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Posts posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. 24 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:


    But you need to understand  that history doesn't happen in a vacuu,  and is not completely black and white. While all of these deaths are on Putin, the West did plenty of bear poking.  That's not to say Putin was in anyway justified in his attack, and it may have happened absent the actions of the west, but it didn't.  Does that compute?


    Thanks for writing this out.


    But after we're done apologizing for America, what do we do to keep Putin from achieving his goals? 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Patrick Duffy said:


    Ok, but do you think you could feel the same way for one of those teams as the Bills?


    For me if Bills moved I'd have no other team, ever. I'd be a lot less interested in NFL all together. I'd probably tune into playoffs that would be about it


    Won't know until it happens and I hope it never does.


    But if I was going to choses a team, it was going to be a team with Lombardis, from somewhere roughly in the northeast, that didn't play in the AFC East. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    Im so glad you find this fun and exciting for your personal enjoyment.  Dead bodies pile up but hey… what a story!!!


    Acting like this is a f’n Marvel movie.  

    Buddy… I don’t know what to tell you if you still believe Russia is going to plow through Ukraine into NATO countries should we choose to demand a peace agreement. 

    Thanks for at least admitting what I figured… that y’all are devoid of the horrific reality of war and think this is a movie. 


    Dude, you're lecturing a forum full of Americans about the "horrific realities of war". As if we haven't lived through the Forever Wars, or watched a generation and a half of our friends and family go off to fight for... reasons?


    So maybe get off your high horse. 

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  4. 32 minutes ago, ALF said:

    The Biden administration has signaled to European allies that the US would allow them to export F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, sources familiar with the discussions told CNN. Retired US Air Force Colonel Cedric Leighton explains the significance of the jets.



    Leaked USAF Documents state that Ukrainian Pilots could trained on the F-16 in as little as 4 months


    Ukraine sent over two pilots, one qualified on the MiG-29, the other on the SU-27. The timeline comes from evaluations of their performance in simulators.


    Theses guys were already qualified pilots with a lot of flight time. Not green as grass replacement pilots starting from scratch. It's important to keep that in mind.


    But it also means that if Ukraine can keep its pilots alive, it's got an idea of how long it takes to transition them over to Western fighters. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. 22 hours ago, B-Man said:



    All we are saying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 





    HMM: Putin and Zelensky ‘agree to meet African leaders to discuss peace plan.’


    Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky have both agreed to separate meetings with a delegation of African heads of state to discuss a possible plan to end the war in Ukraine, according to South Africa’s president.


    Cyril Ramaphosa spoke with his Russian and Ukrainian counterparts by phone over the weekend, a spokesperson for his office said. They agreed to host ‘an African leaders’ peace mission’ in Moscow and Kyiv respectively.


    The leaders of Zambia, Senegal, Congo, Uganda and Egypt plan to join Mr Ramaphosa on the mission, the president said. He added that Mr Putin and Mr Zelensky gave him the go-ahead to ‘commence the preparations’.


    No details were provided on the possible parameters of the talks. Mr Zelensky has previously said he would not consider a peace deal to end the 15-month war until Russian forces withdraw fully from Ukrainian territory.


    UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres was briefed on the African delegation’s planned meetings and ‘welcomed the initiative’, Mr Ramaphosa said.






    Best of luck to them! Hopefully they're all actually impartial mediators.


    Though it was sorta funny watching China muddle around like it hadn't picked a side. Or pretend like they wouldn't benefit immensely from a decisive Russian victory. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 47 minutes ago, The Wiz said:

    I believe those are opened and are the park and ride lots.


    I believe the large lot on southwestern next to lot 4 is the only one being impacted right now.  Possibly the other two smaller lots also.





    Nice map.  A few more people have opened up private lots off of Abbot Road.  Laura's Lot (?) had a decent crowd last time I was walking around that area.

  7. 16 hours ago, scuba guy said:

    Well at least the training  camp qb can throw 🤷 🙄


    Unlike ej manuel


    Hey now, there were years when Doug Whaley would have been better off drafting a pop up tent.

