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Posts posted by SCD

  1. It will be pretty interesting to see what kind of offense the Jets utilize throughout their season. If Geno struggled with Morningwegs offense, not sure how the WCO concepts system and intricacies will work out for him. My initial thought is that Geno might continue throwing interceptions. In which case Fitz can come, make some plays, and then throw the game winning interception.


    Honestly though, even more interesting of the Jets roster is the magnificent stable of running backs they too have quietly built. Ivory, Ridley, Stacy, Richardson, Powell - and TJ Graham on the end around (or laying down for the fake around) :devil:

  2. Do you know much about workout supplements or such? C4, for example, is extremely high on niacin and will make me bruise very easily. I was once crushed by charging cow and had similar bruising on my glutes; probably not far off what was applied here. But, I was on C4 during that stretch and other things that I know are banned by the NFL, though not illegal.

    Was "Charging Cow" a fat Native American Woman?


    On topic - I love me some Fred.

  3. Why does there need to be an analogy? Like Cowturd with his window tint analogy; these have no bearing on the events that actually occurred. Tom's dirty, Bill is dirty, Kraft is dirty. The Pats* are making the league look terrible. My analogy is - this is a solied toilet bowl. Somebody's gotta clean this schitt.

  4. I was i the grocery store yesterday and decided to say very loudly, "Tom Brady is a cheater" - At work yesterday, "Tom Brady is a cheater" - This is therapeutic for me. I don't think the Tom Terrific moniker will really hold much water after this. Even if he is a phenomenal QB married to a model and has gloss white teeth; this stupid act has done to him what every (almost every) Bills fan thinks he had comin' to him. Karma, Mr Brady... :devil::devil::devil::devil:


    The league and the Pats* cannot shrug this off, and I am confident that even if it tries to be lenient, the football crowds of tomorrow will say, oh.. Isn't that the guy that cheated for all those years? Huh, what a douche.

  5. Please excuse my ignorance in our lovely laws, but does anybody know if any of this brushes on the outskirts of legality - in regards to the bribes/gifts? Any chance of an injunction to pull Bradys phone records or further aspects of investigation? Really not trying to fan any flames or roll with hyperbole, just curious (and clueless).

  6. If La'el signs with the Dolphins or Bills, he is a true competitor. This division now probably has the highest propensity to make or break offensive linemen. Maybe he is up for the challenge. His future $$ numbers may take a beating in this division by no fault of his own, but rather subject to the performance of the rest of his line. Maybe his agent convinces him to sign somewhere more comfortable and close to shiny rings, where the refs are on your side, and the organization you work for can seemingly do no wrong. Fortunately, I don't think the league lets Krafty get anywhere near Collins.... ya know.. just in case.

  7. Ten years ago I started playing a lot of foosball with a group of friends, we all spun the handles and had a wild time. Then we learned how to play foosball for real, and had a gentlemens agreement to grip the handle and not to spin. My cousin constantly would stretch that agreement and curved his grip as to allow a bit of spin. We kept telling him it should be a flick. He didn't listen, and the group eventually got tired of it and we stopped playing.


    Can't say that he definitely WAS or WAS NOT cheating because it was hard to tell and it really was just rather annoying, but he was being a total butt clown.


    For ten plus years, the Patriots started playing a version of football that seeks to curve the grip and spin the handles. Its not just Bills and Jets fans. Its all the other teams fans too. We are all sick of watching these butt clowns play slap ass, instead of football.

  8. I like the McCown move but only because of timing. It's much easier to bring him on board now, a month before FA starts, then further address the position in open FA and potentially the draft.



    Basically sign McCown now and tell him he's got a real chance to compete for the job. Then he's under contract and we can talk to the Mallet/Hoyer/Moore/Sanchez/Locker class of FA and tell them they've got a real chance to compete too. That leaves us with 3 guys to hope for competence to emerge. On the flip side, if we just hit FA with EJ it will likely be very difficult to simultaniously negoiate with two FA QBs and we risk not getting any of them.

    This. If the contract is cheap enough (a la Kolb deal), it makes for a very nice insurance policy. This is really a pretty good move, not knowing what is going to happen down the line with other FA QB's available. That being said - Rex/Doug wont tie their future to an old vet.



    If McCowan is brought in, would they want to make him a back-up or the starter!?


    This guy is Orton Part II.


    We need a better plan.


    As long as we keep picking up middling teams' middling QBs out of the trash bin, we will never go anywhere.


    Christ, I'd rather start EJ. At least with him, we don't know for sure if he properly belongs in the trash bin or not.


    McCowan is already in it.

    Orton, Fitz, Kolb, Jackson, etc, etc.. The only bad thing about the fact that these guys were on the Bills is that they weren't Tom Brady. We don't have much chance at drafting or signing a superstar. The sooner you admit that to yourself, the sooner you can come to terms with EJ. He is young and he is determined.

  9. Would anyone in their right mind want to keep the same current offensive scheme and coaching philosophy?? CJ, instead of teaching you anything new, today I would like you to run straight forward and bounce back to the line of scrimmage; we will call this the "c'mon man" play. And Hogan, if you just run a button hook and catch the ball close to the line of scrimmage, we can call that the "time to punt on 4th and 1" play. We can have Chandler run straight at the yard marker.


    I think Pegula and Whaley would love to have a new coach change the current offensive scheme and philosophy. They are a bit hamstrung by personnel though. I expect to see a major QB competition and some new bodies on the line and restructure of who's who in teh RB,TE,and FB roles.

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