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Bob Malooga

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Posts posted by Bob Malooga

  1. Something tells me that Spikes is going to be an interview favorite this year. Something also tells me he is going to be one and done here. :)

    Why are you "smiling" about him being one and done? When the Bills get people in-house that are good at what they do, they need to learn how to keep them.


    Brandon Spikes is one of those kinds of people...he brings a type of confidence, a type of "swagger" that I have not seen on the field at Ralph Wilson Stadium since his cousin was sporting #51 on Sundays...and I hope Brandon's stay here is not as short-lived as Takeo's.



    As for Rodak, I have never despised a writer more than him (Florio maybe?)...he is absolutely terrible at his job, and I let him know it when he published an article about the Bills leaving Buffalo, no more than 5 minutes after we learned of Ralph's passing. I hate ESPN, I never watch/read any of their garbage.

  2. These guys throw up "signs" all the time, who knows what exactly they mean. As far as I'm concerned...the kid has no prior record, besides tinted windows and some marijuana. He speaks out against bullying, and brings his message to schools and children. He does a lot of work with children. He seems to work hard. He is active within his community working with charities. He is no different than your average kid in the National Football League. He seems to work hard and do everything that is asked of him, in the grand scheme of things.


    I also know what it's like to lose your Father to pancreatic cancer at a young age. That will break a young man, seeing his father/hero/role model like that.


    This is not even close to the situation with Aaron Hernandez. The Eagles made a huge mistake in my opinion.


    EDIT - It's not often I can find a way to relate to a professional athlete, but seeing that D-Jax lost his Father to pancreatic cancer, like I did...makes me want to pull for the kid and root for his success. I know for a fact, that was the hardest thing of his life that he has ever had to deal with. It changes you forever.

  3. There is only so much bad Bills news/press/etc. that a fan can take - I had my fill after reading this story and here is my response to that ass clown. Don't care if I ever get a response. FWIW:

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    To: "ckelly@thestar.ca" <ckelly@thestar.ca>

    Subject: 3/25 article on Ralph Wilson

    You are an ass. While much more vulgar words are more fitting to describe you, hopefully your myopic mind is able to grasp the irreverant and callous nature of your published article in the Toronto Star newspaper involving Ralph Wilson.


    While there is a litany of problems associated with your garbage article (starting with the very insensitive 4th paragraph - "Now that he's gone, they can begin building the next iteration of the NFL...."), you make assertions that are not based in factual research - "Wilson was admired but never loved" - that's why thousands of fans regularly showed up on gameday in shirts and equipped with signs that read "in Ralph We Trust", or the stadium is affectionately known as "The Ralph" to Bills fans - oh but you probably wouldn't know this because your only experience was at the annual game in your POS city in front of sparse crowd of fair weather canadian "fans."


    Speaking of nonsense - you are quick to point out Ralph Wilson as a "notorious cheapskate" with a "hint of megalomania" for having a stadium named after him (funny since the rogers center is a decrepit, sorry excuse for a stadium named after your own megalomaniac). I guess you overlook the fact that the same "cheapskate" Wilson signed two players to the richest contracts in NFL history at their positions at the time: Jim Kelly - 1986 and Mario Williams-2012.


    How you somehow know what constitutes his estate is beyond me -- or the fact that you insinuate the man was disingenuous in his desire to keep the team in Buffalo. Again you overlook the fact that he passed (on numerous occassions) the opportunity to move the team elsewhere. You also don't seem interested in applauding him for his efforts to keep the team in Buffalo right up to his final days by finalizing a new lease agreement with Erie County and NYS that likely assures the team cannot be moved until at least 2020. Oh - he also set up a trust with hand selected executors to ensure that the sale of his team is handled according to his wishes and affords those willing to keep the team in Buffalo with a fair chance rather than auctioned to the highest bidder. Kudos to you for seeing through all of that in reaching your moronic conclusuons that he was a liar and cheap though. Pulitzer material you have there.


