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Bob Malooga

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Posts posted by Bob Malooga

  1. TE - Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Troy Niklas


    CB - Stanley Jean-Baptiste, Keith McGill


    DT - Rashede Hageman, Daniel McCullers


    DE - Scott Crichton, Kony Ealy


    RB - Bishop Sankey, Tre Mason


    OT - Cyrus Kouandijio, Seantrel Henderson, Michael Schofield


    OG - Cyril Richardson, Gabe Jackson, Brandon Linder


    OLB - Adrian Hubbard / MLB - Max Bullough


    QB - Logan Thomas, Tahj Boyd (developmental, UDFA signings?)



    *I think those are my favorite players left on the board, in the entire draft...I'll be happy with any of them. (Not listed in any order, besides ASJ!)

  2. Eric Ebron (rd 1) and Kelvin Benjamin (rd 2)...or...Mike Evans (rd 1) and Austin Seferian-Jenkins (rd 2).


    This was my dream draft back in August, and nothing has changed...nor will it change before this weekend.


    I would be absolutely ecstatic, and wouldn't care what they did from there on for the rest of the draft...just get me one of those duos.



    And IF he went to the Vikings, talk about helping a QB out with a stable running game and a real, dynamic playmaker at RB! Bradford would go to a much better environment, and hope that the Vikings would address some Offense issues to help him out, but despite the record, the Vikes aren't a total trash heap, they've got players and there's some real room for Bradford to make some difference on that team...and of course, going to another team with a Dome helps him, and the Vikes getting a ready and hopefully able QB to compete in the NFC North gets that team sort of on-par with the other QBs in that Division...no, he's not even close to Rodgers, but despite the billing, Stafford has had issues staying healthy and that team still can't seem to win consistently, and while Cutler is gifted, he can't seem to win consistently either...so, Bradford is at least in the mix of those other two...

    He has always had a good running game, but he has never had the talented WR's that he would have in Minnesota.


    (I know none of them were Adrian Peterson, but the RB's he has had have put up excellent rushing numbers, especially Jackson and Stacy.)

  4. Knowing he was going to be the General Manager, I am sure that Whaley was on board with the selection, if it was not his altogether.


    And for the 1,000th time...he has already stated that EJ Manuel IS THE BILLS QB, and they will draft accordingly to surround him with talent.

  5. Absolutely not.


    The team has already stated, multiple times all offseason, they are going to surround EJ with as much talent as possible.


    If EJ Manuel is not the QB of the future they envisioned, I would rather go after Jamies Winston next year, he actually won something in college.

  6. Not a chance...half the kids who get drafted don't make their teams as it is, you would have to increase the roster or practice squad size.


    A better "draft idea," would be to have the draft in the city that wins the Super Bowl, or in the city with the 1st overall pick...or rotate it every year.

  7. So at #9 you think they will take the 4th best Tackle? Then in the 2nd they will get a player at the only position where we are solid? I'm not saying it won't happen but I would be super depressed if it went down like this

    I said this somewhere else a couple weeks ago, I could totally see them going OT, RB, CB...for their first three picks.


    And as for the RB position, we are FAR from "solid" there...especially after this coming season. As mentioned before, CJ Spiller is in a contract year, as is Fred Jackson who will be 34 years old by the time his contract runs out next March. It is hard to see either of them coming back next year. I wish the Bills took a chance on Marcus Lattimore last year, I think he'll be a beast and take Gore's #1 spot. (He has a very special talent, especially if he's healthy.)



    (And as for the WR position...Stevie Johnson and Mike Williams are BOTH basically on 1-year "prove-it" deals...a WR is as worthy a pick as any.)

  8. The ONLY concern I have regarding this is...will Jim Schwartz put his players in position to succeed like Mike Pettine did?


    Will he be aggressive enough, with all the talent he has at his disposal, to create turnovers and 3-and-outs? Will he be able to put his pass-rushers in position to have three of them rack up double-digit sacks? (Or even two of them, for that matter.) Most importantly...can he stop the run???



    As I mentioned before, he did use Ronnell Lewis (6-2, 240 lbs) at defensive end, as well as "Keith Ellison-sized" linebackers. So, I am hoping with the increase in not only talent, but also size, he will be able to produce much more positive results than in the past. (This is possibly the best front 7 he's ever had.)



    With the likes of Mario, Kyle, Dareus, Branch, Hughes, Lawson, Spikes, Rivers, Kiko, Bradham, Gilmore, McKelvin, Graham, Aaron, Searcy, Robey...we have one of the best defenses in the NFL on paper. (And most of those guys would probably be starting quality players on several other teams across the NFL.)

