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Posts posted by thronethinker

  1. Shut it down, fellas. Bills don't pass this guy's eyeball test.


    Ya, mostly because all of the other teams at 5-3 are so great. Its like they don't have any issues. They all pass my balls test. I think they may all win the Super Bowl this year.

  2. It is going to get ugly in the big city and you will probably get more players hurt when the Jets start pounding.





    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.


    Just an FYI, the Jets don't play in theBig City. The Jets don't play in New York State. There is only 1 NY State football team. It's pretty sad when your city is so screwed up your NFL teams can't afford to play there. So maybe the Jets should move to LA.

  3. I know the Bills is 4-3 and my Jets ain't doing so good but you have to dig a little. The Jets just pretty much beat the Patriots at their place and the Patriots smacked you guys around all day in your quaint little home park there. It is going to get ugly in the big city and you will probably get more players hurt when the Jets start pounding.


    It is to bad to cuz I hate the Patriots and I don't really mind the Bills. The Jets might be far enough behind to not catch the Patriots and the Bills is sure gonna lose a lot more games.


    I think getting Percy helps but 10-6 is the best we can do and I think we might lose one more game so 9-7 is probably our record. At least Geno is getting good. I feel bad for you guys that Kyle Orton sucks so bad and EJ is washed up when you coulda had Geno. I might go to the game and don't want to laugh at you guys but I think the game will be funny.



    P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.



    Are you posting this from your Rikers Island cell or 3rd Grade Classroom?

  4. In week 7 you don't need convincing wins, you just need wins. Week 1 everyone declared Seattle the default champion, yet they look very average. A win this week is a positive as all of the last Super Bowl Champs have Developedin the latter part of the season.

  5. I don't understand how London would work. All of their games would have to be night games so the visiting teams market could watch at 1 pm. And then what about a west coast team going to London? The game would start at what time there? Then London flies to West coast and no one in England sees the game because it didn't start until midnight. So basically no tv revenue.


    12-24 months away? Are they going to move a team mid season? No. So it's more like 15-20 months if true.

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