    Why don't you stick to covering the stories that really matter to canadians like that helluva hockey offence you have up there on the maple leafs or the d-league basketball team. Better yet stick to covering curling or the sordid escapades of your addict mayor.


    Toronto should NEVER get an NFL franchise because of idiots like you and the rest of your sports-challenged countrymen.


    I only hope your obit is as classless as the garbage you wrote about a true AMERICAN hero in Ralph Wilson.

    :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

  4. My Father had pancreatic cancer in June of 2008...as soon as they ruled out surgery, everything went downhill. I pray that is not the case here, but I don't feel very optimistic when it comes to cancer. As I have said elsewhere, I have had two heroes in my lifetime. My Father and Jim Kelly. Nothing scares me more than cancer. It f*cking sucks!

  5. For me, it all depends on who will be available in round #2...but, I would either go...


    Eric Ebron in the 1st round, and Kelvin Benjamin in the 2nd round...or...Mike Evans in the 1st round, and Austin Seferian-Jenkins in the 2nd round.



    One of those two scenarios is my perfect 2014 NFL draft for the Buffalo Bills...I don't even care what happens after the first two rounds, if this happens.

  6. I would say Alex Carrington is receiving about as much love as he and his career deserve, so far. I know they are not the most credible sources/sites...but I have seen Schefter and others tweet about him visiting the Rams, Raiders and Steelers. I would take him back on a decent deal, but won't lose sleep if he signs elsewhere. Not a big loss for Buffalo.


    "Rams interested in Carrington."



    "Carrington visits with Oakland."



    "Carrington's visit with Steelers goes well."




    EDIT: Apparently we can add Pettine and the Browns to the list...




    One more interesting article..."Alex Carrington not visiting Rams, raising questions about his free agency strategy"


  7. I'm not convinced Rivers will start or even make the team if they draft another LB and an UDFA comes out of nowhere. I don't want Moats or Bradham any longer but Lawson played well enough to start.

    Also not convinced Carpeneter wins the kicking job.

    Lastly Williams signing is routinely listed as one of the worst by a non-Oakland Raider team.

    They would have been better off with Byrd (12.3), Graham (5.55), and Spikes(3.25). They could have addressed LG more cheaply or in the draft.


    But at least there is hope and new faces. Maybe Williams is a very good LG playing between Glenn and Wood. Maybe Graham, Gilmore, McKelvin, Roby, and the oft injured kid from LSU make one hell of a set of DB's. And maybe Spikes at MLB and Kiko at OLB is the answer to the run defense.


    Still not convinced there is a quality SS on the roster though...

    Were you one of the fans who thought the Bills traded a "starting" MLB for a "bust" last year, when they shipped Kelvin Sheppard to the Colts for Jerry Hughes? Maybe this is starting to become a place where careers can be revived, rather than where they come to die...I trust in Doug Whaley and his staff.


    These are all guys who are still relatively young and cheap, relatively high draft picks (some 1st rounders)...and they all have chips on their shoulders. Exactly what the Bills need. I am very excited about the prospects of Brandon Spikes in the middle of the defense, and Anthony Dixon pounding in the rock from the goal-line and flattening kick returners.


    Two players I wanted the Bills to draft, two players I wanted the Bills to sign...I absolutely think they belong here, and I welcome their "swagger" and WINNING culture.


    *** Not only that, but it is easy to see...Doug Whaley is a young, up-and-coming NFL General Manager. He did not let Byrd leave because anybody told him he had to or that they couldn't afford to keep him...he let Byrd walk because through all of his experience, through everything he has learned and been taught...he felt that was the best move for his football club moving forward. He is in this business to make a name for himself. He came from a proud organization who does things right. He has a sense of pride. He has a certain "swagger" to him, as well. This man is not here to be a "yes-man puppet," he is here to build a winning football organization and put HIS stamp on that football organization. He is here to win...trust in him, give him time...let him do his job and display results before you jump down his throat.


    And not only that, but most importantly...Jairus Byrd chose to leave. That is on him. He wanted to collect a paycheck...good for him, now...goodbye, time to move on. I would rather have Aaron Williams as the "leader/captain" of the secondary. The kid shows toughness and a willingness to do whatever is asked of him. He WANTS to be here and work to turn this thing around.

