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Greg F

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Posts posted by Greg F

  1. The "body language expert" appears to be TV personality Susan Constantine. She has a masters degree in the <sarc>robust field of psychology. </sarc> Since Melania is Serbian, which is a somewhat more patriarchal society, Donald answering questions directed at Melania doesn't appear all that unusual. I wonder how well versed Constantine is in Serbian culture.

  2. Stealing Elections—The Danger of Voter Fraud
    and the Fight for Election Integrity


    Some excerpts:


    It is highly likely that election results in recent years were affected by errors, inaccuracies, and outright crimes. What possible explanation can there be for the fact that in many US counties there are more registered voters than there are residents? Judicial Watch found this to be the case all across the country, including in Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.


    Both Project Vote and ACORN have been linked to massive voter registration fraud. A total of seventy ACORN employees in twelve states have been convicted of voter registration fraud. As documented in a July 2009 report by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, of the 1.3 million registrations Project Vote/ACORN submitted in the 2008 election cycle, more than one-third were invalid.


    The Obama administration’s attitude toward the problem of noncitizens voting was demonstrated in Florida, when the Justice Department filed a lawsuit in 2012 to stop the state’s efforts to comply with the NVRA by removing 53,000 registered voters who were dead—as well as an additional 2,700 noncitizens.
  3. Has anyone else seen the alternate twitter accounts opened by some bureaucrats to try and get around the communications gag order?


    I sense incoming rolling heads.


    These are what pass for public servants.


    One of the stories that generated a fair bit of coverage today was the rise of “rogue” Twitter accounts popping up for agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Park Service (NPS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Accounts like @RogueNASA, @AltNatParkSer, @ActualEPAFacts and @Alt_NASA ...



    The bubble they live in must be impervious to common sense.


    At first glance, one of the most remarkable aspects of the accounts is that, as their avatars, they used (updated below) the official logos of the agencies they are attempting to speak on behalf of, yet many federal agency logos are strictly controlled. For example, the EPA logo policy states that for any organization which wishes to “reproduce the EPA logo or seal for purposes acceptable to the Agency, permission must be granted by OPA, which will provide a copy of the logo or seal.” NASA guidelines are even more strict, stating “The NASA insignia logo (the blue "meatball" insignia), the retired NASA logotype (the red "worm" logo) and the NASA seal may not be used for any purpose without explicit permission. These images may not be used by persons who are not NASA employees or on products, publications or web pages that are not NASA-sponsored.” NPS takes its restrictions even further, referencing possible criminal prosecution: “The arrowhead symbol is the official insignia and registered mark of the NPS. As such, it is protected by trademark laws and by 18 U.S.C. § 701, which provides for criminal penalties against non-governmental use of Government marks and other insignia. The arrowhead symbol may not be used without prior written permission from the Director of the NPS.”




    This should be fun.


    UPDATE (1/26/2017 9:08AM EST): The EPA responded by email earlier this morning to state the use of the EPA logo by @ActualEPAFacts was unauthorized and that the matter has been forwarded to "EPA's Office of General Counsel for further action."



  4. lol i remember that video. i also remember saying to myself yeah an old white guy getting chatted up by a cute chick secretly filming him thinking what stories can he tell that will get him to dick her. god i hate to admit it but i would face that temptation myself


    but yeah id like to see some evidence


    Says the boy who thinks he is immune to cognitive bias. Got to give Meathead credit ... he likes to tell whoppers.

  5. Stop, you're embarrassing yourself like Sean Spicer. You can even see the empty white space in your photo. How's your scrutiny of the Zapruder film going?


    Kind of like that tax form for loans that doesn't exist eh pastajoe? The white space is mostly the temporary structure just above "Inauguration Jan 20 2017" in the photo that was obviously taken before the ceremony began.



    Mods... Can we merge this with the "Official POTUS Excuse thread?"




    Obama isn't POTUS anymore.

  6. comparison-withtime-1024x576.jpg


    Comparison of Obama's 2009 crowd vs Trump's "Yuge, biggest ever" crowd. I see alot of empty whites, and I'm not just talking about the crowd.

    Funny how that happens when another picture taken during the inauguration doesn't quite match up.




    A few things about the photo. The unedited photo of the Trump crowd is not to be found. To further cover their tracks the EXIF metadata has been scrubbed on the composite photo.The only thing the photo pastajoe posted proves is how dishonest the news media is.

  7. He wouldn't even give Americans the courtesy of seeing his tax returns. You have to be pretty naive to think there aren't any details in it that would tarish his image or show conflicts of interests, such as loans from Russia and/or China.


    I am sure you can provide the IRS form that would contain that type of information ... if it even exists ... or more likely you're just talking out of your a$$.