  9. For the first time in a long time the Bills may have starting caliber players on the sidelines because of depth.

    May? No, they will for sure...figure Lawson or Rivers won't start, and both of them are starting material.

    i am just hoping the players buy into the system like they did last year. if these guys believe in the defense and their coach, they seem to have the talent to do some nice things.

    This is the one concern, the coaching change...we obviously have a ton of talent, I hope Schwartz can utilize it like Pettine did.

    ......were going to the playoffs

    I was just saying this earlier to someone else...this is the most confident and optimistic I have been in a long time.


    They have A LOT to play for...not only Ralph and Jimbo, but if they like Whaley/Marrone, they might be playing for their jobs.


    I do not remember the last time we had a defense this good, not to mention last year's #2 rushing attack. As long as EJ Manuel can stay healthy, and even be a middle of the pack QB, this team has a chance to do some damage and be special. (Super Bowl? Probably not. But, I could see 10-6 and the playoffs.)


    As Bart Scott would say, "I can't wait!" :flirt:

  10. It's brandon Kaufman

    It could be either one of them...(it looks a little more like Lee Smith)


    Lee Smith:



    Brandon Kaufman:



    But, this picture comes up when you search for Kaufman, and not when you search for Smith...





    *Glad to see him getting some work in with those guys, and happy to hear he has put on weight and moved to tight end.

  11. Haven't seen the Wegmans' name mentioned anywhere...don't they have the available assets to make a run also?

    No, I know Danny Wegman personally. He lives in my hometown in the Finger Lakes. (I grew up with his stepson.)


    While being "loaded/rich," he does not have the resources or assets to be able to purchase an NFL team.


    Minority owner, maybe...majority owner, not a chance.



    (He does have an incredible house though...heated driveways and tennis courts, a guest house the size of a normal house, state of the art security room, a dozen+ docks for boats/jet skis...he basically has his own little cove on the lake...it is truly something amazing to see from a boat.)


    (His stepson used to show us pictures of their trips to Jamaica and other awesome vacation spots...where they partied with the likes of Ralph Lauren, Michael Jordan, Jay-Z and many more celebrities. He is close to Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas too, I know that for a fact.)


    *One more thing...my brother-in-law is a big-wig at Paychex, and he said Golisano is "intrigued." (Just a thought.)

  12. I think Richie is enjoying whatever he has going on for him...and Buffalo, NY is probably the last thing from his mind.





    *However, I do agree...we have no weak pu**ies in the locker room like Jonathan Martin, and guys like Eric Wood would keep him flying straight. Between Incognito, Wood and Urbik...that is one nasty interior for your offensive line.


    (I wouldn't mind picking up Eric Winston, seeing if he could step in at right tackle too.)

  13. Now Bob I gotta step in here. I know you have trouble with God and believing etc, but saying you completely quit because Jim my die is BS sorry man it is. We all pray, we pray for good people, God fearing christians that still die. Why? Because way back when some chick and some dude screwed the pooch royally. Even to the best, most faithful bad things happen. Kicker is we aren't sure why other than maybe there was a lesson somehow.


    Bottom line is all of us are passing through, Christians, atheists et al. I have believed all of my life we have a time limit and we as humans can do things to ourselves that can shorten that time limit. Some how Jimbo did something, smoke, dip, drink too much which along with his genetics caused this. Will Jim be healed, I dont know. I dont' know why some get miracles and some dont, I am not God nor are any of us. I still wonder when I see things why this or that happened how they did.


    Jimbo has a Goku level doc working with him, Your dad at one time had Krillin lol. I agree the quality of Doctor just like the quality of attorney makes a HUGE difference in things

    My Father didn't drink, smoke, dip, and nobody before him in his family had cancer. So, thanks for your opinion...but I don't need you telling me what I can, cannot, should or shouldn't believe in.


    I am not Christian, catholic, atheist, Buddhist, muslim...whatever religions there are out there that people believe in, I am none of them. I have always wanted to believe...but I am given more reasons not to, than I am given to do so.


    I've always thought it was a joke, like politics...it just divides people, and look, it's working! Truthfully...my Father's cancer was caused from symptoms of Agent Orange in Vietnam, so how do you think I feel about the government?


    Kinda funny how people work...I have one person PM me a kind-hearted message, then I have another calling me out in "public" about my beliefs, morals, thoughts, feelings and emotions being complete and total bull ****. Sweet, have a good day!

