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Posts posted by cd1

  1. 10 hours ago, D. L. Hot-Flamethrower said:

    I see some folks saying they'd be happy with a minimal win (1-2 pts.?,overtime?). You are seriously going to be pleased come Monday that we beat one of the worst teams in the NFL recent history, at home, as a 17 pt fav, and coming off the bye? Oh Really


    Seriously,  one thing I have HATED about the Patriots, over the years, is the way Belicheat would humiliate each and every team he could by running up the score. The other was their GD fans.  They are so condescending to other teams fans.


    I don't believe that "running up the score to humiliate the other team" is in keeping with McDermotts philosophy so I don't think it will happen.


    Unfortunately, there seems to be too many, on this message board, that are more than willing to step up and replace the obnoxious Pats fans when they all "blow away".

    That thought is sickening... 


    There is not enough said, if anything at all, about Good Sportsmanship these days.

  2. I would LOVE this Miami game to be like last years game against the Vikings.


    However, I fear it will be MORE LIKE last weeks game against the Titans.


    The Dolphins aren't just going to roll over on this game.


    I pray that no one on the Bills team (coaches or players) are going to let this be a TRAP game.

  3. 2 hours ago, Seasons1992 said:

    The idea of expanding concourses either inside or outside New Era is intriguing. I'm a strong opponent of a new stadium at all, but even stronger against for a location outside of OP.



    Concourses for who? New Era Field only has customer draw eight days a year during home football games.


    A downtown sports arena would be centrally located and have public exposure year round.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Happy Gilmore said:


    That's the beat cancer sideline cap?  Looks like the gay pride cap.





    The National Football League is proud to support the American Cancer Society with their impactful and evolved Crucial Catch initiative that now focuses on risk reduction and early cancer detection more broadly.


    You have not noticed every other coach wearing them? (including McDermott last week)

  5. 1 hour ago, Philo said:

    It was pure BS. Milano can't defy physics mid air. There has to be some common sense applied. 


    Boy, I sure thought the same thing but watching in slow motion you can see that Milano could have just gone to the ground after the block BUT he was making every effort to stay up and moving toward the QB.


    So I now think it was a legit call.




    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  6. 7 hours ago, BigBobby said:

    It is funny. On here, Facebook, TV, etc. people make excuses for Baker. It's his OL's fault, his HC's fault, his diva WR's fault and Baker will come around - he's just a young struggling QB.


    Meanwhile, Allen is 4-1. The only team he has lost to in his last 8 games is being predicted to go 16-0 and just won another Super Bowl. Yet, all people can talk about with Allen is his bad plays. We dissect every single throw. We talk for a week about when he missed a wide open Zay who is running slower than Kelvin.


    Why do people always criticize Allen so much and make excuses for Baker? Baker's stats suck. The Browns are a trainwreck - and by the way, they were said to be one of the most talented in the NFL before the season and now they are hurting Baker's development??? Or maybe HE is hurting them!


    Not to mention, Allen plays with more heart than anyone I can remember seeing and Baker spends more time worrying about how to get Rex with a good zinger than getting his team on the right track. His attitude is even worse than his horrendous play.

    One word - expectations!


    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 3 hours ago, GunnerBill said:

    Bojo did have his best game yesterday but overall he has still been below par. He simply doesn't kick it high enough and it hurts our coverage teams. 


    I am also surprised that he does not seem to aim for the sidelines.


    Going out of bounds at the 10 yard line would be just as good.

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