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Beef Jerky

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Posts posted by Beef Jerky

  1. Pittsburgh was down to its 3rd string RB, because Tomlin wanted to teach his back up a lesson. How did that work out? Sound familiar with a coach insisting on teaching a lesson to a player, at a team's expense. Tomlin is lucky that Big Ben is as durable as he is, otherwise, he'd be toast too.


    Cardinals were down to their 3rd string QB and still qualified for playoffs in the toughest division in the league. How would Marrone & Co. do with Tuel at the helm?


    One of these is not like the other.


    The whole point of inserting Orton in there was to get an NFL caliber QB on the field. So why continue to run a high school offense?


    Unless your ultimate goal is to show off the GM and win a power struggle at the end of the season, especially knowing that he had an out clause that would keep him whole financially through 2015.


    You are right, he knew exactly what he was doing. Which was to submarine the 2014 season.


    That would be the one guy with more catches and TDs than the rest of the WRs combined and the other one who's the fastest on teh team, and at least demands deep attention.

    If he has more catches then he wasnt on the bench... And the fastest guy has been injured and sick all year.
  2. Belichek on Shanahan:


    “I’ve always had tremendous respect for Mike and what he’s done on the offensive side of the ball as a coordinator and his accomplishments as a head coach,” Belichick said. “I always felt like his teams were amongst the hardest to prepare for and to handle their game plans.”

    Broken record when you ask Belicheat about other coaches.

  3. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/bills-go-all-in-on-ejs-offense-20140511


    Marrone said Watkins versatility presents a puzzle the offensive staff is eager to solve.


    As soon as we were able to get him I got together with the offensive staff, he said. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Hes excited to get back to work and were excited to work with him.

    You forget Marrone would not allow any Bills news to be posted without his approval.
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