  8. Can someone please explain to me why the Bills have not introduced Brandon Spikes and Anthony Dixon?


    Why would Corey Graham and Chris Williams have press conferences...but these two don't? Spikes is our biggest free agent...he needs/deserves to have one.


    They should have signed Spikes for at least two years. They likely felt his negative image might impact the chemistry of the team so "we'll only give him a try.," But what happens if he has a great year, we like him, and we lose him? A team with some talent that generally stays together usually winds up developing and playing well together, unless you get lucky in breaking the bank annually on effective, high priced free agents (and of course draft well).

    I think if he is building chemistry, behaving and performing well...they will try to extend him before the season ends, maybe by Thanksgiving or Christmas.


    Just because it is a one-year deal, doesn't mean he won't fall in love with (in his words) "the plumber's crack of America." Nothing is impossible...he already loves Bills Mafia!


    (But the fact he will be crying the whole New England game, kinda makes me a little worried! lol.)

  9. I did a little bit of research...this is what I found...which is certainly enlightening for "SOME" of you...check it out!


    J. Cole - Bachelor's in Mass Communication. (St. Johns's - 2007 - MAGNA CUM LAUDE)


    Ice Cube - Bachelor's in Architecture. (Phoenix Institute of Technology - 1988)


    Chuck D - Bachelor's in Graphic Design. (Adelphi University - 1984)


    Ludacris - Bachelor's in Music Management. (Georgia State University - 1999)


    David Banner - Bachelor's in Business. (Southern University - 1996)


    Tajai Massey (Hieroglyphics) - Bachelor's in Anthropology. (Stanford - 1997)


    M.I.A. - Bachelor's in Fine Arts, Video and Film. (Saint Martin's in London - 2000)


    John Legend - Bachelor's in English. (University of Pennsylvania - 1999)


    Young MC - Bachelor's in Economics. (University Southern California - 1988)


    MC Solaar - Bachelor’s in Linguistics and Philosophy. (University of Paris - 1983)


    K. Flay - Bachelor's in Psychology and Sociology. (Stanford - 2008)


    Guru (Gang Starr) - Bachelor's in Business Administration. (Morehouse College - 1983)


    MC Lars - Bachelor's in English. (Stanford - 2006)


    Masta Ace - Bachelor's in Marketing. (University of Rhode Island - 1988)


    Sage - Bachelor's in Journalism. (University of Rhode Island - 1999)



    Maybe they are not qualified to be an agent for professional sports...but to say, "they are uneducated and not intelligent," is extremely ignorant.




    I would like to note that you are the THIRD person to post similar points in this thread, along with myself and The Wiz. Yours finally got a response, which I applaud.


    Meanwhile everyone is in here making their half-ass middle age white guy "I'm not racist I have black friends" thinly veiled race/stereotype cracks. Well done, TBD. Class acts all around....

    How are they supposed to respond, when they know they are wrong? Silence is golden in situations like this.


    Like I said, I have been a DJ for 13 years now (professionally)...but I started studying/researching music a long time ago. A lot of these people, the entertainers (rappers, actors, etc)...are more intelligent, in many aspects of life, than some people in this world could ever dream of being. Don't doubt or discredit that. They are where they are in life for a reason. #HardWorkPaysOff



    From everything I've read, Jay-Z has a seriously sharp mind for business. Right now, he's just founding and running the company, but I wouldn't be surprised if he became a successful sports agent.

    I have his book...the guy is truly a genius. VERY intelligent. Literally went from nothing to everything, all by himself..."from the streets, to the suites." I have been a DJ for 13 years, I have done a lot of studying/research on these guys...they are much more intelligent than you think, or they get credit for...especially Jay-Z.

  11. I didnt know rappers were qualified to be agents, I thought you needed an education. Not street cred.

    Well, if that is not racist, I don't know what is.


    Plenty of rappers have college education. Bryan Williams went to college after graduating high school, but dropped out and now he is an entrepreneur worth $110 million.


