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Posts posted by KnightRider

  1. Where do you live? It's quite popular between BOS and NYC.


    :thumbsup: I thought about using it to go to Philly a few years back - it was 2.5 time the cost of a ticket on Southwest out of Providence.


    WRT to location, I like the Niagara Falls idea - IF they extend the Ontario Parkway to the Robert Moses Pkwy. That allows the Rochester folks a direct route. Otherwise, put it in Batavia hold training camp in Toronto.

  2. LA, do you think that Peters is the first NFL player to do this?


    Bill, a google search on holdout "three years" left on contract and came up with a lot of threats to hold out. Though they had three years (Marshall Faulk and Plaxico Burress) left, but no one else has actually gone through with it except Mike McKenzie, and his agent quit when he did. Please correct me if I am wrong and sorry if you have in another thread.


    I think a new contract agreement should be done, but holding out isn't the way to get it done. It's the way to get traded.

  3. Do you think being elected to 4 Pro Bowls is some measure of folks judging him to be an exceptional QB.


    Do you think the Welcome Drew Bledsoe party which was held on a winter workday and drew loads of folks to the Ralph was a measure of many judging him to be an exceptional QB.


    What about the spike in Bills season ticket sales that accompanied his arrival, was this not some measure of popularity.


    Was he run out of town here, NE and to some extent in Dallas also?


    Yep it's true.


    However HOF voting is done not as a snapshot of where a player is at a particular moment and in fact not even how his career or time with a team ended. Jimbo was not disqualified from the HOF because he left the field completely addled on the back of a golf cart, he was elected due to the sum total of his career and its accomplishments and warts.


    Unless you are willing to acknowledge both the sad and the glad reality then your views are only half accurate. IO know its hard for some but reality is reality.


    No, as he did not live up to the hype. We wanted the second coming of Kelly, and we got Drew. Good QB? Yes. Great QB? No.


    I think the guy that you can most accurately compare Bledsoe to is the guy that has played in the same era. Bledsoe doesn't come close to measuring up to Favre. His stats are more similar to Vinnie T's than Brett Favre's over the same period of performance. If you want to compare to Kelly, you have to look at Drew's average 230 ypg passing vs. Kelly's 254 ypg, (which is highest of any current HOFer).

  4. And how does he plan on coming up with the money?


    It says the contract he is on is paying him $300 million, and he ahs no debt, so unless he also has about 2-3 times that amount in the bank/invested, I think he might want to focus on the Blues or the Cardinals first, then move up to the Rams


    I'm pretty sure he has a few other contracts he has previously fulfilled.


    That $300M contract expires next year and he just signed a $400M contract. Throw in a few good investments and he likely could do it.

  5. Is there a widget out there to rate the links if you are logged in on this side? I am thinking of the amazon type thing where XX number thought this review was useful.... That would be a little innovative, and would help to id which articles to read if you don't have time to read them all. That way the better articles would get more traffic. For example, I haven't read a Jerry Sullivan article in a very long time. However, he gets credit for the hit because I am not sure which Monday morning link is his from TBD. Chuck Pollock is probably my favorite writer covering the Bills, but unless you read TSW (i.e. most of the people the go to TBD), you might not know the Olean paper has a better sports page than the News.


    Personally, I have never used the search on TBD, so maybe I don't have the right perspective. But, why not drop the search into the red menu area?

  6. Lest folks make the false assumption that it is only the poor who want to soak the rich who favor what luntz et al have successfully dubbed the death tax note that the extremely wealthy such as Warren Buffett and 118 other fat cats have strongly come out in favor of inheritance taxes. Buffett went on record saying:


    "Without the estate tax, you in effect will have an aristocracy of wealth, which means you pass down the ability to command the resources of the nation based on heredity rather than merit," Buffett told the New York Times in 2001. "[Repeal would be like] choosing the 2020 Olympic team by picking the eldest sons of the gold-medal winners in the 2000 Olympics."


    Buffett also joined a campaign in 2001 to preserve the estate tax alongside 119 other wealthy Americans, including George Soros and Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates, Sr..