  8. Trump was factually wrong regarding CNN. They reported that Trump was given a 2 page summary on Russia having potentially embarrassing data in the intelligence briefing. That was before Buzzfeed released the detailed document. CNN never released or talked about said details. What they reported was not fake news, it was simply referring to the 2 page summary that was provided. So Trump was wrong about CNN, his attempt to conflate who did what failed, and he embarrassed himself by again trying to bully the press.

    Nice try ...

    President-elect Donald Trump was not told about unverified reports that Russia has compromising information on him during last week's intelligence briefing, according to a senior intelligence official with knowledge of preparations for the briefing.




    While multiple officials say the summary was included in the material prepared for the briefers, the senior official told NBC News that the briefing was oral and no actual documents were left with the Trump team in New York. During the briefing, the president-elect was not briefed on the contents of the summary .

    So what did CNN report.

    The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.

    That has not been verified and is therefore fake news. In fact, nobody seems to know where this crap originated from.


    CNN reported:

    These senior intelligence officials also included the synopsis to demonstrate that Russia had compiled information potentially harmful to both political parties ...


    While NBC reported:

    According to the senior official, the two-page summary about the unsubstantiated material made available to the briefers was to provide context, should they need it, to draw the distinction for Trump between analyzed intelligence and unvetted "disinformation."


    Me thinks CNN was not being entirely truthful.


    CNN reported:

    The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government ...


    CNN's report is basically a steaming pile of innuendo of which this is just one example.


    CNN reported:

    At this point, CNN is not reporting on details of the memos ...

    Of course not ... why should they? Much better to keep your fake news short and simple for the knuckle dragging morons that would actually believe it. Wouldn't want to tax their attention span would we?

  9. windows are amazingly complex. 3/16" class, annealed layer with a laminated argon fill glass is where it is at. a few are out that have a 3 level layer laminate. the windows they'd use in florida would last through hurricanes no problem. their french doors were just as strong; in fact there has been numerous times where its been attested to and filmed where people try to bust the doors in and are unsuccessful to break the glass or door.

    Maybe they should get into making the glass for cell phones.


    anderson's issue is that they began losing a lot of quality at the name of expenses and availability. their quality went to **** in the mid 2000's.

    I put in my first Anderson more than 12 years ago ... zero issues ... no leaks in spite of the fact that I didn't quite get it square. :wacko: The only time it is a problem is when I put the screen in. I put 9 more in the porch a couple of years ago. I don't think by function or appearance that you could tell that the oldest window is 10 years older than the newer ones.

  10. So on what basis are Democrats defending and trying to save the ACA? What is it that they can say to Americans using facts that supports saving it?


    They are going to say X millions more people have insurance now. What they won't tell you is with a $5,000 to $8,000 deductible a lot of those newly insured can't afford to use it. I propose starting a health care insurance company. Premiums will be $50 dollars a month with a $1,000,000 deductible. Think of how many more people we could insure!

  11. somehow in my career i've worked for pgt, atrium and anderson. they're all completely... different companies. atrium was one of the worst companies i worked for, management was terrible over the lemmings which were basically slave labor.


    One of the local building suppliers started carrying Atrium as their cheap line. They also carry Anderson. Where I live vinyl is a poor choice compared to wood as the thermal conductivity of vinyl is twice that of wood. Have a couple of vinyl windows in the upstairs which are noticeably colder when the Arctic air mass makes a visit. Worked with a guy who had amazing windows, don't remember the name of the manufacturer. Triple pane vinyl clad wood at about twice the price of a 400 series Anderson. They looked like an Anderson on steroids.

  12. if you want some of the best windows out there, PGT out of Florida has amazing windows.


    We don't get hurricanes and I hate vinyl windows ... they are piss poor in real cold weather climates. Oh ... and PGT can't compete on looks nor would I even consider a manufacturer that serves a niche market with a climate not even close to the one I live in.

  13. I think the biggest news of this thread is that stevestojan is finally off the **** list.


    What kind of thermal insulation do those brand new windows have to cause that much condensation? That shouldn't be an issue with new windows


    Where I live above zero in January is a heat wave. Condensation is a function of the difference between the inside and outside temperatures, the amount of humidity inside, and the temperature gradient through the window. When the window surface drops below the dew point you get condensation.


    Heavier curtains do act as better insulation, though.


    They can also result in increased condensation on the window and subsequent water damage. The cost of repair or replacement may not be worth the meager energy savings. For my windows the manufacturer says:


    Movable insulating materials such as window coverings, shutters and other shading devices may cause thermal stress or excessive condensation, damaging the windows. Andersen Corporation is not responsible for product performance when these kinds of materials or devices are used with our products.


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