    Never liked him, his music or his record label/group...but to assume he is not intelligent because he is a rapper, is just plain stupid.


    Those guys have more money than we will ever dream of... They're marketing geniuses.





    I believe that the rappers themselves (in this case Birdman, but also Jay-Z) are not the AGENTS. They are owners of the AGENCY. They're the money men, and the "face" used to recruit the athletes. They then hire their own agents or work with established agencies. ROC Nation Sports works in collaboration with CAA, for example.

    Yes, just like it says Cash Money is working with Priority Sports...Mike Evans' original agency.

  12. pulling for a trade down, then pulling for Aaron Donald, and if not Taylor Llewan is ok with me. Don't like Mike Evans at all. And not sure a TE improves this team as much as a tackle or havoc wreakor

    A defensive lineman? You think Aaron Donald will improve the team more than a WR or TE? LMAO, he wouldn't even see the field on our defense, with our d-line.


    Don't need a Tight End, We have plenty on the roster.

    Yeah, a bunch of guys who run slow, 1 has decent hands, 1 is nothing but an extra lineman, and another is coming off a bunch of injuries that got him cut from a team who had zero tight end. Chris Gragg has potential, but he was a 7th round pick for a reason...and he doesn't exactly have the size of the TE's in the draft, or the skill.

  13. The sad part is as bad as he was in the last 10 drafts or so Mike Williams, John McCargo, JP Losman and Aaron Maybin off the top of my head were all much worse players. That's how you go years without playoffs.

    I can agree with this.

    I had to wretch when I saw this thread. :cry:

    I bought a wrench when I saw this thread.

    I was NOT, in any way, saying/implying that the Bills should pick up Donte Whitner. Not at all...the whole content was deemed "funny" from the get-go.


    I even said, I am glad he is no longer in Buffalo. lol.

  14. This brought out a giggle/smile, and it made my day...this is just too funny.





    * Donte Whitner to NFL Media *


    "I'm calling for NFL Media to pony up and bring Whitner to Culver City and place him in the desk next to Around The League's boss, Gregg Rosenthal. (For those who might have missed it, Whitner vociferously called out Rosenthal for the slight of being ranked No. 44 on ATL's free-agent list.) For the next year, Whitner can sit next to Rosenthal and pass on all his football wisdom. The two can watch film together and argue whether or not a hit is illegal and where Jon Asamoah should be on the free-agent list. I can just hear the constant, fantastic derision from Whitner. I'll gladly chip in at least seven bucks." -- Kevin Patra



    Everybody knows this guy is a clown...so glad he is no longer in Buffalo, what a bust at #8 overall! :bag:

  15. another good player the Bills will let walk and we will regret this later.

    If that is the case, we might as well find other teams to root for...because there are serious issues if we will regret not signing ALEX CARRINGTON!


    The Bills have lost players like Marshawn Lynch, Jason Peters, soon-to-be-former-Bills-safety Jairus Byrd...sorry, Alex Carrington does not fit in that category.


    He is easily replaceable, and might already be replaced with Stefon Charles.

  16. PFF rated him the 2nd worst guard in the NFL last season. TB tried to trade him, but apparently didn't even get a sniff.

    Nobody is going to trade for a big contract on a player that they know will end up being released. They will, more likely than not, always wait until that player is released to sign him to their own contract. Especially a player that has been hurt, and is making A LOT of money...that's a train wreck waiting to happen.


    With that said, it is absolutely worth looking at players like Joseph, and others who have been let go. A change of scenery helped Jerry Hughes quite a bit. (Granted, he was not coming off an injury.)

  17. Do whatever you have to do to ensure that an elite/big/playmaking WR AND TE come into Buffalo on draft day 2014...


    Mike Evans or Kelvin Benjamin...and...Eric Ebron or Austin Seferian-Jenkins. (I don't care what else happens, as long as this does.)



    However, do NOT trade your 2016 1st round pick...that should be saved for the Jameis Winston sweepstakes. :flirt:

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