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Posts posted by KnightRider

  1. FWIW, I doubt Felser expected a win like yesterday, but he does seem to think we are on the upswing.




    From that last paragraph (on 8/20/11):

    When Polian left Buffalo he was succeeded by two of his acolytes, the late John Butler and A.J. Smith. When they left for San Diego, another lengthy eclipse surrounded us. I have a feeling that present GM Buddy Nix and coach Chan Gailey may be eclipse-lifters. It could be that those nine sacks against the Chicago Bears last week were a harbinger of good things to come.


    I know he retired a long time ago, but I'd say he stil has his finger on the pulse of the Bills.

  2. I was watching Sportscenter at the bar last night. They had a top ten list of the best NFL games of the last 25 years. Three of them were Bills games: The Greatest Comeback (which was number one), Super Bowl XXV (which was 3rd or 4th) and the game without a punt against the 49ers (7th or 8th).



    I remember watching that SF game off a direct feed from a satellite which meant no commercials. It had the #1 NBC announcers, and during the commercial time, they were just gushing over what a historic game it was by the end of the third quarter, because of the offensive talent on display by both sides.

  3. For some Bills fans rooting for the Bills and being optimistic is not an optional alternative. I am a Bills Fan. I have been so since 1960 when my World War II vet dad let me know how the original All America Football Conference screwed the Bills (the 2nd most successful franchise in the league) and accepted the Browns, the 49'ers and the Colts into the NFL and dropped the Bills. I have been a die hard ever since. I will be an optimist every year. I will find the silver lining in every cloud. I will hope that this year is the year that it all comes together. I am convinced that this year that Merriman, Williams and Dareus will turn this season around. I was convinced that Monte Ledbetter would turn the season around in the late 60's. For those of you that want to lament that we have not made the playoff for ten years and that the franchise will not turn around until the owner dies, the management changes or karma blesses us, you are missing out on the wonderful feeling of optimism that begins every season. Am I fooling myself? Maybe. But the great thing is I wont know until we see how it plays out and until then I am an optimist. I am one of the crazies that spends a large portion of my disposable income on Bills tickets. Guess what, it is people like me that have kept the Bills in Buffalo. So, forgive me for hoping for the best. Sorry for not doing the woe is me routine. If us optimists leave, the Bills are the Los Angeles Clippers.



    Fantastic post... I wish I still had that attitude. :(

  4. I just read through most of the posts in this thread... Even if Lori is gone for good, (which I really doubt), I do think she'd have a smile on her face reading it. There's a lot of names of posters I have enjoyed reading over the years, present in this thread...

  5. In Albany there's no one accent. I would say it's close to none, but I've heard bits of different accents from some natives, but no common one among them . The one you heard was like a New York City one, but I hardly hear it here. When I go downstate I start to laugh because so many people tawk New Yawk down there. Me, I've got bits of everything from NYS. I was born in the Bronx, grew up in Nassau county Long Island, then went to Fredonia at 17 and at one time picked up a little WNY accent, then shuttled back & forth between Buffalo & LI, finally settling in Albany almost 22 years ago. I don't have any regional accent in my words, but my tone is more NYC than elsewhere.



    But there is in Waterford, for some reason.


    I find it a little sad and weird, that, when I go home, I can now confirm that WNY does indeed have an accent.

  6. I'd rather see someone like Dennis Abraham, from the Chargers.


    From his Bio on the Chargers website,



    Dennis Abraham is the Chargers’ advance scout of opponents, who also coordinates the procurement of players during free agency, while also scouting and evaluating players in the NFL and CFL.


    Abraham spent five years in the personnel department in Buffalo, helping to prepare the defensive game analysis for the Bills’ coaches. He also served as their training camp coordinator from 1998-00.


    Born in Buffalo, New York, he attended Akron Central (N.Y.) HS, competing in football, basketball and baseball. He played center and tackle at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, graduating in ’93 with a degree in sports management.


    Abraham and wife, Amy, have a son, D.J.

    Less -


    He's got the credentials and he at least used to love the Bills. I played football with him, and his personality is genuinely the way John Butler used to come across.

