posts posted by HuSeYiN_NYC

  1. I appreciate the thread and tip my cap to you for believing. But this isn't a playoff team. It doesn't belong in the playoffs. I'll find no pleasure in watching the Bills back in and get destroyed by (enter team name here ___________) in the first round. We need to get so much better top to bottom to stand a chance -- and that won't happen in less than a month. I see nothing positive or symbolic about ending "the drought" with only two minutes of rain, though I know my opinion isn't a popular one and some believe it makes me less of a fan.

    I don't care WHO we lose to in the 1st round of playoffs. I just want the drought to be over.

  2. can someone please !@#$ing explain precisely what a coach is supposed to do?


    these men have been playing football for decades.


    the rules didn't suddenly change when they entered the pros.


    yes, they took 15 !@#$ing penalties yesterday. And yet, a fluke play on a second and 26 (that nobody is talking about enough) and a blatant pick to set up the go-ahead FG was the difference


    15 penalties and the game was there to be won.


    stop blaming coaches.


    players make plays.


    punt returners fumble.


    and defensive players do things to change games.


    riddle me this: when was the last time a defender changed the game in a positive way for the bills?


    coaching? !@#$ no. there is no leadership among the players.


    stop. blaming. the coaches.

    So is it the players fault for being dead last in sacks? Yet last year (same players) were first?


    Is it the players fault on defense, offense and special teams (same players) that they didn't lead the league in penalties but this year they do?


    It's more than just blaming the players dude. Coaching plays a huge part. I think you forget that these guys are in their 20s (professional or not). 20 year olds without discipline will act lile they're playing high school football plain and simple.

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