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Posts posted by HuSeYiN_NYC


    On 11/7/2018 at 1:41 PM, C.Biscuit97 said:

    1) I love our fan base for being so involved in caring so much about a G


    2) I also am depressed we are this excited about a 5th round G.  What a low bar our offense has set.  


    Talking about a 5th Round G is an upgrade over talking about dildos...


    Dìldo throwing is the only passing game in the Bills organization 

  2. I love Shady for a few reasons. His shiftiness is insane. Rex wasn't lying when he said he'll make you miss in a phonebooth. But more so I love his personality. Any time there's a Shady press conference I'm tuned in. The dude just has that personality I can relate to and for selfish and non football related reasons, I want him as a Bill.


    But last week when he was dancing all on the field just to get 1 yard or even negative yardage, I said to my TV, put Murphy in man. I was ready to move on from the Shady era if he were to be traded because #1 he's not producing any rushing yards with all that dancing and #2 I want him to succeed so if it can't be with us then let another team help him get his gold jacket.


    He has NO touchdowns this year and hasn't cracked 100 yards rushing in any game he started. I want more for Shady and the running game. I understand this is a QB driven league but we all know how bad our QB situation is. Daboll needs to focus on trick plays more like he did in the beginning of the game last week and in screen packages for Shady and draw up more quick slants for the receivers. 


    I'm not saying I can coach our team better than Daboll but I know there's something wrong when I can watch a game and predict the next play coming which is the sad part. When I watch the Patriots offense I can predict what's coming also but they have a HOF QB so there's nothing defenses can do especially when he gets rid of the ball quickly and places it perfectly. 


    Good thing about Peterman this week is he releases the ball quickly but the plays are not designed to his strengths which is what I believe is the reason for his interceptions. Daboll can call a good game. We've seen him do it against the Vikings. That's the one game of the season where I couldn't predict what play the Bills were gonna call. I only wish Daboll would have kept his foot on the gas pedal in the 2nd half but he went conservative and ran the ball but hey we won so I'm not complaining. 


    I had high hopes for Shady and I still do. Why you ask? Cuz the O-line is playing JUST decent enough to give me that hope. In preseason I personally thought we were gonna go 0-16 based on the O-line performance alone. But not only has the O-line played decent enough, but we're witnessing one of the best defenses we've ever seen wearing a Bills uniform. 


    Keeping Shady next season is fine by me as long as

    1. Daboll can find ways to get him involved more

    2. Shady can fix his own mistakes

    3. We REALLY add more talent on the O-line and receiver core

    4. Allen shows growth this season


    I'm not even from Buffalo. I'm born and raised in Queens N.Y. and still do and I'm surrounded by Giants and Jets fans. I loved the Bills growing up (I'm 40 years old) but didn't really watch the NFL until the 1st year we got Bledsoe (I was more into NBA before that). So I've literally known nothing BUT heartache with the Bills cuz I wasn't watching the NFL at all when we had Jim Kelly and squad. I've made more than 20 trips to Buffalo to watch Bills games and I love your city.


    The selfish and non football related reason of me wanting Shady on the team is cuz of his personality. His personality makes America even know who the Bills are imo. It's guys like him and Stevie Johnson who give the Bills "that swag" which is why Stevie is my favorite Bills receiver of all time to this day. I just want to have a fun team I can root for with a certain swag and edge that lets the rest of America know that Buffalo even exists. Our defense is doing a heck of a job when it comes to that but this offense is making the Bills games unwatchable. 



    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Is that from the same package of notebook paper that Dabol was using for his play card?


    Dude i saw that lol... Dabol's play sheet looked like it was in his back pocket for like 3 months n went through the dryer a few times by accident and it looked handwritten and he was staring at it like it was difficult to read.

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Kelly the Dog said:

    Put Micah Hyde out at WR and have him try to fair catch the passes. 


    I know this is meant to be humor obviously but I'd take it into serious consideration. Not necessarily Hydes cuz we need him at safety but since the defensive players are the only ones who look like they have a pulse on gameday and since McDermott seems to find talent on defense, i say grab as many defensive players as you can and convert them to offense. Can't be worse than the offense we have now...

  5. 6 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    No we don't . OBJ is an immature child and a cancer.


    and this kid isn't that good. Would you really want to spend a first on a guy who is 5'10" 157 ??? Dude is a munchkin, not happening.




    I don't follow college ball so i dont know the guy's physical appearance. Plus my point was more so the fact that we need a OBJ type player even if he comes with the divaness... If he can play like OBJ, he can be all the diva he wants to be is what I said...