  7. You do realize Bill had to talk ralph into taking Bruce right? Ralph wanted flutie. Yeah we had kellys contract but had he got flutie, I am betting he trades Jim's rights away. So....if Ralph had his way, no Bruce, No Jim = no superbowls


    I like Polian a lot, but he wasn't GM till 8 months after the pick of Bruce Smith. He was part of the Bills organization, though...

  8. Why do you call it meddling? If you owned the Bills would you sit back and never make a decision no matter how bad things get? Would you just hope your employees fix everything? I just don't get it. Wilson does nothing and gets bashed. He tries to fix something and gets bashed. I don't agree with a lot of Wilson's moves but the guy could make the ticket prices $0 and people would find something to complain about. I'm glad he fired Schonert, just wish Jauron went with him.


    He's meddling because, even when he has some of the best people in the business, like Polian, running his team, he screws it up. He really is basically Al Davis, without the personality.


    By the way, he's not alone. I'd say the same about Snyder and Jones. I'm sure there are more, ut those are the only two that immediately came to mind...

  9. To a degree, you are correct. But, you will also see a substantial difference in natures within the breed. Hell, within the same litter, you will see drastically different natures. Meeting the mom is a good thing when evaluating a dog, but it is only a small part. You can have pups from the same litter experiencing vastly different personalities. You can't just pick any dog from the litter an expect them all to be similar in nature.


    I with you on with that. I put my previous post that the minimum you will see at a breeder is the mother. Ideally, you should get the pick of the litter (after being coached on what to look for), and have a chance to see the parents and other non-litter-mate siblings the breeder kept... That still won't guarantee the dog won't have trouble, but if as an owner, you really plan getting the pup, chances are good you have a good owner and a good dog...


    My current dog's father is the reason I was went with a sheltie. He is a very confident, friendly dog, especially with stangers. She doesn't quite have his confidence with strangers, but she isn't wilt, either.


    The thing that really makes me shudder is the parents that pick up that Rottie with blue eyes that their 15 year old daughter really wants.

  10. Yup. It's not the breed. It's the owners that cause the problem.


    I agree to a point. Breeds do have different natures. If you trained a sheltie like you train a GSD the sheltie would wilt. I certainly used vastly different methods on my 6 year old sheltie (treats and lots of praise) than I did on my golden. I used a GSD training book called Toward the PhD for Dogs. I've watched goldens and GSD owners try the treat methods, but they just aren't as successful...

  11. I got my Siberian when she was five, and as much as I love her I will never take on someone else's dog again. I would never recommend adoption to anyone other than an experienced dog owner because it isn't easy. That being said, I've learned an awful lot from owning her.


    Well said. I applaud anyone who adopts a rescue. My wife and I used to foster rescues for Labs (It is basically labs since there is also a very successful Golden Rescue)and Sheltie rescues in Mass.


    My wife's first dog was a Lab/Shepard mix that she got from a rescue. After for four years, we had to put him down shortly after we got married. He bit her niece, who happened to be the daughter of the matron of honor about three hours before the ceremony. :( He bit again two months later, and I took him to the vet to be put down. That was when we got her first sheltie. The reason we went with a sheltie was that Jen was ready to give up on dogs altogether. She blamed herself. The sheltie breeder was someone I knew and trusted, and she needed to get back in the saddle pretty quickly. Anyway, that sheltie puppy is now 12. Jen and he did AKC obedience and came close to getting his UD. They got into a rut on the hand single down of all things! Her work then required her to travel more, and then came the twins. :worthy: Suddenly he's 12 pretty creaky. He was also amazing at catching a frisbee. He caught so many his lower canines got ground down.


    The point of all that was to contrast the breeder and rescue experience. You get to at least meet the mother of the pup. (personalities are hereditary) You also have someone to turn to if you run into trouble. Most of all, any reputable breeder will take a dog back of you are unable to care for it anymore.


