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Posts posted by TheBillsWillRiseAgain

  1. At this point I'm now just appreciating the great experience our young Olinemen are getting in these games. Richardson and Henderson may never turn into great players, but if we can somehow squeak through this season successfully with them starting at G and T, we'll be going into next season with two REALLY young guys that have gotten significant time and valuable experience in the NFL already.


    Henderson showed flashes of talent early in the season. I have faith that he can turn into a really solid RT after a full year of NFL experience. And if he does, that position is solidified for years.

  2. When my son and I saw Levy was the head referee last night ,we knew how the calls were going to go. How many games does he do for them ? Jets 1st td called back . I swear he has a Brady jersey on under that uniform. He`ll be there for our game in New England ,bet on it.


    Don't forget that big run from Ivory to the Pat's 12 yard line for a 1st down that was called back right after that. It turned what probably would have been a TD into yet another FG.

  3. So again, its just the Patriots this affects. No other NFL team. Or do we not care about them because they do not play in our division.


    What in the world makes you think I would or should care about what happens in other divisions when I'm most concerned about the Bills being competitive in their own division?


    Teams like Denver led my Peyton Manning probably get favorable calls too. I'll worry about that when the Bills are facing them in the AFC championship game.

  4. All I'm asking--all anyone here is asking--is to a) acknowledge that the refs treat players and coaches differently, depending on reputation, and on which owners are members of the rules committee, and b) for the refs to stop doing that! :angry: The loftiest Hall of Fame player should be subjected to exactly the same rules as the lowliest practice squad scrub. No favorites, no "special breaks" for players who have "earned it," nothing. Just a nice, predictable, fair set of rules enforced equally against everyone.


    Exactly. I don't care if Brady & Bellichick are going to go down as the GOAT. Stop with the bull **** non-calls and phantom calls benefiting the Patriots.

  5. Not IMO. They haven't won :censored: since they were busted for cheating. They dominated a division with almost no competition. BFD!


    Doesn't matter. People will forget they stopped winning Superbowls after Spygate just like they'll forget how many games the later Patriots owed to questionable officiating. Brady, Bellichick, and Kraft. That's all they'll remember.


    Hell most casual football fans have no idea about Spygate RIGHT NOW.

  6. Patriot Dynasty? :lol: They haven't won a damn thing since 2004. The only reason why they have dominated the AFC East is the continued ineptitude of the Bills, Jets and Dolphins.


    You're delusional if you think NFL history will agree with you. 30 years from now the 2000-2015(16/17?) Patriots will be talked about as one of the greatest football dynasties of all time.

  7. I don't understand why people can't separate these two things:


    A) The Patriots have consistently gotten an unfair share of favorable calls that have helped them win close games for years.


    B) The reason the Patriots have dominated the Bills is because they've been consistently gifted with ref bias.


    Someone can say A without saying B. I'm not sure why that's hard to understand.

  8. When the Bills were the power of the AFC in the 90's did they get calls as a league favor? This is just more woe is us, fatalistic, anti-Buffalo conspiracy silliness IMO. Please make it stop!


    You're not really comparing the NFL as an entertainment powerhouse 20 years ago to the entertainment powerhouse it is today are you? Or the Bills being really good for 4 years to the Patriots dynasty that's 15 years running? Because that'd be like trying to compare apples to really stupid oranges.

  9. Then why bother watching NFL games with any emotional investment?


    Because I don't have a switch in the back of my head that turns that kind of stuff on and off at will. Do you?


    I am, and I did. Reason: Facts. But apparently "Facts shmacks"


    Nobody here took your "facts" seriously because you're intentionally missing the point of what you were arguing against. If you want to pretend like you can't see the difference between 5 yard penalties on 1st and 2nd downs and PI calls resulting in automatic firsts on critical 3rd down plays, what exactly do you want anyone to say to you?

  10. Posted this in a differen thread, I think the motivation behind this is $$$$$$$$'s. The difference in tv ratings and ad revenue between a brady-manning matchup vs an Orton -hoyer is huge. And with the officials ultimately getting paid from the same pot, they have every incentive to influence outcomes. The timing of the bad calls and players targeted is very revealing


    Whatever the reason, it's just too hard for me to ignore anymore. I'm not trying to claim some big conspiracy, it's just obvious the refs are savings the Patriots' butts in plenty of close games. There's no way anyone can sit here and tell me a team like the Bills gets bailed out by questionable calls against opponents NEARLY as often as the Patriots seem to. And there's no way anyone can sit here and tell me that the Patriots get as many questionable unfavorable calls as a team like the Bills do.


    Maybe it's because they're officiating over a player and coach they know will go down in history as the best pair the sport has ever seen. I'm sure refs and judges were unconsciously bias when scoring Muhammad Ali's boxing matches later on in his career. That doesn't make it fair.


    The Patriots have been one of the best teams in the league for 15 years. They've had their time and should be left to sink or swim based on the players and play they have now, not what they've done in the past.

  11. Reasons? Plenty. Robert Kraft is one of the most important/prolific owners in the NFL. The referees are officiating in live games that they know include a guy who will likely go down as the best Quarterback of the history of the sport. The Patriots have been a contender for over a decade and a half, everyone expects them to win. Everyone likes to see that Brady magic where they pull it out in the end for a W like they've done 946620943.2 times before.

