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Greg F

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Posts posted by Greg F




    ThinkProgress is an American political news blog. It is a project of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a progressive public policy research and advocacy organization. The blog is edited by Judd Legum, who founded it in 2005.



    Who is the Center for American Progress?



    The president and chief executive officer of CAP is Neera Tanden, who worked for the Obama and Clinton administrations and for Hillary Clinton’s campaigns.[4] The first president and CEO was John Podesta, who has served as White House Chief of Staff to U.S. President Bill Clinton and as the chairman of the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.[5] Podesta remained with the organization as chairman of the board until he joined the Obama White House staff in December 2013. Tom Daschle is the current chairman.[6]




    Thinkprogress is nothing but another propaganda (fake news) site for the DNC.

  2. It did help the industry, it's doing fine now. Trump went after Boeing for--gasp!!--criticizing him. To you Trumpsters, that is fine. You will condemn Obama to no end for dealing with an actual problem but jump to Trump's defense for this abuse of power.


    Quite typical of your dishonest disposition as you failed to address the fact that "helping an industry" was done by theft. IOW, you condone theft. Good to know.

  3. Looks like the KOS kids are giving lessons on global warming climate change.



    If they waited a bit longer they could have had 3 penguins on that ice float.




    The poor penguins were not long for this life as a polar bear comes along and eats the penguins.





    I was just kidding ... the polar bear didn't eat the penguins since everybody knows there are no penguins at the North Pole. Well, everybody but the KOS kids.



  4. GW is made by man and the conservative thing to do is acknowledge this - hell even the Chinese are doing this.

    I look forward to your 'facts' that GW is "made by man". In the mean time you might want to update what the Chinese are up to.


    China Ramps Up Coal Power Despite Climate Pledge/


    Nov 8, 2016

    In a new five-year plan for electricity released Monday, the National Energy Administration said it would raise coal-fired power capacity to as high as 1,100 gigawatts by 2020 from about 900 gigawatts last year the Wall Street Journal reports.


    The roughly 200-gigawatt increase alone is more than the total power capacity of Canada.



    I know facts are hard and much of the time its easier for small minded people to male believe.

    Facts are even harder when you don't even know what they are.


    ....they are using statistics straight from the FBI, simply saying "that site sucks" is really not the best way to approach it.


    The best way to approach it is to poke holes in the logic. If they were a bit more objective they would have looked at it from at least a per capita basis. They would also take into account the percentage of the population constituting the targeted groups.


    For example, Montana has a population of about 1 million with an African American population of about 4,000 (2010 Census). OTOH, California has a population of roughly 39 million with a African American population of 2.3 million (2010 Census). For Montana to have an equal number of 'hate crimes' as California they would have to have a 'hate crimes' rate 39 times higher than California.


    Five states listed with population rank:

    1 California

    4 New York

    11 New Jersey

    13 Washington

    14 Massachusetts


    "Using statistics straight from the FBI" without context is dishonest political crap.


    Maybe if Trump was 100K ahead in PA instead of behind, but as of right now his margin for error is still almost zero, so it's a toss up if not a slight Clinton advantage.


    Times putting out complete bullsh-- as usual.


    Seems like too big a margin to overcome to me, but that would certainly swing the election.


    Maybe so ... their projections are based on the votes remaining to be counted and how those areas traditionally vote. The uncounted votes are pretty much red.




    Provided it isn't unnecessary roughness, and well it was...15 yards and a 1st down...



    First you said it was "defenseless player rule". Then TT was "standing on the edge of the tackle box". Now your going to move the goal posts to "unnecessary roughness". Whatever.

    I find this hard to believe. So you're saying on rollouts, bootlegs, scrambles, etc. as soon as the QB leaves the pocket you can just start blasting WR's? I don't think so


    It doesn't mater what you think. The rule says:


    Beyond the five-yard zone, if the player who receives the snap remains in the pocket with the ball, a defender cannot initiate contact with a receiver who is attempting to evade him. A defender may use his hands or arms only to defend or protect himself against impending contact caused by a receiver.



    If you watch the play, TT is on the edge of the pocket; if he was over or not really isn't the point.


    According to the rules that is the point. If TT is outside the pocket then the hit is legal.


    Also, you claimed he was a defenseless player. I posted a link to the rule which doesn't support the assertion he was a defenseless player.

  9. Facts yo....


    I'm unsure why people are saying the Sherman play was a legal play. If he remains a passer, he can't take down a receiver. Plain and simple.



    There is no question that it's a penalty or it would be like WWF whenever a QB rolled out. It's stupid to even discuss

    The Rule:

    Beyond the five-yard zone, if the player who receives the snap remains in the pocket with the ball, a defender cannot initiate contact with a receiver who is attempting to evade him. A defender may use his hands or arms only to defend or protect himself against impending contact caused by a receiver.



    Once the QB leaves the pocket the defenders are free to hit the receivers.

  10. YardsPerPass.com ‏@YardsPerPass 4m4 minutes ago


    re: the last play contact once the QB leaves the pocket is ok... but that is clearly the defenseless player rule

    Care to point out the part of the rule that qualifies?




    Also Woods was shoved off of his route before TT left the pocket...watch the full play again. Don't get me started on Avril being offsides on his sack too

    I would if someone would post a link to the whole play.

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