  6. 22 hours ago, Buffalo Barbarian said:


    Me too :D


    if we can't get a tackle I probably go WR. Really like DK Metcalf if he comes out.




    Haven't noticed him yet but haven't watched much Oklahoma this year.


    Please tell me he comes with out the OBJ mental disorders and Divaism??


    Just looked him up and no way in the first, guy is a midget. We need a complete WR who can come everything.






    Bro if he plays like OBJ at all he can be all the diva he wants to be. This locker room NEEDS people like OBJ to call a turd a turd... I'm over this brotherly love crap they got going on in the locker room... fingers need to be pointed n people need to be held accountable. 


    Even when that negativity happens, I can still picture McDermott clapping.

  7. Don't know how to post vids from YouTube on here but I just watched a video of Marcellus Wiley showing Brady saying "Trying to get to 6-2, Bills Mafia here we come".


    I don't take it as him calling us out or challenging us at all but it DID feel a bit weird cuz I've never seen him do stuff like that before and I have genuine hate for that man (as a player) so everything about his face and that stupid little, I'm 40 plus years old and eating food which makes me lose fat on my face so I look like I'm aging really quick and I don't use lotion lil grin he had just made me a little hyped to see our defense get after him.

  8. Even with the 4 Turnovers, Anderson moved the chains better than Peterman which is the reason why Anderson should continue to start and is ALSO a good reason to go insane.


    Bills are so bad at offense and HAVE been for so long that when you actually take a step back and think about how starved Bills fans are for something close to a NFL standard offense, you can't help but just laugh. Well, I personally laugh. The opposite of laughter is not something I'm willing to waste on a NFL team. 


    When I watch other teams play, I just marvel at the throws, the catches, the runs, the coaches having a pulse, energy and emotion (instead of clapping at every damn mistake). I wonder what it must feel like to be a fan of those teams.


    But in Buffalo, we have a locker room full of character guys who don't point the finger at each other and hold people accountable. 


    Let me ask you this. If you were at work and did your job the way it's supposed to be done, but your coworkers are slacking, then your boss needs you to do MORE work than you're supposed to BECAUSE of the slack of your coworkers at the same pay, wouldn't you be upset? Wouldn't you pull those people to the side and say, look here man, I'm not doing more work just cuz you lazy and can't do your job?


    This team is lead by a guy who looks serious and often tries to get smart with the media when they ask him a particular question, yet claps on the sidelines after fumbles, interceptions, 3 and outs etc.


    Sucks to be a Bills fan is all it is but it's BEEN this feeling for too many years. When and how does it change?

  9. Just a sad season period. I know the kid is a rookie and i know we lack WR depth and i know we have a below average O-line, which is why I'll give the kid SOME slack but there HAS been many times when receivers get separation with good blocking from the line and Allen can't connect (either doesn't see them or misses because of inaccuracy).


    I'm one of the people who rely more on free agency signings (for the Bills only, not for the league) rather than the draft because the Bills are known to have bust 1st rounders through the years, but, with Beane and McDermott I actually get excited come draft season cuz they seem to be doing a great job with their picks. So shoutout to the scouts and whoever else is involved with the draft but still a sad year because of no offense.


    It's such a waste of a great defense we have at the moment and I genuinely feel bad for Shady and the whole defense as a group especially Kyle.



  10. You don't have to be a football guru to see that Allen plays scared. Against the Vikings, if you have the game saved for some reason, go back and just look at his face. He looked calm , unphased and dare I say, confident.


    Every other game besides the Vikings game, he looks like a deer in the forest eating leaves and looking out for predators. I'm not even a hunter and I can tell what that looks like. Just imagine defenders who are looking to sack him and how they must be salivating at that scared look of a QB.

  11. We can read and write til our eyes and fingers hurt but the only reality is what we see on Sundays and what I saw on Sunday was improvement. It was not a good game obviously but Allen played better than he did in week 1.


    Let's see if he learns from his mistakes against the Vikings. Tough position to be in but I get the sense that Allen isn't "thrown to the wolves", rather I would call it, best way to learn.


    If he shows improvement with this horrible O-line and WR group, just imagine what he will do with a better line and receivers. 


    I don't know much about the ins and outs of footwork and release and blah blah blah. All i know is recognizing character, toughness and heart and Allen has all that. I'm pulling for him to succeed. I DO wish they could have a veteran QB presence for him but even if they don't, i get the feeling that he's smart enough to learn without one (with the current coaches showing and teaching him in the film room).

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