  12. I bet New England won that game too.


    I guess you guys are right. It's obviously a total coincidence that the Patriots always get the right calls at the right times to alter close games in their favor. It makes total sense that they've been among the top 3 beneficiaries in the entire leagie of the two most important and game-altering penalties every season for the past 3 seasons in a row.


    Nevermind the ridiculous non-calls and phantom calls we've observed ourselves over the years in Bills and Pats games. It must be a total coincidence that the Patriots never have a critical questionable call go against them, yet the Bills seem to get at least a couple every single time the two play. It must be Bills fan bias even though national broadcast announcers call the penalties terrible calls on the Bills. Never on the Pats though.


    Nevermind that ESPN.com listed more than a half dozen questionable calls after the Bills game, and sure enough, every single one was a penalty on the Bills:



    Here is our breakdown of each of the calls:


    The most questionable calls:

    • Unsportsmanlike conduct against Jerry Hughes (first quarter): This call drew the most attention during the game. After the Bills made a stop on third-and-1, Hughes celebrated by swatting the helmet of teammate Ty Powell, who was coming up off the ground. The problem was that Stevan Ridley was also rising to his feet in between those two players. Although the celebration wasn't directed at Ridley, the officials may have interpreted it as impeding Ridley's ability to get up. That's one of the few plausible explanations.
    • Offensive pass interference against Robert Woods (third quarter): This came on a second-and-10 completion. Kyle Orton was upset and for good reason: Robert Woods planted his left arm against Alfonzo Dennard as he made the break in his route but the contact was incidental. It didn't seem like Dennard's ability to cover Woods was affected at all. However, it's important to note that this was only one of two Bills flags on the play. They were also flagged for illegal formation, which was declined.

    The iffy calls:

    • Defensive pass interference against Duke Williams (third quarter): This was a tough play for Williams to defend and it's hard to tell from the camera angle if he grabbed Rob Gronkowski's arm or jersey as he was streaking up the seam. If it happened, it wasn't at the end of the play when the ball came in.
    • Offensive pass interference against Sammy Watkins (third quarter): Replaying this play in full speed for the first time, it appeared that Watkins made a move downfield to set a pick against Dennard. But on the replay, it merely looks like Watkins was cutting downfield on his route inside of Darrelle Revis and Dennard ran into them. It's one of those calls that officials need to decipher in real time, and it can be tough.
    • Roughing the passer against Hughes (fourth quarter): Hughes stunted up the middle and was definitely pushed towards the ground by left guard Jordan Devey, but there appeared to be an extra surge from Hughes as he took a dive at Brady's lower left leg.
    • Defensive offsides against Jarius Wynn (fourth quarter): Tough to see this one from the camera angle. The official had a better view.
    • Illegal formation against Bills' offense (fourth quarter): This came on the play where Woods was penalized for offensive pass interference. Walt Coleman did not specify what led to the call but it appears that either (a) Woods or Watkins were aligned too close to the line of scrimmage, covering the tight ends to either side, or (b) the offensive tackles were too far off the line of scrimmage.


    I mean how consistently do these coincidences have to occur before they're no longer coincidences? Can anyone here think of TWO games in the past 15 years the Patriots lost and were the victim of questionable calls at critical times during that game? Can anyone here think of a SINGLE penalty call against the Patriots over the past few years that came at a really critical time where the announcers said "Wow that was a bad call?" I'm sure you can think of several against the Bills.



    I'm not saying referees don't make mistakes. I'm saying they don't make them against the Patriots.

  13. A defender can be lined-up over the LS. he just can'r do so any closer to 1 yard of the LS while doing so.


    In last night's games, Hightower was ~2 yards away from the LS when the ref intervened. So, Hightower's actions weren't even penalty worthy to begin with!


    So it's ok for them to interfere to stop a player from committing a penalty? That's like saying "The ref grabbed him and pulled him back before he went offsides so that's ok."

  14. If you'd like to show how that correlates to the Patriots getting the most favorable calls in the whole league, be my guest. Simply suggesting that's why isn't enough to warrant consideration though.


    The AFC South was a worse division than the AFC East last season. Were the Colts top 3 in those penalties as well?

  15. Its also ridiculous to make wild claims such as the Pats getting favorable calls in every game without any facts to back that up. And no, "I see it weekly" is not fact


    Did I not just post FACTS from the past 3 seasons that show the Patriots have been top 3 beneficiaries each year on two of the most important and game altering penalties in the game?

  16. It's ridiculous to try to say that unfair calls in the Patriots favor automatically means people are whining that the Bills lost because of the refs. If you can't separate the two that's you're problem, not mine. It's obviously not just against the Bills. It's against anyone the Patriots play. Whatever the reason, the refs seem to want the Patriots to win. I can think of COUNTLESS games over the past few years they barely won that included questionable calls helping them out. Why is that?


    Please explain this:


    -The Patriots are "the most penalized team in the league" so far this year but more than half of their penalties are 5-yarders.


    -So far this season, they've had more defensive pass interference penalties called against their opponents than any team in the league.


    -So far this season, they've had the second most offensive pass interference penalties called against their opponents of any team in the league.


    -Last season, they had the second most defensive pass interference penalties called against their opponents of any team in the league.


    -Last season, they had the third most offensive pass interference penalties called against their opponents of any team in the league.


    -In 2012, they had the second most defensive pass interference penalties called on opponents out of any team in the entire league.

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