  14. Just because he doesn't work out in Buffalo, does not mean he is "lazy."


    Some of the best players in history worked out on their own in the offseason...who cares if he is lifting weights in Buffalo?



    As for the tweet, he mentions "good" pressure...he wants to prove his worth; to his team, his coaches and to the fans. End of story. Also, as for people who want Stevie gone...we got rid of Marshawn Lynch for CJ Spiller once, I don't want to make a similar mistake twice.


    Good teams don't make these mistakes once, let alone twice or three times...like the Bills do, or like the fans want the Bills to do.


    (Please spare me the "CJ is better than Marshawn" crap, because he's not, probably never will be. One of them is a part-time situational player who can't run anywhere but outside...the other is a full-time, top-5, mack-truck of a RB who consistently puts up big yards in big games, even when he's hurt.)

  15. Absolutely not...if they want a CB, go out and get Stanley Jean-Baptiste. (Or Keith McGill)


    He can play CB and he could step in at FS, as well...they say he is going to be a poor man's Richard Sherman. (I think he'll be just as good, within time.)



    Both of these guys are 6-3 and 210+ lbs...


    Stanley Jean-Baptiste:



    Keith McGill:


  16. Like I have said before, I have had two heroes in my life...my Father and Jim Kelly.


    My Father was taken from me in June 2008 from pancreatic cancer, I am still not able to accept that. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my entire 31 years alive, and anyone who knows me personally, knows I have been through A LOT.


    If Jim Kelly is taken from all of us, most importantly his young daughters and his beautiful loving wife...I am going to have a very hard time believing in "God." I already have a hard time believing in that stuff...but that will be the icing on the cake for me. (I know others firmly believe in their religion, and I accept that...but to me, "God" wouldn't do this kind of stuff to amazing people...who have done nothing but help those around them.)


    Like Jimbo, my Father was relatively big in our community...having been a Marine in Vietnam, a Police officer, a security cop at the VA hospital, and the man who started little league baseball and the VFW in our hometown...everyone knew and loved him, like Jim.


    And to this day, almost 6 years later...I still have not come to terms with the fact I will never see my hero again. :-(

  17. What FA QBs were out there this year to bring in I don't think anyone better than Thad.

    Do you honestly think Thad Lewis is a better NFL QB than Michael Vick and/or Josh Freeman? I would take either one of them over Thad Lewis and Jeff Tuel ANY day, and all day on Sunday. Matt Schaub was available for cheap too, and I would rather have him than Thad Lewis.


    As for Terrell Pryor, he would be the best competition/backup to EJ Manuel...that way there is no reason to have to change the playbook and/or the way they call the plays when Manuel or Pryor are in the game. They have the same skillset...whereas if you waste a 4th round draft pick on Aaron Murray, how similar are he and EJ? How much would they have to change things when Murray went in for Manuel? I think it's fair to say quite a bit, and/or more than they want to.


    (And I say "waste" because I believe they can find a starting-quality player in the 4th round...at least a situational player who sees the field for a good percentage of the time, rather than a rookie QB who will be sitting on the bench...even if there is an injury to the starting QB.)



    Caption this...

    "She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck...thighs like what, what, what...Baby move your butt, butt, butt!"


    Wait a minute...that's not Sisqo?

  18. Tony didn't say which 6 people were there. He may have invited them and they declined, but I doubt it.

    You clearly did not read the article...it said that Stevie Johnson, Kevin Elliott, Brandon Kaufman, Tony Moeaki, CJ Spiller and Robert Woods were all there. I read somewhere else that Woods and Goodwin are taking classes, so it was hard for them to be there.


    I am sure an invitation was extended to the rest of the skilled players...but most of them are probably rehabbing injuries. (or finishing school.)



    As for Mike Caussin...I really do not think he is any competition for Moeaki, Gragg or any other TE we bring in. He is camp fodder every year and never makes the team...and from what I have seen of him, he is nothing to get excited over or even hope makes the team. He can't catch or block. lol.


    "Moeaki is currently one of five tight ends on the Bills roster, and he'll be in heavy competition for playing time following the contract extensions of Scott Chandler and Mike Caussin." (Statement from the article posted above.)



    Your top 4 picks would go a long way to filling positional needs. How realistic is it for Bitonio to fall that far? I think Mayock has him as his 4th or 5th best OT.

    Bucky Brooks has Bitonio going very early in the 2nd round, maybe even pick #33.


    But, what exactly is this? Is there a link to go to...or do we just pick our mocks and put them here?

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