  8. On the one hand, hurray! Russian propagandists are starting to wonder what they're fighting for, why they're fighting, and maybe peace is an option.


    On the other hand, is it any coincidence that the nerdy looking know it all is the one asking the questions so the hostess can light him up? Because first and foremost this is propaganda...


    I really enjoy watching Russia go through all the phases of locking itself into a forever war with no exit strategy.  This crap is like watching Fox or CNN circa 2005.


    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. Still trying to figure out the endpoint of CNN's rebranding operation. Do they want to be some kind of mushy middle "both sides make some good points" company? Are they trying to become Fox Lite at the same Fox is trying to become Fox Lite?


    And when do Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley get their free infomercials? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, SUNY_amherst said:

    only a puss puts people on ignore


    You'll feel differently after a year or two of dealing with PPP internet brain.


    There are a lot of people here who have been so perfectly programmed by Red vs Blue politics, you know what they say and how they say it the moment their name comes up.  


    Push comes to shove, we're all just strangers shouting on the internet. There's no need to listen to people who only shout the same thing in the same way, but louder. 

    • Agree 1
    • Thank you (+1) 3
  11. 37 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    puts a whole new spin on the drone attack.  Putin is having a very bad, no good, horrible week.  See you Vlad...





    The theory I saw, that seems the most reasonable, goes like this.


    Russia knows they're going to get hit by some kind of Ukrainian counter-attack, and it's going to be big and well equipped. Russia also knows its most effective arm is its Artillery.  So the Russian Ministry of Defense is stockpiling artillery ammunition so they can give Ukraine the warmest possible reception.


    However, Wagner Group is only concerned about taking Bakhmut, and to do so they need huge amounts of artillery support. Prigozhin, who owns Wagner, is in a political pissing match with the Russian MoD, and he'd love to take Bahkmut in order to humiliate Sergei Shoigu and Valerii Gerasimov.  Shoigu and Gerasimov control the arty ammo supply though, and are happy to tell Wagner to kick rocks, or continue their attacks without artillery. Which results in literal piles of dead Wagner mercenaries.


    Prigozhin is a-ok with hurling the dregs of Russia's penal colonies into Ukrainian defenses, but only if he enhances his prestige, and gains him influence with Tsar Vladimir that he can use against the MoD. So he's happy to send Wagner back to Syria and Central Africa and let the Russian army twist unless he gets his artillery ammunition.  Which the Russian Army won't do, because they need that ammunition to try and blow up Ukrainian Offensive Guards brigades and Leopard 2 tanks, not polish their rival's resume. 


    Russia is an interesting place. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    the ramp for these fans can take 5-10 years, people aren’t going to like the chemicals involved. 




    It's a scary looking 5-10 years, maybe longer. But to paraphrase a Ukrainian paratrooper, we are so ***** lucky our enemies decided to be so ***** stupid right now.  Hopefully it's enough. 

  13. 1 hour ago, sherpa said:


    Regarding our industrial base, the ship building/repair facilities is a serious problem, especially as the Navy adds weight to the Pacific Fleet to counter Chinese expansion.


    F-22's are being retired. F-15's being replaced with newer F-15EX.


    Both Navy and Air Force are still evaluating designs for next generation air dominance fighter.


    The Navy's reliance on the F-18 platform in its' many designs and it's short legs continues to point to a serious organic tanker problem. So far, the Navy has responded to the problem with shorter flight time cycles which causes the carrier to be placed closer to dangerous weapons systems we have not shown an ability to defend against, ie., hypersonic missiles.


    Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh. Not good. Given how much penetration of the Russian military and government our intelligence apparatus has supposedly achieved... I'm wondering why clones of Kinzhals aren't rolling off a factory floor somewhere. 


    1 hour ago, sherpa said:


    As an aside regarding industrial capacity, in the recently gamed Taiwan conflict, the US ran out of its' more effective weapons, long range missiles and other "smart" munitions in two weeks.

    Not good.



    Well in-line what Ukraine has taught us, if we bother to learn. I don't know how long it is until domestic microchip production ramps up, but it can't come fast enough. 

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