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Beef Jerky

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Posts posted by Beef Jerky

  1. Sweet, double down on a bad bet. People B word about Marrone coaching the last game for his own record, but Whaley is allowed to follow up this pathetic waste of 3 first round draft picks based on a terrible decision to draft Manuel, and now is going to base the head coach decision around that failure. If this is true Whaley should be fired tomorrow. Manuel is a never was, never will be, and everyone outside this idiot and a small portion of the Bills fanbase can see that.

    Whaley wasted 3 first round picks?

  2. don't name names but what sports did you see this in?


    Wonder if he will do worse when he gets out?

    Heh this was Highschool football I am talking about. Late 90's early 2000's it was all the rage especially if they had college scouts. Hit as hard as you could not feel it and look like a juggernaut.
  3. Not always, though, which explains guys like Flacco, Alex Smith, Tannehill, Brees, etc.

    Flacco showed he has one of the strongest arms in the NFLNFL early in his career. Those other QBs are laughable that you use them as an example. They are no good we are talking about elite QBs... Brees also showed but the chargers wanted rivers instead.

  4. Complete hindsight BS. But everyone is an expert after the fact.


    The same idiots who yell bust after a rookie's 1st game would have be calling Rodgers a bust after he struggled. He completely changed his throwing motion from college and sat behind a HOFer for 3 years. Most fans would have been screaming if we drafted a 1st rounder who didn't play for 3 years.

    Just when a QB has it he shows it early.


    What is funny is you care what some "idiots" as you call them say about a QB. This isn't about that, Rodgers would have came in and been a good QB. Same with Brady if he had started week 1 he would have been fine also.

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