    I had a Golden rescue. I watched my dad train is golden growing up. In fact the teacher my dad went to class with was the sheltie breeder... He was 10 months when I got him. The family claimed he nipped one of the kids. (yeah, right) He also needed a bigger yard that the .1 acre lot they lived on. Turned out that dog needed more than 10 acres to run on. Man could he run. He once was picked up five miles away. Later on, after he thankfully slowed down some, he got into a car while I was moving into a house in Amherst. Luckily I got the plate, but point I am trying to make is goldens can be too friendly sometimes.


    He was petrified of water, too. I always figured the people I got him from must have thrown him in the pool when he was a puppy or something. He'd be twenty this year. I wish he'd met my boys.





    Anyway, if you need help deciding what breed, you probably should not be going to a rescue.

  12. 1- OJ Simpson

    2- Scott Norwood

    3- Ahmad Rashad

    4- Jack Kemp

    5- Doug Flutie

    6- Terrell Owens

    7- Jim Kelly

    8- Paul Maguire

    9- Thurman Thomas

    10-Bruce Smith


    A case for Norwood being #1. When you tell some you're a Bills fan, do you hear OJ's name or Norwood's?

  13. One of the Witnesses mentioned that it was a one story brick house and I can see it to the right of the white and green house on the map. I heard this last night on the local news, I cannot confirm that report. Amazing only one house was hit, must have been a nose dive. I cannot imagine the horror, my prayers go out to all affected in this tragedy...


    It was the white and green house, I think.

  14. I let a cat live too long once. It was incredibly selfish of me to do that to a good friend. I made a promise that if they had no hope of not being able to ever do their business or eat on their own, I would end the suffering for them.


    I had to put down my golden, wow, almost 5 years ago. I have two shelties now, one 5 and a half and one 11. I will do (and did for my golden) just about anything to help them get in and out of the house, including ramps. But when they cannot do what should be natural, to me it is time.


    But that is me. Tom said it well, imho. You do the thing that brings the least regret for you. They're trusting you to make the right decision.

  15. Thats cool, but at her age she should be hitting XS with a 22,not carrying a 45 for self protection This got me royally pissed off for some reason and I hope the guy does 50 years in a super max prison. Venting over.


    Ah, but the nice thing about a .45 is that you don't need to hit Xs... :wallbash:

  16. A lot of people, sportswriters included, forget it's the "Pro" Football HOF, not the NFL HOF. You have to take Kelly's play in the USFL into acct as well...those were some great years for Jimbo. Now, most will point out that the USFL wasn't a great league and I agree, but it did showcase Kelly's arm. There are two of Kelly's best years and there all but forgotten by most. Take away Marino's first couple of years, and see how much closer they are in stats. Kelly had almost 10K yds in two years there! Add that to his 35K in yds and he's at 45K. Also Marino had over 8,200 attempts vs Jimbo's 4,700. That's a HUGE difference! I bring this up because a lot of people just look at raw#'s, and that's not the total picture. Kelly was a GREAT leader and called his own damn plays...what QB does that these days, or even back then?!?! Not many, and he did a great job of mixing it up. Don't you think Kelly could have thrown for a ton more yds if he wanted to? Reed, Lofton, Beebe, Metzelaars, Thomas....Jimbo had weapons,, but he was unselfish as hell. He deserves to be a first ballot HOFer because he was a game changer, a difference maker...and that's what a true HOFer is.


    That is all true. The thing that stands out to me is his record against other HOF quarterbacks. Out of his HOF peers, Aikman, Elway, Marino, Montana, Moon and Young, he had a winning record against everyone but Aikman and maybe Young. Certainly in the big games he beat everyone but Aikman. An argument can be made that QBs don't play against each other, but it wasn't our defense that won most of those games. Therefore, I think the comparison can be made.

  17. Not to get totally off the original topic, but Bruce Smith totally redeemed himself in those 2 minutes of talking from the heart. Not once did he mention himself. Hell, he barely mentioned the Buffalo Bills. For him to credit his father for everything in his life, that speaks volumes about the real Bruce Smith. Hopefully he'll do more of the same for his enshrinement speech.


    Perhaps Bruce finally grew up. It does take longer for some people.

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