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Posts posted by Drifter

  1. So we've forgotten Kris Farris (?) the former Pitt O-lineman that didn't pan our from the Donohoe era due to injury...




    Unlike Farris Jenkins is worth a gamble. If he has healed from his surgery he can be a dominate DT. That can not be said about any of our current DT's.

  2. John Clayton was just on ESPN News and said it had nothing to do with Mularkeys family. Mularkey did not like the direction the organization was heading and felt he could not successfully bring in assiatant coaches or free agents to Buffalo.


    This is a critical time for the Bills. Ralph better open up the pocketbook and get the best possible coach in hear or our transformation into the Arizona Cardinals will be complete.

  3. The Defense is so abysmal they only alllowed 13 points to a team many consider the class of the nfc......  Look I know the defense allows really long drives, and against a team like carolina the last thing you want to do is allow their defense to stay fresh, and  the dline definitly needs to be improved, but the d played well today against a good team, and Held the nfl's leading receiver in check. 

    When you allow only 13 points you should win in this league.  Mularkey was brought in to make this offense better, but due to lack of quality offensive linemen and suspect playcalling we have gotten progressivly worse on that side of the ball.



    Living in Charlotte I have watched the Panthers a lot. Their offense is a one man show.


    If Steve Smith doesn't make big plays they will usually lose. The running game is inconsistent and is abandoned by the second half in most games. Our defense allowed them to run throughout the game. I give the Bills credit for keeping Steve Smith under wraps most of the game, but don't act like they stopped a potent offensive team.

  4. Spaten Oktoberfest is my favorite German Bier. (Ja Sure!)

    They have brewed it so it just barely never quenches your thirst... leaving you craving for another, then another and then another.

    Ein Prosit!




    I'm a big fan of Munich Beers. If you like Spaten you would love Paulaner or Augustiner. They are the two most respected breweries in Munich.

  5. 0:09 to go, you're down by 21 points.  Rather than run out the clock, the Bills seem to have a burning desire to run another play; a screen pass?  Guess they wanted to give New England something to think about!!


    Thats the problem with KH, no arm!




    I'm not sure if it's Holcomb's arm strength that is the problem. The coaches must not trust the line to block long enough for a downfield pass play to develop. The Raiders had most of their DB's hurt and we still didn't attempt to go downfield.

  6. See what happens when you try and build your offensive line on the cheap? The only legitimate attempt at an impact lineman Donahoe has mad was MW. We all know MW is a 1st round bust. You could cut him some more slack if he was drafted lower, but for the 4th pick in the draft he's a bust.

    The Dolphins and Jets are not good teams. The victories over them gave many false hope. This team will have enough bright spots to tease us like every year but in the end they will still not be playoff caliber.

  7. If you are not set on the Northeast part of the country I would suggest looking at Charlotte. It's mainly a banking town with large suburbs for families. The downtown has improved considerably since I moved here 11 years ago.

    The economy is strong the city growing significantly every year. If you have anything to do with the financial world you will find no problem getting a job. There are condos located within walking distance of good restaurants, nightclubs and most office buildings. Johnson and Wales University just opened a campus downtown so the restaurant scene should only improve over the coming years.

    The sports scene is good with the Panthers, Bobcats downtown. Almost every Nascar team is based just north of Charlotte and there is the PGA Wachovia Championship.

    There are nice choices for weekend getaways. Charlotte is 2 hours from the mountains and about 3 hours from Myrtle Beach.

  8. The Usual Suspects




    Verbal: You think you can catch Ron Mexico? You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught, and sticks his head out? If he comes up for anything it'll be to get rid of his herpes. After that... my guess is you'll never hear from him again.

  9. Not only is it ridiculous that these people come into the country illegally, but they also qualify for all kinds of benefits.  How the hell does that work?  Benefits should be for citizens or those that come here legally.  I hate the idea that my tax money goes to people that have come to this country illegally and contribute nothing to society.



    The big thing is they have children their born in this country. Once that happens it's next to impossible to deport them. The children automatically qualify for government assistance including Medicaid.

  10. The Panthers had to cut him b/c he would have cost close to $10 million against the cap if they didn't. He was just on tv here in Charlotte the vibe I got was his family would prefer him to resign with the Panthers than move again.


    Mushin has been a solid player but nothing special until this year when Steve Smith went down. He was drafted the same year as Moulds if I remember corredtly.

  11. The only thing I found surprising was the amount of infomercials during the broadcast selling cheap gizmos aimed directly at the gullible.




    I believe they were showing those commercials becsause they couldn't sell the ad space. The car and pharmaceutical companies that usually advertise during primetime didn't want to be linked w/ a UFO show.


    The veiwers watching someone eat maggots on Fear Factor is a more desirable demographic :devil:

  12. I've flown Lufthansa several times. It's a very good airline. They really treat you right. I would choose the direct flight to Europe. The flight is long enough without a layover after you have crossed the ocean.


    Wish I could help with tips for Frankfurt, but I spent most of my time in Munich and Austria.

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