    Details can be found at > http://money.cnn.com/2007/11/13/pf/taxes/b...e_tax/index.htm < Folks very rich, very poor and in between see value in the estate tax.


    The problems thrust upon the relatively few folks (even if it is thousands of farms we are talking within a base of 300 million people which would make 3 million farms at 1% relatively few) whose family farm wealth is a problem there would seem to be a targeted solution which gets at solving these few problems rather than allowing the Donald Trumps of the world hide behind these intrepid family farmers.


    The simple fact is that if you are going to spend 3 trillion on a war you choose in Iraq the money has to come from somewhere. The estate tax with it sizable exemptions and can be avoided if one chooses to donate the money to a reputable charitable cause (or even create a real irrevocable charity which runs the Bills for the benefit of the WNY community- one would need to fight the NFL which would prefer to stop future Green Bays but as Cleveland demonstrated the NFL can be beat) and really is a solvable problem despite the WSJ's politically motivated slant.


    That's Marxism, plain and simple, and the assertion that the estate tax remedies this "problem" of aristocracy is not true. How come the Washingtons and Hancocks didn't survive and repeat into the 20th century? How come we have multiple generations of Bushes and Kennedys elected to office? The Waltons are still some of the richest in the world.


    If Mr. Buffett is worried about an aristocracy, he should lead by example and hand over 60 of 62 billion dollars to the government.

  7. The death tax should be for multi-billionaires... not people with $20 million in assets. There is a principle in life... it's called working hard so your kids don't have to.


    There's a guy on the radio in Boston defines super-rich pretty well, as someone who makes more than $10k/year than you.

  8. I tried changing my avatar. I took down the old one, and loaded a new one. On my control page, the new avatar is there. But when I post, or check the threads, the old avatar is there.


    Any advice?



    I think you'll see it if you delete your cache.

  9. Turns 4 in Dec.


    Just got word from the vet that he has mild hip dysplesia which is common in there breed.


    I have an appointment on Tuesday with the surgeon just to see the extent of the injury. It could be the knee or hip, its to hard to tell now. My wife picked him up and he had a shot and some pills, we will see how he is doing after the weekend.


    For those with the put him to sleep comments I kind of expected some, but the dog doesnt have cancer or a debilitating disease. Its an injury. If the Dr. said its cancer and if we operate he could live 6 months I would have to think long and hard about it. This is just money. I am not going to let this guys just sit there and suffer. i am defienetly not one of those people who equate pets to children or hold them at the level but he is a close friend and a good pet. Granted he has eaten about 2k worth of our sh-t he is still my boy.


    Just hope hes not hurting too bad.


    The way I looked at it, in the past, was, how much longer was he going to live? Looks like the life expectancy is only ~8 years, and a significant portion of that will be rehab. It's up to you though to determine what is best for him, not what is best for you.


    If you bought it from a breeder, you might ask their recommendation. Or try the message boards on BulldogsWorld.com.


    I once couldn't bring myself to put an animal down. I don't have many bigger regrets than my cowardice in prolonging the agony he went through.


    I don't envy your situation.

  10. I believe it was the game versus the Patsies where Roland Hooks (?) caught the game winner at the tail end of the game. Naturally I missed it because my husband's best friend brought his whiny wife who complained the whole game how cold she was, so we left early to shut her up. In fact, we didn't know the Bills had won till we got home and stopped at a friend's house and he yelled WOW WHATTA GAME! OOOOOO I was mad.


    UGH. Thanks for making me remember. :lol:


    That was my second game! We left early, too. :lol:

  11. I love the fact that he cites budgetary figures for the source of his NASA outrage, and yet his advice is to "go to medical school to do some real good." Because the medical and insurance industries are the most fiscally responsible. No fraud, waste, and price gouging to be found there... :thumbsup:


    Medicine would be fine if the insurance/litigation industries hadn't corrupted it.


    Insurance and law are about the sleaziest industries out there.

  12. That stojan with the chief and his wife was a complete dead end waste of time. They could have done that plotline (if it even matters) in 15 minutes. I want those 2.5 hours of my life back.


    Once I realized she was thinking suicide, I was actually looking forward to his wife getting sucked out. Never liked her.

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