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Greg F

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Posts posted by Greg F

  1. I am not one to pinpoint one play or to blame the refs. But this (https://twitter.com/Cover1Bills/status/795850386406047744) on the last play of the game is blatantly obvious, right in front of the referee, and would have given us another shot. No excuses for no flag there. Absolutely disgraceful. This league is fixed.


    If Taylor was outside the pocket the hit was legal



    When the quarterback scrambles outside the pocket, there’s no more illegal contact,” Trufant said. “The five-yard rule, you can’t have your hands on him but once he scrambles out, you can have your hands on him so as a defensive back, they teach you if the receiver is by the sideline, push him out of bounds because he can’t be the first one to touch the ball anymore, so I pushed him out and I knew he couldn’t be the first one to touch it.

  2. And unless the NFL completely changed the rule, a horse collar only applies if a player is taken down from behind by grabbing the back of the jersey.


    They did change the rule this year.


    No player shall grab the inside collar of the back or the side of the shoulder pads or jersey, or grab the jersey at the name plate or above, and pull the runner toward the ground. This does not apply to a runner who is in the tackle box or to a quarterback who is in the pocket.


    Note: It is not necessary for a player to pull the runner completely to the ground in order for the act to be illegal. If his knees are buckled by the action, it is a foul, even if the runner is not pulled completely to the ground.

    Nothing in the rule about being taken down from behind. TT was not in the tackle box or in the pocket. He was grabbed on the "jersey at the name plate". The only reason for not throwing the flag is it may be arguable that his knees were not 'buckled'.

  3. I think it is safe to say the Jets and the Phins are out of the running. so now you have 2 easier games before our teams face off again and the winner be in the driving seat for the AFCE. ( while the loser still in control for a wild card)


    Why do I feel like you're Lucy and we are Charlie Brown?


    ICANN does more than just assign and/or approve your website’s domain.


    The above is nonsense and tells me all I need to know about Theresa Payton. ICANN does not assign or approve any "website's domain". ICANN is responsible for delegating the management of the TLD's (Top Level Domains). Some of the more well known TLD's are .com, .net, .org. For example, the .com domain is managed by VeriSign Global Registry Services. VeriSign maintains the registry of all the registered domains for TLD .com and are the ones who "approve your website’s domain", not ICANN. There is a lot of nonsense in that article and I would take what Theresa says with a huge grain of salt.

  5. Attached is the feed of the explosion, watch it on live speed a few times. Then watch it again, starting and stopping at 1:10-1:11 marks, in the upper right corner by the logo you will see an object come into frame, pass behind the large towers between the camera and the rocket and seemingly collide with the payload stage of the rocket.


    My first thought was it was just a bird or insect, and it still might very well be that, but if you watch closely you'll see the object goes behind the two large towers rather than in front of it.


    The object may appear to go behind the tower but it is not possible to determine if it did or didn't. What is happening is your brain is filing in what happens between frames. If you examine the video frame by frame (there are 6 frames from the time the object appeared and the explosion) you will see that none of the pictures are taken when the object is passing in front/behind the towers.


    I captured all six frames in sequence and uploaded to the following link.



  6. When does the next Ice Age start?


    Were already in one called the Pleistocene Epoch.


    When viewed on million year timescales, we are still in a glacial period in which the Earth is oscillating between glacial and interglacial conditions.


    Recent interglacials were about 10,000 years. We are likely at the end of the current interglacial.


    We are currently in a warmer interglacial period, called the Holocene Epoch, which began about 15,000 years ago.

  7. People like Musk should be universally lauded, both for their ability to turn their vision into reality, and for their ability to do so within the onerous regulatory and restrictive environment we have in both the US and the rest of the world today.

    I think he has the "onerous regulatory and restrictive environment" covered. It appears his business model is exploiting the regulations. Economist refer to this as rent seeking.

  8. Sad. Pathetic. I went through great lengths to prove to you you're wrong but yet here you are calling me a liar. I guess you don't know what said means.


    Let refresh your memory.


    Your statement that "Don't tell Greg Focker that. It's impossible and always will be" after I clearly stated prior to that "We already have the technology to put GPS trackers in just about anything you would want".


    Since I didn't say it was impossible your claim that I did is a lie. Pretty simple really.

  9. Hey, Greg, you see that word, "said". I used it twice. Past tense, buddy, meaning I'm explaining myself from before the "gotcha. Bad idea". That whole paragraph is in context and a reply to your stupid ass, unnecessary remark about $100,000,000 being used to install trackers on all guns already made and sold, when I clearly said install the trackers on all guns made from here on out.


    I only brought it up again because I was responding to YOU.


    I'll take courses in physics if you take them in English. Reading comprehension isn't your strong-suit.


    Let see if you can follow this.


    The $100,000,000 was in response to your "If it prevents one shooting it's worth doing". It was an economic argument to expose the reality of trade offs. That a single minded attempt to preventing "one shooting" has consequences since those resources cannot be used elsewhere. It had zip nadda nothing to do with whether GPS on a gun was at all practical.


    It simple doesn't matter if you "install the trackers on all guns made from here on out". It is still trivial to defeat the technology. What part of that don't you understand?

    I've reached my limit. Please. Pretty please. Stfu.


    I don't think your dishonesty has any limit. Your statement that "Don't tell Greg Focker that. It's impossible and always will be" after I clearly stated prior to that "We already have the technology to put GPS trackers in just about anything you would want".

  10. After I said "bad idea" at 6:43 you should've let it go, but noooooo, you had to dig up a quote from 6:15. It's you that's being untruthful, not me. I tried to change subjects until you brought it back up. Once you brought it back up I was explaining my thought process that I used during THAT TIME before I said, "bad idea". Duh.

    Your the one that couldn't let it go as you repeated the same claim at 7:47 with your "Eventually all guns will be equipped with it". Keep digging.

    It's only a matter of time before there's tracking capability on EVERYTHING, including guns. Not today, not tomorrow, but definitely within 10 years.

    As I stated before we could do it today. The problem being it is trivial to defeat.

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