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Posts posted by UBBullsfan

  1. The one positive that can be taken from this disappointing season is that we have a qb who may be a good franchise qb. Do we know for sure? Of course not. But anyone who is fair-minded has to acknowledge that he has most of the attributes (other than height) that a good qb has to have.


    As a passer he has the arm, touch and accuracy required to be a starter. It is readily apparent that he isn't very proficient in going through his progressions from the pocket but he has gotten better. Next year we should have a better sense as to whether he can master the challenge of making more than one read before throwing the ball.


    The addition of TT, a four year backup who decided to sign with us, was an unexpected bonus that few of us thought would materialize the way it did. If Rex was instrumental in that acquisition then he should be credited for it.


    If TT continues to improve, as I believe he will, then this team finally has the essential piece that at the minimum will allow this team to seriously compete. Putting things in perspective it is more important to have a capable qb established as our starting qb than to barely qualify for a wild-card spot this year.

    a "good franchise QB". What's wrong with a great franchise QB? Move up in the draft to select a true 1st round talent. Tyrod Taylor to me is no different than Thad Lewis save for his running ability. They are both strong armed, one read quarterbacks.

  2. I believe that the first (& most important) step is getting there.


    Is that what we're arguing? We should flush every QB who may not be able to win the big one until we find one who can win the big one? Is that really what you're saying because it appears that that is exactly what you're saying. How long do you suppose this process will take?

    Have to draft a clear cut 1st round quarterback. No more Losman and EJ Manuel gambles.

  3. One of them is a hall of fame player.....


    One of them was horrible in his initial years and turned into a good qb


    By the way...Alex Smith and TT are NOTHING alike.....the only thing they have in common is they take care of the ball.




    This team would have been THRILLED to have Alex Smith at a certain point. He is the definition of game manager.

    I would never be OK with Alex Smith as my QB. Stuck in mediocrity. The Chiefs try to do what the Bills tried to do: good defense, good running game, decent passing game. Doesn't get it done. You need an elite quarterback.

  4. He IS being trusted to read the field......he is a starting QB in the NFL and according to the statistics a pretty darn good one


    He IS however a 1st year starter....he has been holding a clipboard and barely had ANY game experience prior to this year in the NFL


    I really dont understand peoples thinking sometimes.....what you have is a EXPERIENCED ROOKIE.....you do not have a 2 or 3 year starting qb. You have a QB that has less then a years starting experience.


    He is playing better then the top 2 rookies of this last draft (which was considered a strong QB draft)....he takes care of the ball.

    I swear to christ I think people would be more happy if he was throwing 3 TDs a game....300 yards....and 2 picks.....


    Trust me....a QB that doesnt throw the ball away is MUCH more valuable.

    Alex Smith doesn't throw picks. Brett Favre did. A lot. Who would you rather have on your team?
  5. He is not TRYING to develop his passing game


    He IS developing his passing game.......which now including over the middle throws, throws from the pocket, and screens (it would help if the O line got the DL hands down on the screen plays)

    John... Taylor right now is like a system quarterback under Greg Roman. Roman is basically telling Taylor what to do with the ball before each snap. That is hardly developing your game. As of right now, Taylor is a thrower, not a passer.

  6. christ

    Nobody is saying that there is not



    In all serious do you REALLY think TT is afraid to do anything on that field?


    This is a guy that gets out and blocks for the running back on designed runs....knowing full well that he is putting himself in a position to get destroyed by a 250 pound heatseaking missile linebacker


    IMO this is by design....he is being TOLD not to run all the time and work on his skills throwing from within the pocket. If he is being coached to do it then is the fault Tyrods? We dont know.

    Scrambling will never win you a superbowl. Mike Vick got deep into the playoffs a few times but never won it all. I think in 2015 everyone knows this, including Tyrod, so he is trying to develop his passing game.

  7. My point is that in some of these games Tyrod was scoring points in attempts to bring us back and fell short.


    If they were not behind to begin with perhaps he doesnt fall short on game tieing drives?


    People seem to forget what this team was supposed to be predicated on at the beginning of the season.....without Tyrod Taylor we are picking possibly top 5 in this next draft.....

    It is symptomatic that he doesn't perform well under pressure. The 1st (and 2nd Patriot game). The Giant game. The Chiefs game. The Eagles game. Did anyone really feel in their guts that Taylor could knock the socks off of the opposing defense and win the game with his arm? My gut told me no. Just like when EJ tried to manufacture a final drive against the Jags. Didn't you just know that it wasn't going to happen?

  8. Bill Bellichick knows his stuff. Probably will go down as the greatest coach in history (I hate the Patriots, but if you don't think he's a great coach you are just wrong). With his gameplan in both of those games, he basically said "Ok Tyrod Taylor, beat us" and he could not. Bill Bellichick probably heard about Tyrod's great QB rating. He did not care. That's why he is a future hall of fame coach, and we are fans.

    This matters because we need a quarterback like Tom Brady who gets angry. There are probably a big percentage of players in the league that winning is not on the top of their priority list. It is a job to them. But when you have a player that has the right genes to be a natural winner, that's when you get a good team. I think this is why the Bills come up small at every moment when they need to come up big.

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