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Posts posted by UBBullsfan

  1. Okay, here we are again. 16 years. Here's the good news: the Bills appear to have a QB. That's kind of an important thing. More good news: this is not a Dick Jauron team that overachieved and somehow bumbled its way to 7-9. This is a team that actually has a lot of good football players on its roster. What they HAVE to do is go Ron Rivera/Panthers style and see this regime through. No one is hiring Greg Roman as their head coach. They need to bring everyone (save for Crossman- let him be the fall guy, deservedly so) back and give it another two goes minimum. ABSOLUTELY bring Whaley back.


    If I could select one adjective to use to describe this team it would be UNREFINED. Sammy Watkins is unrefined. He's talented but he needs to tighten his game up. They are undisciplined with respect to the penalties, their special teams, etc. Their field goal kicker is shaky. They do all the little things wrong that a team like the Kansas City Chiefs does right. Does anyone think this team can't be as good as the Kansas City Chiefs next year? Hell, does anyone think if this team made the playoffs this year that they couldn't beat anyone- save for the Patriots with a healthy Gronkowski- on their best day? They're not that far away. They just need to tighten things up. And that comes with familiarity and repetition, period.


    And for everyone who thinks Rex Ryan sucks, I can assure you that Panthers fans thought the same of Ron Rivera, that Bengals fans have thought the same of Marvin Lewis for over a decade, etc., etc. What doesn't work is the Browns model of recycling coaches and starting from scratch every two years. You gotta see this thing through folks. They need to go front seven in the first round- preferably a monster linebacker from the Big Ten or something. And you know Ryan will.


    As much as everyone wanted it to happen this year, this team has nothing to do with teams prior. This team, this regime is 0 for 1 and that's it. They have an owner who is playing with monopoly money and will tell his GM to spend whatever he wants. They're gonna be fine. Give Ryan a year to put together his own defense and let's see what happens. If we're having the same conversation a year from now, I'll be damned.

    Marvin Lewis hasn't won anything yet.


    When the team asks Tyrod Taylor to do much, he can't do it. When he throws over 30 times per game, they lose every time. He is a faster, less-cerebral Alex Smith. Can you see Alex Smith winning a superbowl? Me neither.

  2. Terry Pegula has a lot of money, but he might not spend it at as high of a clip as he is right now. So I think you will no longer see them massively overpay for players like they did this past offseason (Charles Clay).

    ​I know there are parallels between Tyrod Taylor and Mike Vick in terms of their college teams and general playing style, but I will draw one more parallel today: I don't see Tyrod reaching the ultimate level just like Vick never reached the ultimate level. Vick made it deep into the playoffs a couple times, but his skill set is not quite good enough to win a superbowl. I think the Bills will extend Tyrod but after 3 to 4 years they end up drafting a QB in the first round.

    ​I think Aaron Williams and one other Bill (Karlos Williams?) will retire early. I think the San Fran linebacker this past year will mark the beginning of a small trend in the NFL of players retiring early to protect their health.

    I think in 2 years the Bills defense will be dominant, once Rex has time to assemble players that are ideal for his scheme. It's tough to do that in one year. Right now our safeties are very bad and basically need a wholesale change (although Rambo looks like he might have a high ceiling).

  3. Greg Roman designs the gameplans as if he has a below average QB. That's the part that should concern you. For the most part, it seems like Greg Roman tells Tyrod what to do with the ball before each play. Kind of like what a college coach does with their QBs. This should concern you for 2 reasons: 1) Greg Roman wants a head coaching gig, and he will probably get one soon, so he will be gone. 2) It means that he thinks (wrong or right) that Tyrod is not a great quarterback.

  4. Typical WGR conversation:

    ​Mike Schoop: the Bills are coming off a big win, but you know what's more interesting (to me?)? Brian Gionta is on a cold streak. Let's talk about that today.

    ​Bulldog: Ok Mike sure thing. You're the boss.

    ​Mike Schoop: Ok let's go to Paul on the AT&T hotline? Paul what did you think of the Bills game?

    ​Paul Hamilton: well I thought they did good in some things and bad in others. They need to score more points while preventing opposing teams from scoring points. Tyrod Taylor is fast.

    ​Mike Schoop: well Paul I guess the question I really want to know is what did you think about Jack Eichel's assist last week? Pretty cool, huh??

    ​John Murphy: The bills are the greatest thing since sex. I love the Bills. The Bills do everything right.


    The concussion protocol helps for people with multiple concussions. But it still doesn't address the CTE issue of all the small hits hurting the brain. The protocol only ensures concussed people don't come back too soon.



    As I stated, there are certainly dangers in all aspects of you life, but you football is a game where hitting your head is part of the game.

    Small hits causing CTE is still speculation. Nothing conclusive yet.

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