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Posts posted by mykidsdad

  1. I'm not a Josh Allen hater. I just think Rosen is a much better option. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm disappointed. I love that Rosen wants to make us pay. That kind of fire and honesty would be refreshing, but I'm afraid what I liked about Rosen (his edge) is what kept the Bills from drafting him. Again, I don't hate Allen as a pick, but I would have loved Rosen. Fingers crossed that I'm wrong, and the Bills did the right thing.

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  2. At this point, I think Rosen reminds me a lot of Peyton, but maybe with more edge to his personality. Peyton didn't need the paycheck, either. He was driven to be great because his family instilled that into his character. His successful parents got there because they worked hard and took pride in being excellent. Russell Wilson's parents were successful, and strong character people, too. You never know until you know, but I would trade whatever it takes to make sure we get him, and that may mean going to number one because I could see him landing there if the Brown's don't get the price they want. Maybe the only reason why Cleveland is being coy is that they're not sure who other people have on their board and they're in the market to sell the pick if the price is right. Please, Beane, get this guy!

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  3. At first glance Cousins for 30 millionish a year sounds crazy, but we will have to overpay. But even at 30 million, filling holes with draft picks may save us enough money to have a solid team. Is Cousins a top 10 QB? Probably not. Top 15? Definitley. Which means hes good enough to save us the picks, time, and money looking for the next franchise guy that may never come. Im all for it!


    Put a legit starter on the team and draft well! Thats a win if you ask me.

  4. I would love a football league that ran in the off (NFL/NCAAF) season! A developmental league for the NFL would be ideal, but I'd be happy just to have football year round. I think two basic styles might work. Either NFL teams assign prospects (maybe practice squads)  to the teams (I'm assuming a small league of 4-8 teams would be the only way to do it, or NFL teams are required to draft players from the league, maybe there's a developmental draft separate from the normal college draft. I think it could be a lot of fun, and maybe give a shot to some people who just can't go the college route, including foreign players who need a place to convert from other sports, like rugby, but just can't make US college work. Anyways, I'd love any kind of "real" football to be year round. Arena just doesn't cut it for me, and the offseason is always the longest 6 months of my life.

  5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wyhjUFcXgo0

    21 minutes ago, Ol Dirty B said:


    I was watching that. It's just belichick. I think a lot of what he does is annoying and ridiculous. And I get the point, the reporters were asking fair questions. He just wasn't having it. I still find it funny.


    The guy hates losing and doesn't hide it. I have no problem with that. I guess I just don't enjoy his frustration as much when it's not the bills beating him. Him breaking the tablet in the Brissett game last year was amazing.



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  6. Gronk's late hit on White last week might end up costing the Pat's the superbowl. Here's my logic: The Pats lost by 7 points to Miami, and I think its fair to think that Gronk could have made up the point difference. This means Gronk's suspension might have cost them this game which may end up costing the Pats home field advantage which in turn could cost them a playoff game against Pittsburgh. If Pitt beats the Pats at Heinz Field in the AFC championship, I think Gronk's flagrant late hit is ultimately a key factor. I think he deserves the blame either way. That was a historically cheap shot, and I'm glad it cost him.

  7. The three losses! The Peterman decision! 5 Picks in a half, all after building up our hopes? Its just too much. This has to be the lowest point in my Bill's memory since watching Kelly carted off after the Jacksonville playoff loss. It hurts. The Bills seem to find new ways to draw you in just to crush your soul. I love Josh Rosen as a prospect, but it will take some real assets to get him. But it becomes more possible if we draft earlier, so losing isnt all bad. This is what I tell myself.

  8. It's called confirmation bias. A referee is hardly impartial, and they have preconceived notions that the Patriots are a good team. In split second decisions their confirmation bias kicks in and they make a decision in favor of the Patriots because they've been associating their team with success. The degree to which this will effect a game is likely very minimal, but I couldn't be convinced that it doesn't exist, albeit at a very small level.

    Hit the nail on the head.

  9. I found this at encyclopedia.com:


    "Rice's rookie season had a rocky start. He dropped a record fifteen passes, a feat not lost on the press or the fans. In retrospect, Rice blamed his early failures on the complex offense that Walsh ran. He simply had to learn the moves, he said, to the point where he could run a play without thinking about it."


    My fingers are crossed that Zay gets it, but true story: my kids were playing that game where we throw the football around and whoever drops it get a letter. We call it three drops sometimes. And my thirteen-year old daughter said, "Lets call it ZAY for Zay Jones." And for about an hour yesterday we played "Zay."

  10. For what its worth Jerry Rice had a lot of drops in the first half of his rookie year. He has a lot to prove, but I hope he gets a chance. Its still so early, especially for a WR. Not everyone at that position comes in and performs like OBJ. WR is especially hard transition. His brain probably just needs to cacthup to the demamds of the progame, and, then hopefully, his natural ability will finally come out. Disclaimer: Im NOT his agent. :)

  11. In my opinion, I think opposing offenses may not be TRYING to score more points because they know how bad our offense is which skewers the stats a bit. Don't get me wrong, the D looks good, but I think teams realize they don't have to score much to win and play conservatively. This would make our D look better than it is. Everything needs to be seen in context, right? Bottom line, we need more firepower on offense.

  12. Excellent article. I would add that good one on one corners cost more, so a zone scheme gives you more cap room. Carolina releasing Norman was a trade off sort of move. Good player, but your D can be fine without stars by running a lot of zone, and you can spend your money elsewhere.


    Big test for our D tomorrow. Green is for real.


    Thanks again for the good read.

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