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Posts posted by SCD

  1. Also, why would a multi-billion dollar operation this dependent on the live deployment of broadcast technology and communications NOT have, like, military-grade comms? Why would they not have the best in the business?

    I thought the deadspin article mentioned they use military grade encryption. The problem isn't the wireless in my estimation, it is the signal being routed to where it shouldn't be, via interconnecting wired equipment. Accidental or otherwise, they should force the pats to tear out everything and oversee a new system installation.

    I stand by it.


    It looks like every game is going to be scrutinized, and every beaten team will make accusations. The owners hate them, the commissioner hates them, other coaches and players hate them, and fans hate them. Another "scandal" is want the mob wants, and if they can't find one, they will create one.


    I didn't say that. I believe they have cheated, and neither "Spy-gate" or "Deflate-gate" were frame ups. Don't twist my words.

    Its just a big conspiracy!!!!! :o

  3. ABC. I don't care if Bryce Petty quits the Jests and comes over to take kneel downs every play. My Sundays will be ruined if I have to watch Meh friggin Cassel check down in his best Trent Backwards impersonation. I too root for the laundry, but when that laundry has the stink of New England all over it, I get a bit perturbed. Meh is not running the ball, he is not tricking anyone into thinking he is running the ball. Hes gonna stand in the pocket for 2.5 seconds - get sacked, maybe find his hot route or RB and the rest of the team will silently reduce their effort around him.


    Imagine Rex pressers.. "Well, he did his best, but we feel like he gives us the best chance to win", bla bla blah.. I would be SO DONE WITH THIS TEAAM! Guy is beyond ground up and in the freezer. Gimme a young gun any day of the week.

  4. Top reasons this is great for this board:



    1. FireChan - that "Meh Cassell released" thread is indeed a hoot!


    2. Reports will indicate Meh took less money to return to the Bills if Whaley went rogue and named him the #2


    3. Sully can now troll us with an article about how we failed to bring in a franchise QB after cuts and how this move makes us worse.


    4. Meh will surely allow us to introduce a few dozen EJ sucks threads.


    5. Less money for Meh to spend with Tahmy at the track


    6. We can now resume debating aging vets and their roster value.


    7. We can keep saying "Meh."


    8. Leroi may still be correct about EJ being cut


    9. Cue the Pegula is cheap comments


    10. Tyrod can mentor Meh

  5. I would also prefer season long captains, but why not combine the concepts? One offense, one defense, and one team vote each week (An MVP from the previous game?). The system Rex uses seems to be pretty weak - and only serves to elevate perhaps one persons motivation, when they face their old team or visit their hometown.


    The tough part though would be... who? If one offensive captain is named, its nonsense to nominate Tyrod at such an early stage, and since Fred is gone, who on earth would you select?


    Conversely, on defense, there seem to be many leaders and would be tough to select just one - probably Kyle right now?

  6. I actually got thru to support last week, and I didn't like any of the answers I got. Basically, this doesn't work, that's kinda iffy, and we don't know about any ETA's etc.. I cancelled and figured I will just find alternate means of watching the games until they can get their -ish straight.


    I imagine they have lost A TON of money from pissed off customers, and they know they need to fix stuff quickly if they want to restore confidence.

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